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  3. I can get the hand to "stick" to the end of the arm when the animation starts, but the minute update Paths starts, the coordinate system gets wonky. I'm trying to use the motion path plugin relative path function, but just can't get it right. Also would like to rotate the hand from 6 to 12 o clock while it's moving, but that's a dream right now.
  4. Hi Rodrigo, thanks for your reply. However, it's quite different from the original. I want to use the <dialog> element (for all its benefits). Also, I was using the useGSAP() function.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Hi, I would like to achieve this type of effect using GSAP : animate the skewY property while scrolling : https://codepen.io/rauldronca/pen/yQrmeE My first attempt is below, but with the obvious problem that GSAP seems to ignore the duration property, and reverts to the original skewY:0rad almost instantly. <div class="blocks-container"> <div style="width:100px;height:100px">BOX A</div> <div style="width:100px;height:100px">BOX B</div> <div style="width:100px;height:100px">BOX C</div> <div style="width:100px;height:100px">BOX D</div> </div> var obs01 = Observer.create({ target: 'blocks-container', type: "wheel,touch", onChange: function(self){ //Compute the distortion var newRad = Math.round((self.velocityY/5000)*2, 2); //var newRad = Math.round((self.deltaY/1000)*2, 2); //Put limits on distortion if(newRad > 0.125){ newRad = 0.125; }else if(newRad < -0.125){ newRad = -0.125; } //Apply distortion that will (should) last 3 seconds to get back to the normal "skewY:0rad" gsap.fromTo('.blocks-container > div', { duration: 3, skewY: newRad+"rad", }, { ease: "sine.out", duration: 3, skewY: "0rad", }); }, });
  7. (https://e-money.madebyburo.com/ ) How can I make a line scrolling downwards on the left in the services block on the website? https://prnt.sc/gY1V00Hm1YO-
  8. Hi, To illustrate the concept Mitchel was referring to with loops let's look at this snippet: <div class="element-1"></div> <div class="element-1"></div> <div class="element-2"></div> <div class="element-2"></div> <div class="element-1"></div> <div class="element-1"></div> <div class="element-2"></div> <div class="element-2"></div> So you have interchanged elements with two classes, nothing out of the ordinary, right? But what happens if you write this JS? const elOne = gsap.utils.toArray(".element-1"); const elTwo = gsap.utils.toArray(".element-2"); elOne.forEach((el, i) => { gsap.to(el, { x: 100, scrollTrigger: { trigger: el, start: "top center", end: "bottom center", pin: true, }, }); }); elTwo.forEach((el, i) => { gsap.to(el, { x: -100, scrollTrigger: { trigger: el, start: "top center", end: "bottom center", pin: true, }, }); }); That will pin all 4 elements with the element-1 class including the final two that are before or above the first two elements with the class element-2. So the calculations made by ScrollTrigger for the two final element-1 elements will be wrong because of the pin space created in the second loop, so in those cases after the final loop is a good idea to run the refresh method: https://gsap.com/docs/v3/Plugins/ScrollTrigger/static.refresh() const elOne = gsap.utils.toArray(".element-1"); const elTwo = gsap.utils.toArray(".element-2"); elOne.forEach((el, i) => { ... }); elTwo.forEach((el, i) => { ... }); ScrollTrigger.refresh(); In order to correctly run it's calculations, ScrollTrigger needs to take the document to the top (scroll to zero) that's why you see that jump. You can use the clearScrollMemory method in order to keep the document at the top and avoid that jump back to the previous scroll position when reloading: https://gsap.com/docs/v3/Plugins/ScrollTrigger/static.clearScrollMemory() Finally I forked your demo and replaced the images with a placeholder (the url you were using is not working) and it seems to work as expected when I reload the page in the debug mode on the latest Chrome and Firefox on Ubuntu 20 & 22: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/PovzpJr Debug: https://cdpn.io/pen/debug/PovzpJr Maybe there is a way to reproduce this that I'm missing 🤷‍♂️ Happy Tweening!
  9. Hi, I think you are overcomplicating this a bit. Having the element inside a flex container that centers it adds a layer of complexity regarding the initial position. Is better to have the element with position absolute so the coordinates x: 0 and y: 0 are the top left of the screen and not the center. Then just use the option to create random values on each repeat: https://gsap.com/docs/v3/GSAP/gsap.to()#random-values Here is a fork of your demo: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/oNRLZNE Hopefully this helps. Happy Tweening!
