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Is there a GSAP-driven horizontal image slider

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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hi, I love your extra.slider project: clean, little overhead and functional.


There's ONE thing I don't like at all: it depends on jQuery. Since I'm developing in Vue.js I don't need/want to invoke jQuery. Any chance you can find the time to build a vanilla js ES2015/16 version? This version would give Angular, Vue, React, etc. developers a clean basis to scaffold.

If you can I could contribute by creating a Vue.js components system based on your lib.



jQuery is mostly used (also by you) to do queries in the DOM. Notice today we have https://developer.mozilla.org/nl/docs/Web/API/Document/querySelector

  • Like 1
Jean-Baptiste Janot
Hi @violacase


Thanks for the feedback.

I work almost exclusively with jQuery, and do not have the need to update the code in order to remove the dependancie, and to be honest not the time either.

However, do not hesitate to edit the code and propose a pull request, I would study it for a potential merge.


Thanks again.

Have a nice day!
  • Like 1

Hi jbjanot,


Thanks for your reply. I could but it's a long time ago I worked with jQuery. Unfortunately I also can't find some time to work on this :-( 

Well, maybe later.


Keep up the good work!

  • 2 weeks later...
Vitalii Bahmet
Hi Jean-Baptiste,


Many thanks for responce. I've used other solution but will definitely yours one in the future projects.

Good luck! 




  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Mr Dipscom,


Please report to sub-level 6 of GreenSock Tower North. We have an, uhmm... special gift we would like to give you.




  • Like 4

Just a slight correction to Carl's post.  Dipscom - your special gift is actually in the courtyard of GreenSock Tower North. The people are anxious to see you. 




  • Like 4

Nice one violacase. That's a very handy site. It got such traction that another one for JavaScript spawned (but don't say it out too loud, one can die by stoning here if heard dissing JS).


Why does almost every example have a caveat? Silly CSS fanatics... behavior is for JavaScript.


Here's another one, but without the "might" part. You don't need JavaScript!



This all stems from something called progressive enhancement, and some people take it way too seriously. It's like killing baby pandas...



Now when did you get that shiny new moderator badge? I just noticed that. Congrats!


You've been on roll lately. Now you need to get to 1,000 posts. That's when Jack will give the day off to drive around in a lime green Ferrari.



  • Like 3
Jean-Baptiste Janot

Hi all,


Obviously javascript is less and less a requirement with some interactions widgets, like a slider.

For example, I was using javascript to hide and show navigation panels on mobile, until I figured out there was no drawbacks doing it with a checkbox and css transitions : no regrets !


That said, it is more a matter of complexity you need to achieve. A super simple css slider might be enough using only css, but might not if you need infinite looping, or callback events, or more complex transitions or whatever...


Anyway, going back to the subject of migrating from jquery to vanilla js : youmightnotneedjquery.com is indeed a good starting place.

Although it will still need a port to a vanilla plugin architecture too (like this one ?).


Still, I'm not sure I'll have time to do it, but I will obviously keep it in mind.


Have a nice day guys !


Now when did you get that shiny new moderator badge? I just noticed that. Congrats!


Yes - I'll 2nd that. Congratulations on the Moderator Badge. You have been crushing it on the forum lately - well deserved good sir. I can only assume you're on a 24 hour IV drip of caffeine.  

  • Like 1

Dear Mr Dipscom,


Please report to sub-level 6 of GreenSock Tower North. We have an, uhmm... special gift we would like to give you.







Just a slight correction to Carl's post.  Dipscom - your special gift is actually in the courtyard of GreenSock Tower North. The people are anxious to see you. 





Why does almost every example have a caveat? Silly CSS fanatics... behavior is for JavaScript.


Here's another one, but without the "might" part. You don't need JavaScript!



This all stems from something called progressive enhancement, and some people take it way too seriously. It's like killing baby pandas...



Now when did you get that shiny new moderator badge? I just noticed that. Congrats!


You've been on roll lately. Now you need to get to 1,000 posts. That's when Jack will give the day off to drive around in a lime green Ferrari.




Now, now people. Here we are again, this moderator gang hijacking threads... Shame on you lot.


Blake, the moderator badge is your fault. You dangled a carrot in front of me and I made a little comment to Jack. Next morning, I have this crushing responsibility on my shoulders and a migraine. I am well aware you are all in cahoots in this.


I wasn't aware of this lime green Ferrari! I was promised a glass of milk and a biscuit! 0.0


Yes - I'll 2nd that. Congratulations on the Moderator Badge. You have been crushing it on the forum lately - well deserved good sir. I can only assume you're on a 24 hour IV drip of caffeine.  


I'm still behind you, better watch your back. I'm catching up. Two weeks holiday you said? Better take your laptop with you. (thank you)


Now, we really should stop with this hijack... Or Mr. Jack GreenSock himself is going to throw lightning in all of us.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Jean-Baptiste,


Extra Slider looks like just what I need for an upcoming project.  In my project, however, I will need to implement a horizontal slider bar to control the image slider.  Looking through this post and your demos, I don't see an example that includes a slider bar.  Do you know if one exists? (And if not, I'll give it a go).


Here's a Flash example of what my client wants for behaviour:



Thanks for any info,


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