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PointC last won the day on April 20

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  1. PointC's post in ScrollTrigger : Simple fadeIn/fadeOut onEnter/onLeave with scrub was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to the forum.
    I'd probably use a yoyo and repeat:1 for the opacity in/out. Also making sure the ease is set to none as this is a scrub:true situation.

    See the Pen dyLwoej by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Hopefully that helps. Happy tweening and welcome aboard.

  2. PointC's post in Scrolltrigger drawSVG maintain path length as it progresses was marked as the answer   
    You'll want to put all the tweens on a timeline and move the scrollTrigger to the timeline rather than the single tween.

    See the Pen gOyQWqY by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Hopefully that helps. Happy tweening.
  3. PointC's post in Is it possible to have the svg path change colours as the object moves along it (using ScrollTrigger)? was marked as the answer   
    You can set the stroke-dasharray and animate the stroke-dashoffset with CSS, but I'd recommend using drawSVG as it solves a lot of browser inconsistencies. 
    Happy tweening.
  4. PointC's post in Is it possible to use MotionPath to start at the end of a path and go backward? was marked as the answer   
    sure - just use the start/end properties
      motionPath: {     align: sparklePath,     path: sparklePath,     alignOrigin: [0.5, -0.5],     start: 1,     end: 0   }, Happy tweening.  
  5. PointC's post in text highlight effect on scroll was marked as the answer   
    Hi @michael_feh
    Welcome to the forum.
    We've had a few threads about that effect and you're correct - it's pretty easy with SplitText. Here are a couple demos I posted as answers for one of the older threads. They should point you in the right direction.

    See the Pen MWQJWqJ by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen

    See the Pen NWybQow by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Happy tweening and welcome aboard.
  6. PointC's post in Seamlessly loop of complicated logo section was marked as the answer   
    I like the solution above provided by @mvaneijgen. 👍
    Another approach would be to put each target on its own timeline and those timelines are added to the parent.  I've also moved some of the CSS settings to GSAP in the JS so you can change the width/height of the targets with one variable and also set the number of targets that visibly move across the stage. This also sets the start of the timeline to the proper point where the stage is filled at the beginning. Again, the above solution is great, I'm just throwing out other ideas. Happy tweening.
    See the Pen KKENxwp by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen

  7. PointC's post in Hover event that triggers different animation on target and the rest of the elements. was marked as the answer   
    The play once problem is because the timelines have already played. You can solve that with:
    element.addEventListener("mouseover", () => tl1.play(0)); element.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => tl2.play(0)); Many times, you can hover an item and simply reverse the timeline when you mouseleave. Like this.

    See the Pen rNqbOxm by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    You can also just use tweens and target the entire array except for the one you hover. Something like this:

    See the Pen YzgpJJq by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Hopefully that helps. Anything  React specific will have to wait for someone else as I have no React knowledge.
  8. PointC's post in Using draw SVG and motionPath - best way to handle responsiveness was marked as the answer   
    Images inside an SVG need to be written a little differently.
    I've also switched this to a timeline with the ScrollTrigger attached to the timeline itself. 

    See the Pen 652dec827d2ee326aee800655ad68620 by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Happy tweening.
  9. PointC's post in How to continue animation from previous timeline animation? was marked as the answer   
    If you want to use two separate tweens each with a ScrollTrigger, you can add immediateRender:false on the second one.

    See the Pen 0a38dd989e8bc89274ad12a63919ea1c by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
  10. PointC's post in Image not appearing when trying to use Motion Path was marked as the answer   
    Looks like you just forgot to load the MotionPath plugin.

    See the Pen XWOLbmL?editors=1010 by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Happy tweening..

  11. PointC's post in Ellipse problem was marked as the answer   
    You have a viewBox on your SVG but no explicit size so it expands to the full size of any screen. The transform point for the scale is in the upper left of the ellipse so this appears to move a lot as it scales. I assume you wanted something more like this:

    See the Pen 5cde8a90ca32abcf9b8e14c08fdaecbb by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Happy tweening.

  12. PointC's post in How to animate arc along svg circle path smoothly? was marked as the answer   
    For circles and arcs, I find it easier to clone the original circle path, show a section of it and simply rotate around its center. Super simple with the drawSVG plugin.

    See the Pen a33f6c2d7e7fa58d1c50e59a4f3ea24e by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    You can also use the pathLength = "1" trick and achieve the same result without the plugin.

    See the Pen f9214e6d849c0bec87e065008e4b855e by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Just my two cents, Happy tweening.

  13. PointC's post in Update color text (by chars) with scrolltrigger was marked as the answer   
    That's not working because you have the same trigger, start time and duration for all the characters. You'd simply need a stagger to make this work.