  10. Hi, This is mostly about the way position: sticky works. It works as a relative element until it becomes sticky, then it behaves as fixed/absolute, therefore is taken out of the document flow, the same applies with the cards in your left column which are absolutely positioned: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/position#sticky Here is a fork of your demo with some changes to the styles and the JS logic: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/mdYErob Hopefully this helps. Happy Tweening!
  11. Thanks for being so kind and forgiving. We have the best customers. 💚
  12. Hey huge thanks @GreenSock 🥳 No problem for me, I'm not mad at you. You're great, mistakes happen to everyone 💪 Best day! Sam
  13. Very sorry about that, @Sam Tremblay! It was completely our fault. Our hosting company is migrating us to a new, upgraded server and forgot to disable cronjobs, so it resulted in duplicate charges for several customers. I'm so sorry! Please accept our apologies. We refunded the charges almost immediately, but it might take a little time to show up on your card. This is embarrassing and completely unacceptable in my view. We place a TON of value on trust that we've built with our customers and this was a violation of that trust. Ugh! I'm really angry about this and I hope you can forgive us. Again, you should be all set very shortly. No further action is required on your part, but let us know if you don't see the refund soon.
  14. Sup GSAP Team! I paid my subscription before de renew this 3th May and I got charged again this 22th May for the renewal I suppose, but my renew is the 13. Could you help me with that please :)? Thank you!
  15. something like this? I created a simple timeline where the img goes up first then the right-text comes from the bottom https://codepen.io/ahmed-attia/pen/XWwKXQq?editors=1010
  16. Here's an example I made when testing different approaches such as using position:relative for the card (.box in this example) https://codepen.io/theSolTrain/pen/NWVrNBX - Here the nav works just fine, but the animation isn't what I'm looking for.
  17. Hey folks, I've been trying to get this animation working for a few days now and I keep getting close but I can't quite nail the navigation. In the 'Pen you'll see what I'm trying to achieve. However in summary: I'm trying to create an interface where a user scrolls through a series of cards. These cards scale to 1 and opacity to 0, it disappears revealing the next card, and so on. On the right is a navigation that highlights each nav item as the user scrolls through the cards. They are also clickable and should scroll the cards to the corresponding one. I can achieve both functionalities separately however when I combine them the navigation stops working correctly. I think it's related to the cards being either set to position:sticky or absolute. If I leave them as relative then everything works, however I don't get the desired animation for the cards. I've been scratching my head a lot on this, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated ❤️ Thanks
  18. Hi, You can borrow some logic from these demos: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/wvZqwyg https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/zYXWVdw Happy Tweening!
  19. Hi, I'm not really following your setup TBH. This is the most reliable way I know to create and handle a modal in React using GSAP and React Transition Group: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-vlpbvk?file=src%2FModal.jsx,src%2FApp.jsx Hopefully this helps. Happy Tweening!
  20. I found this older topic that basically does what I want, but for GSAP 2: I then created https://codepen.io/dsdsdsdsdsds/pen/RwmRwRL to try to implement it for GSAP 3, but I struggle to keep the animated element within the viewport. Also, it seems that every now and then it does not update to new random coordinates, but keeps the ones from the previous iteration. Any idea how I can get it working? I tried various options like yoyo, onComplete, onRepeat, using a timeline etc.
  21. Hi, Most likely this is related to the calculations you're making for the bounds. Here is a simple demo that shows a minimal setup for something like the URL you posted: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/xxNOVgB Hopefully this helps. Happy Tweening!
  22. Ah yeah, that's because I just installed yarn berry for that particular project. That would change depending on the users setup I'm feeling *tentatively* good about this then.... I'll update the docs (and wait for the new edge cases to start flooding in 🫠) unsafeHttpWhitelist: - "npm.greensock.com" npmScopes: gsap: npmRegistryServer: "https://npm.greensock.com" npmAuthToken: <YOUR TOKEN>
  23. @cassie likewise, thank you! Your solution worked for me, though I had to remove the first line of your .yarnrc.yml. My .yarnrc.yml currently looks like this: unsafeHttpWhitelist: - "npm.greensock.com" npmScopes: gsap: npmRegistryServer: "https://npm.greensock.com" npmAuthToken: <YOUR TOKEN> Happy to help!
