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Everything posted by Aldrin

  1. I want the video to play smoothly on scroll, here on my code pen demo it's not smooth, how do I make it better?
  2. I want the Stats Bar to grow from bottom instead of top
  3. Aldrin

    Gsap svg Rotation

    ok got it, thanks
  4. Aldrin

    Gsap svg Rotation

    this is exactly what I am looking for, but why transformOrigin : 'center center' not working here?
  5. Aldrin

    Gsap svg Rotation

    I'm trying to rotate each circle counterclockwise on its axis as well as have the circles revolve on their orbits. not sure why its not working, please help...
  6. Sorry, I'm new to this. thank you for the help.....
  7. hmmm, It appears that you have all given up on me.....
  8. https://codepen.io/aldrinbright/pen/NWyPdBZ Here's the code, I'm trying to add snap to section one ( I want to increase the snap speed) , and in section two I want the section two to be pinned until the scroll animation is done. when I pin Section two the other pinned section breaks, please help
  9. when I add this snap object, snapping stops working
  10. I'd like the snapping to be a little faster, it's taking too long.
  11. How to add different ease to different container for horizontal container as well as vertical container
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