    See the Pen 9a4e6975199dfb94f824ed859306297b by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Just FYI - I'd look hard at SplitText as it makes this much easier and you won't have such a verbose HTML section. 
    Happy tweening.

  14. PointC's post in Draw in button border clockwise from top center was marked as the answer   
    Just modify your start/end percentages:

    See the Pen 892842f1056c3bd18093804305c0d32c by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Happy tweening.
  15. PointC's post in Clipping mask problem in animation was marked as the answer   
    When you're clipping an H1 separate from the SVG, I'd recommend just using a container div for the H1 and setting overflow to hidden. Something like this:

    See the Pen EMOwaO by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Just a few other notes:
    You could save a lot of JS if you apply a common class or select an array of groups to apply your autoAlpha set(). Currently you have 20 identical set() tweens in a row. I'm not sure setting the autoAlpha:1 is necessary as that would be its default state. No need for <body> tags in the HTML panel of CodePen You can load scripts via the little gear icon on the JS panel rather than pasting the script tags in the HTML panel  
    Happy tweening.
  16. PointC's post in How do I capture the initial value of an item? was marked as the answer   
    Here's a quick demo with a loop through the targets and creating a simple timeline for each. Then we add the enter/leave listener to play/reverse the timeline on hover.

    See the Pen rNqbOxm by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Happy tweening.

  17. PointC's post in MorphSVG - How to reinstate an effect after it's use in a reusable function. was marked as the answer   
    Yep - the relative value on each iteration is the culprit here. There are a few ways to solve it, but I think the easiest is just to set the lines back to 0 after they fade out. Add this to the end of the timeline in the clearData() function and you'll be good to go. You also won't need relative y values on the tweens in that function with this change. Just y:20 will work perfectly.
    tl.set("#para-long-line, #para-short-line", { y: 0}); Happy tweening.

  18. PointC's post in Inner Overflow Section Scroll Feature was marked as the answer   
    From your description, it sounds like you need to wrap that scrolling block of text in a parent container and pin everything while it scrolls. Here's a fork of your pen.

    See the Pen qBJKzLo by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Hopefully that helps. Happy tweening.
  19. PointC's post in Animations only visible in a div was marked as the answer   
    1. Yes - that's usually accomplished with overflow:hidden.
    2. Yes - but remember zIndex only applies to positioned elements.
  20. PointC's post in Incremental animation issues on quick button clicks was marked as the answer   
    You could check if the target is is tweening and ignore the clicks.
    Or give the tween a reference, say 'spin', and then force the progress to 1 if the user clicks too quickly and spin is still active. So the code would be something like this.
    if (spin && spin.isActive()) {   spin.progress(1); } https://greensock.com/docs/v3/GSAP/Tween/isActive()
    Hopefully that helps. Happy tweening and thanks for being a club member.

  21. PointC's post in Two scrolltiggers applied to an array of items was marked as the answer   
    y transforms with the element you're using as the trigger can be a little confusing. Especially with two ScrollTriggers on the same element. IMHO it would probably be easiest to use a parent element around your .events and use that as the trigger. That way you're not animating the actual trigger element. Something like this should work.

    See the Pen VwEGVLK by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Hopefully that helps. Happy tweening.
  22. PointC's post in SVG line showing before animation starts with DrawSVGPlugin was marked as the answer   
    Just a bit of FOUC. This should help.
    Happy tweening and thanks for being a club member.

  23. PointC's post in GSAP numbers roundup on timeline was marked as the answer   
    snap: { textContent: 1 }
    See the Pen 10c8677689d49df47fe1e690eca483cb by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Happy tweening and thanks for being a club member.

  24. PointC's post in With GSAP SplitText, how to animate the words of each line in the same time ? was marked as the answer   
    You'd need to loop through each line and select the bottom/top .char in those lines and start all tweens at 0. Something like this.

    See the Pen b300c7bf37ea7a9567e1733d87bbbe30 by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen
    Just FYI - you had an ease on the timeline itself, but timelines don't have eases. I moved that power4.inOut ease to the defaults for the timeline so it would be applied to each tween.
    Hopefully that helps. Happy tweening and thanks for being a club member.

  25. PointC's post in ScrollSmoother image height calculation for data-speed was marked as the answer   
    I don't follow what you're asking. Are you talking about a parallax effect. If so, you want the child larger than the container and set the speed to auto. From the docs:
    "auto" speed
    When you set the speed to "auto", it will calculate how far it can move inside its parent container in the direction of the largest gap (up or down). So it's perfect for parallax effects - just make the child larger than its parent, align it where you want it (typically its top edge at the top of the container, or the bottom edge at the bottom of the container) and let ScrollSmoother do its magic. Obviously set overflow: hidden on the parent so it clips the child.
    If that's not what you meant, could you please provide a minimal demo? Thanks and happy tweening.
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