  24. <svg width="231.02" height="65.626" viewBox="0 0 231.02 65.626" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g id="svgGroup" stroke-linecap="round" fill-rule="evenodd" font-size="9pt" stroke="#000" stroke-width="0.25mm" fill="#000" style="stroke:#000;stroke-width:0.25mm;fill:#000"><path d="M 39.941 27.466 L 39.941 31.982 A 14.549 14.549 0 0 1 39.387 31.993 Q 37.372 31.993 35.977 31.399 A 5.197 5.197 0 0 1 34.985 30.847 A 3.87 3.87 0 0 1 33.59 28.932 Q 33.352 28.262 33.27 27.43 A 9.375 9.375 0 0 1 33.228 26.514 L 33.228 25.928 Q 32.985 26.171 32.641 26.457 A 14.24 14.24 0 0 1 32.422 26.636 A 13.804 13.804 0 0 1 32.018 26.946 Q 31.65 27.219 31.177 27.539 A 37.524 37.524 0 0 1 12.602 33.25 A 45.343 45.343 0 0 1 10.449 33.301 A 33.218 33.218 0 0 1 8.215 33.228 Q 7.129 33.154 6.079 33.008 Q 1.245 32.3 0.195 28.149 Q 0 27.441 0 26.855 A 3.73 3.73 0 0 1 0.038 26.3 Q 0.147 25.583 0.568 25.342 A 1.004 1.004 0 0 1 1.074 25.22 A 1.09 1.09 0 0 1 1.348 25.257 Q 1.477 25.291 1.619 25.354 A 2.746 2.746 0 0 1 1.88 25.488 Q 2.016 25.556 2.246 25.855 A 4.64 4.64 0 0 1 2.283 25.903 A 12.344 12.344 0 0 0 2.425 26.089 Q 2.661 26.392 3.027 26.831 A 8.581 8.581 0 0 0 3.46 27.337 Q 3.703 27.6 3.943 27.808 Q 4.395 28.198 4.883 28.491 A 6.585 6.585 0 0 0 5.857 28.934 Q 6.482 29.163 7.239 29.321 A 13.331 13.331 0 0 0 8.731 29.541 Q 9.518 29.614 10.394 29.614 A 14.726 14.726 0 0 0 10.4 29.614 A 37.004 37.004 0 0 0 15.724 29.242 A 33.025 33.025 0 0 0 17.017 29.028 Q 20.166 28.442 23.096 27.295 A 38.993 38.993 0 0 0 26.28 25.865 Q 29.401 24.278 31.146 22.51 A 10.632 10.632 0 0 0 31.47 22.168 A 22.88 22.88 0 0 0 32.736 20.623 Q 33.909 19.046 34.329 17.763 A 5.189 5.189 0 0 0 34.473 17.236 A 2.907 2.907 0 0 1 35.075 16.396 Q 35.665 15.838 36.545 15.76 A 3.334 3.334 0 0 1 36.841 15.747 Q 38.721 15.747 38.721 17.92 A 4.329 4.329 0 0 1 38.676 18.516 Q 38.636 18.806 38.559 19.13 A 8.808 8.808 0 0 1 38.452 19.531 Q 38.247 20.242 37.912 21.124 A 32.981 32.981 0 0 1 37.695 21.68 Q 36.776 23.623 36.626 24.869 A 3.952 3.952 0 0 0 36.597 25.269 A 1.94 1.94 0 0 0 36.705 25.846 A 1.675 1.675 0 0 0 36.939 26.282 Q 37.256 26.709 37.72 26.978 A 3.354 3.354 0 0 0 38.467 27.293 A 4.018 4.018 0 0 0 38.77 27.368 A 4.777 4.777 0 0 0 39.746 27.47 A 4.691 4.691 0 0 0 39.941 27.466 Z M 25.83 17.236 L 25.757 17.236 Q 24.342 17.236 24.43 15.87 A 2.811 2.811 0 0 1 24.439 15.771 A 2.164 2.164 0 0 1 25.011 14.529 Q 25.598 13.866 26.777 13.325 A 10.125 10.125 0 0 1 27.1 13.184 Q 28.906 12.329 30.847 11.34 Q 32.788 10.352 34.729 9.326 Q 36.67 8.301 38.513 7.251 A 111.214 111.214 0 0 0 40.938 5.831 A 93.931 93.931 0 0 0 41.968 5.2 A 245.331 245.331 0 0 0 43.497 4.276 A 196.423 196.423 0 0 0 44.91 3.406 A 89.619 89.619 0 0 1 46.042 2.713 Q 46.561 2.401 47.031 2.129 A 51.53 51.53 0 0 1 47.339 1.953 Q 48.413 1.343 49.133 0.964 A 65.954 65.954 0 0 1 49.425 0.812 Q 49.79 0.623 49.976 0.533 A 3.887 3.887 0 0 1 50.073 0.488 L 50.049 0.488 Q 50.704 0.27 51.242 0.149 A 8.354 8.354 0 0 1 51.367 0.122 A 5.812 5.812 0 0 1 52.133 0.013 A 4.953 4.953 0 0 1 52.49 0 A 4.133 4.133 0 0 1 52.976 0.088 Q 54.014 0.347 53.909 1.079 A 1.045 1.045 0 0 1 53.906 1.099 A 0.951 0.951 0 0 1 53.805 1.424 A 0.856 0.856 0 0 1 53.589 1.685 Q 49.17 4.492 45.129 6.934 A 273.418 273.418 0 0 1 39.227 10.403 A 237.949 237.949 0 0 1 37.329 11.475 A 303.751 303.751 0 0 1 34.607 12.958 Q 33.528 13.539 32.542 14.056 A 166.459 166.459 0 0 1 30.664 15.027 A 76.459 76.459 0 0 1 28.725 15.981 Q 27.097 16.751 25.83 17.236 Z" id="0" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/><path d="M 39.356 31.982 L 39.356 27.466 L 40.332 27.466 L 40.43 27.466 Q 40.49 27.466 40.663 27.45 A 13.502 13.502 0 0 0 40.747 27.441 A 9.286 9.286 0 0 0 41.801 27.337 A 8.578 8.578 0 0 0 41.834 27.332 A 2.499 2.499 0 0 0 42.545 27.107 A 2.29 2.29 0 0 0 42.774 26.978 A 2.775 2.775 0 0 1 42.278 26.239 A 3.429 3.429 0 0 1 42.139 25.891 A 5.94 5.94 0 0 1 41.899 24.904 A 7.02 7.02 0 0 1 41.846 24.487 A 7.434 7.434 0 0 1 41.817 23.831 Q 41.817 22.316 42.442 20.847 A 8.674 8.674 0 0 1 42.505 20.703 A 3.695 3.695 0 0 1 42.862 20.122 Q 43.067 19.844 43.345 19.554 A 8.715 8.715 0 0 1 43.823 19.092 A 6.044 6.044 0 0 1 44.752 18.455 Q 45.322 18.144 45.882 18.032 A 3.191 3.191 0 0 1 46.509 17.969 A 3.331 3.331 0 0 1 49.055 19.123 A 4.885 4.885 0 0 1 49.39 19.531 A 5.464 5.464 0 0 1 50.21 21.103 Q 50.464 21.89 50.44 22.729 A 8.101 8.101 0 0 1 50.342 23.987 A 5.444 5.444 0 0 1 50.13 24.85 A 6.571 6.571 0 0 1 49.976 25.269 A 4.301 4.301 0 0 1 49.574 26.132 A 4.879 4.879 0 0 1 49.487 26.27 Q 49.191 26.725 48.895 27.054 A 4.466 4.466 0 0 1 48.853 27.1 Q 48.953 27.14 49.27 27.188 A 10.262 10.262 0 0 0 49.414 27.209 A 44.048 44.048 0 0 0 49.872 27.271 A 55.284 55.284 0 0 0 50.366 27.332 Q 50.879 27.393 51.367 27.429 A 25.965 25.965 0 0 0 51.591 27.445 Q 51.871 27.464 52.018 27.466 A 2.475 2.475 0 0 0 52.051 27.466 L 52.051 31.982 Q 49.756 31.982 48.059 31.543 Q 46.362 31.104 45.191 30.176 A 6.305 6.305 0 0 1 43.088 31.425 A 7.411 7.411 0 0 1 42.737 31.543 Q 41.5 31.924 39.869 31.975 A 16.447 16.447 0 0 1 39.356 31.982 Z M 45.459 11.011 Q 46.216 9.888 47.315 9.888 Q 47.925 9.888 48.352 10.315 A 1.439 1.439 0 0 1 48.764 11.178 A 1.977 1.977 0 0 1 48.779 11.426 Q 48.779 13.148 47.138 14.551 A 7.305 7.305 0 0 1 47.022 14.648 A 1.78 1.78 0 0 1 46.314 14.795 Q 44.796 14.795 44.571 13.573 A 2.556 2.556 0 0 1 44.531 13.11 A 2.203 2.203 0 0 1 44.656 12.407 Q 44.858 11.809 45.385 11.108 A 8.016 8.016 0 0 1 45.459 11.011 Z M 44.775 23.608 A 2.176 2.176 0 0 0 44.694 24.011 A 2.794 2.794 0 0 0 44.678 24.316 A 2.366 2.366 0 0 0 45.282 25.897 A 3.4 3.4 0 0 0 45.63 26.245 Q 46.509 25.732 47.058 25.049 A 3.522 3.522 0 0 0 47.778 23.535 A 3.94 3.94 0 0 0 47.821 23.258 Q 47.985 21.836 46.802 21.68 A 1.55 1.55 0 0 0 46.631 21.67 Q 45.497 21.67 44.844 23.417 A 6.979 6.979 0 0 0 44.775 23.608 Z" id="1" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/><path d="M 51.66 31.982 L 51.563 31.86 L 51.563 27.466 A 9.438 9.438 0 0 0 54 27.101 A 12.426 12.426 0 0 0 55.737 26.465 A 9.712 9.712 0 0 0 56.837 25.924 A 7.834 7.834 0 0 0 57.581 25.439 A 8.279 8.279 0 0 0 58.568 24.588 A 7.156 7.156 0 0 0 58.948 24.17 A 7.103 7.103 0 0 0 59.659 23.162 A 6.22 6.22 0 0 0 59.876 22.754 Q 60.23 22.021 60.4 21.289 L 60.791 21.289 A 1.431 1.431 0 0 1 61.945 21.835 A 2.202 2.202 0 0 1 62.183 22.192 A 2.763 2.763 0 0 1 62.694 23.516 A 3.581 3.581 0 0 1 62.72 23.95 A 2.946 2.946 0 0 1 62.704 24.266 Q 62.687 24.422 62.652 24.557 A 1.559 1.559 0 0 1 62.622 24.658 Q 62.158 26.123 61.072 27.429 A 11.411 11.411 0 0 1 59.535 28.944 A 14.573 14.573 0 0 1 58.325 29.834 A 15.378 15.378 0 0 1 56.635 30.826 A 11.69 11.69 0 0 1 54.981 31.506 A 9.874 9.874 0 0 1 51.947 31.987 A 9.884 9.884 0 0 1 51.66 31.982 Z M 58.081 16.479 L 58.081 16.455 A 1.863 1.863 0 0 1 57.594 16.668 A 1.594 1.594 0 0 1 57.178 16.724 Q 55.762 16.724 55.762 15.576 A 1.528 1.528 0 0 1 56.013 14.757 Q 56.312 14.28 56.966 13.822 A 5.868 5.868 0 0 1 57.007 13.794 A 11.272 11.272 0 0 1 60.299 12.435 Q 61.731 12.081 63.406 11.992 A 21.699 21.699 0 0 1 64.551 11.963 A 17.386 17.386 0 0 1 65.685 11.997 Q 66.928 12.079 67.7 12.354 Q 68.205 12.54 68.559 12.756 A 2.959 2.959 0 0 1 68.762 12.891 A 1.508 1.508 0 0 1 68.946 13.046 Q 69.034 13.135 69.087 13.226 A 0.543 0.543 0 0 1 69.165 13.501 A 0.68 0.68 0 0 1 68.826 14.08 Q 68.337 14.411 67.142 14.494 A 10.101 10.101 0 0 1 67.017 14.502 A 30.978 30.978 0 0 0 63.313 14.939 A 27.452 27.452 0 0 0 62.329 15.137 Q 60.108 15.625 58.081 16.479 Z" id="2" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/><path d="M 75.171 27.466 L 75.171 31.982 A 15.206 15.206 0 0 1 73.195 31.861 Q 72.195 31.729 71.336 31.457 A 8.819 8.819 0 0 1 70.947 31.323 A 5.936 5.936 0 0 1 68.066 29.077 A 6.78 6.78 0 0 1 66.987 26.232 A 8.903 8.903 0 0 1 66.895 24.927 A 11.161 11.161 0 0 1 67.007 23.412 Q 67.222 21.851 67.847 19.849 Q 68.726 16.846 70.752 14.063 Q 72.519 11.562 73.697 11.269 A 1.25 1.25 0 0 1 73.999 11.23 A 1.333 1.333 0 0 1 74.38 11.28 Q 74.802 11.406 74.912 11.851 A 1.482 1.482 0 0 1 74.951 12.207 A 0.617 0.617 0 0 1 74.902 12.389 Q 74.679 12.978 73.438 15.161 Q 72.656 16.577 72.095 17.896 Q 71.533 19.214 71.24 20.435 A 47.478 47.478 0 0 0 70.998 21.517 Q 70.654 23.148 70.654 23.877 A 3.757 3.757 0 0 0 70.983 25.503 Q 71.872 27.377 75.171 27.466 Z" id="3" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/><path d="M 74.756 31.982 L 74.707 31.86 L 74.707 27.466 Q 76.005 27.486 76.972 27.42 A 15.665 15.665 0 0 0 77.319 27.393 A 8.787 8.787 0 0 0 77.943 27.315 Q 78.577 27.211 78.98 27.026 A 4.394 4.394 0 0 1 78.131 26.419 A 3.402 3.402 0 0 1 77.441 25.537 Q 76.957 24.64 76.953 23.382 A 6.587 6.587 0 0 1 76.953 23.364 A 4.174 4.174 0 0 1 77.65 21.065 A 5.226 5.226 0 0 1 77.832 20.801 Q 78.441 19.983 79.41 19.11 A 17.901 17.901 0 0 1 79.736 18.823 A 19.423 19.423 0 0 1 82.349 16.943 A 9.838 9.838 0 0 1 81.739 16.433 Q 81.462 16.18 81.248 15.936 A 4.156 4.156 0 0 1 80.92 15.515 A 3.875 3.875 0 0 1 80.702 15.152 Q 80.469 14.706 80.469 14.355 A 1.063 1.063 0 0 1 80.779 13.61 Q 80.923 13.456 81.133 13.321 A 2.83 2.83 0 0 1 81.372 13.184 A 4514.909 4514.909 0 0 0 84.08 14.161 Q 86.228 14.935 88.013 15.576 Q 90.869 16.602 92.725 17.285 Q 94.063 17.748 94.967 18.314 A 5.96 5.96 0 0 1 95.654 18.811 Q 96.68 19.678 96.68 20.679 A 2.068 2.068 0 0 1 96.633 21.1 Q 96.566 21.425 96.399 21.802 Q 96.118 22.437 95.532 23.096 A 14.174 14.174 0 0 1 93.821 25.06 A 13.006 13.006 0 0 1 93.555 25.305 A 12.839 12.839 0 0 1 92.38 26.247 A 10.01 10.01 0 0 1 91.406 26.855 A 8.411 8.411 0 0 1 89.706 27.545 A 9.382 9.382 0 0 1 89.551 27.588 A 17.2 17.2 0 0 1 87.525 28.003 A 233.874 233.874 0 0 0 86.67 28.055 A 276.488 276.488 0 0 0 85.767 28.113 A 20.183 20.183 0 0 1 84.441 28.156 A 20.151 20.151 0 0 1 83.911 28.149 A 11.747 11.747 0 0 1 81.348 30.042 Q 79.907 30.835 78.345 31.396 A 28.7 28.7 0 0 1 77.467 31.647 Q 77.053 31.758 76.691 31.839 A 12.644 12.644 0 0 1 76.16 31.946 A 6.704 6.704 0 0 1 75.799 32 Q 75.342 32.056 75.005 32.023 A 1.873 1.873 0 0 1 74.757 31.983 Z M 85.742 20.532 L 85.718 20.532 Q 85.819 20.309 85.845 20.12 A 0.966 0.966 0 0 0 85.852 20.044 Q 85.864 19.824 85.864 19.653 A 0.947 0.947 0 0 0 85.824 19.365 Q 85.726 19.057 85.385 18.975 A 1.192 1.192 0 0 0 85.108 18.945 A 1.7 1.7 0 0 0 84.72 18.992 A 2.238 2.238 0 0 0 84.436 19.08 A 2.317 2.317 0 0 0 84.062 19.264 Q 83.893 19.366 83.721 19.502 A 3.818 3.818 0 0 0 83.716 19.507 A 6.316 6.316 0 0 0 83.033 20.047 Q 82.697 20.35 82.343 20.736 A 14.904 14.904 0 0 0 81.763 21.411 Q 80.899 22.542 80.763 23.361 A 1.804 1.804 0 0 0 80.737 23.657 Q 80.737 24.705 82.359 24.754 A 5.393 5.393 0 0 0 82.52 24.756 A 18.417 18.417 0 0 0 83.43 23.849 A 15.812 15.812 0 0 0 83.801 23.438 A 18.545 18.545 0 0 0 84.335 22.797 A 13.814 13.814 0 0 0 84.79 22.192 A 3.556 3.556 0 0 0 84.869 22.082 Q 84.958 21.954 85.072 21.772 A 15.476 15.476 0 0 0 85.181 21.594 Q 85.425 21.191 85.742 20.532 Z M 88.086 23.511 Q 87.769 23.926 87.561 24.231 A 8.985 8.985 0 0 1 87.437 24.409 Q 87.316 24.578 87.221 24.691 A 2.574 2.574 0 0 1 87.207 24.707 A 7.764 7.764 0 0 0 89.178 24.171 A 6.439 6.439 0 0 0 90.723 23.242 A 5.503 5.503 0 0 0 91.359 22.698 Q 92.131 21.917 92.139 21.109 A 1.702 1.702 0 0 0 92.139 21.094 A 1.264 1.264 0 0 0 91.441 19.896 Q 90.893 19.602 89.917 19.58 Q 89.706 21.022 88.691 22.631 A 13.833 13.833 0 0 1 88.086 23.511 Z" id="4" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/><path d="M 108.441 41.922 A 12.91 12.91 0 0 0 110.718 44.189 Q 114.429 47.07 119.336 47.07 Q 121.68 47.07 123.95 46.436 A 17.193 17.193 0 0 0 125.803 45.799 A 20.96 20.96 0 0 0 128.54 44.434 A 21.187 21.187 0 0 0 129.955 43.522 A 25.036 25.036 0 0 0 132.593 41.382 Q 134.57 39.551 136.06 37.549 A 40.795 40.795 0 0 0 140.186 30.322 A 38.748 38.748 0 0 0 141.183 27.844 A 31.985 31.985 0 0 0 142.554 22.9 A 71.837 71.837 0 0 0 142.792 21.365 A 92.605 92.605 0 0 0 143.018 19.69 A 95.537 95.537 0 0 0 143.124 18.808 A 107.281 107.281 0 0 0 143.408 16.052 A 105.04 105.04 0 0 0 143.411 16.023 A 110.868 110.868 0 0 0 143.689 12.158 Q 143.799 10.156 143.823 8.154 A 19.558 19.558 0 0 0 143.825 7.926 Q 143.825 5.644 143.269 4.682 A 1.234 1.234 0 0 0 142.163 3.979 Q 140.552 3.979 140.095 6.05 A 7.71 7.71 0 0 0 139.941 7.178 A 222.823 222.823 0 0 1 139.736 10.91 Q 139.484 14.841 139.124 18.005 A 80.032 80.032 0 0 1 138.752 20.843 Q 138.552 22.17 138.324 23.315 A 34.063 34.063 0 0 1 137.817 25.513 A 21.745 21.745 0 0 1 137.356 26.967 A 27.025 27.025 0 0 1 136.45 29.187 A 30.615 30.615 0 0 1 136.226 29.666 A 33.627 33.627 0 0 1 134.375 33.008 A 33.319 33.319 0 0 1 130.896 37.305 A 25.593 25.593 0 0 1 129.443 38.71 A 20.765 20.765 0 0 1 126.953 40.625 A 20.122 20.122 0 0 1 125.868 41.24 A 16.953 16.953 0 0 1 123.096 42.407 A 12.8 12.8 0 0 1 119.214 43.018 A 12.709 12.709 0 0 1 118.154 42.974 Q 113.448 42.581 110.962 38.599 A 5.837 5.837 0 0 1 110.837 38.407 A 5.121 5.121 0 0 1 110.327 37.341 A 3.959 3.959 0 0 1 110.202 36.884 A 4.582 4.582 0 0 1 110.108 35.938 A 4.685 4.685 0 0 1 110.13 35.478 Q 110.189 34.883 110.398 34.24 A 8.57 8.57 0 0 1 110.889 33.057 A 13.417 13.417 0 0 1 111.825 31.479 A 18.093 18.093 0 0 1 113.062 29.883 A 7.184 7.184 0 0 1 113.123 29.818 Q 113.401 29.528 113.954 29.008 A 73.485 73.485 0 0 1 114.404 28.589 A 69.305 69.305 0 0 1 115.062 27.989 Q 115.839 27.289 116.846 26.416 A 17.024 17.024 0 0 0 116.964 26.296 Q 117.333 25.92 117.774 25.427 Q 118.062 25.105 118.389 24.724 A 69.621 69.621 0 0 0 118.921 24.097 A 2.747 2.747 0 0 0 118.963 23.976 A 2.322 2.322 0 0 0 119.031 23.718 A 1.797 1.797 0 0 0 119.056 23.548 A 2.296 2.296 0 0 0 119.067 23.315 Q 119.067 22.609 118.486 22.455 A 1.45 1.45 0 0 0 118.115 22.412 A 2.485 2.485 0 0 0 117.605 22.47 Q 116.924 22.613 116.014 23.112 A 13.662 13.662 0 0 0 115.112 23.657 Q 111.597 26.001 109.302 29.199 A 20.259 20.259 0 0 0 108.642 30.183 Q 107.757 31.59 107.25 32.95 A 10.187 10.187 0 0 0 106.567 36.523 A 8.673 8.673 0 0 0 108.441 41.922 Z" id="6" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/><path d="M 155.762 27.466 L 155.762 31.982 A 15.206 15.206 0 0 1 153.785 31.861 Q 152.785 31.729 151.927 31.457 A 8.819 8.819 0 0 1 151.538 31.323 A 5.936 5.936 0 0 1 148.657 29.077 A 6.78 6.78 0 0 1 147.578 26.232 A 8.903 8.903 0 0 1 147.485 24.927 A 11.161 11.161 0 0 1 147.598 23.412 Q 147.813 21.851 148.438 19.849 Q 149.316 16.846 151.343 14.063 Q 153.11 11.562 154.288 11.269 A 1.25 1.25 0 0 1 154.59 11.23 A 1.333 1.333 0 0 1 154.971 11.28 Q 155.393 11.406 155.503 11.851 A 1.482 1.482 0 0 1 155.542 12.207 A 0.617 0.617 0 0 1 155.493 12.389 Q 155.27 12.978 154.028 15.161 Q 153.247 16.577 152.686 17.896 Q 152.124 19.214 151.831 20.435 A 47.478 47.478 0 0 0 151.589 21.517 Q 151.245 23.148 151.245 23.877 A 3.757 3.757 0 0 0 151.573 25.503 Q 152.463 27.377 155.762 27.466 Z" id="7" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/><path d="M 168.53 27.466 L 168.53 31.982 Q 164.544 32.104 162.557 28.906 A 9.552 9.552 0 0 1 161.841 27.49 A 7.674 7.674 0 0 1 161.41 28.641 A 6.232 6.232 0 0 1 160.974 29.419 A 4.988 4.988 0 0 1 160.121 30.41 A 4.454 4.454 0 0 1 159.668 30.762 A 7.272 7.272 0 0 1 157.697 31.623 Q 156.662 31.911 155.42 31.982 L 155.42 27.466 A 14.067 14.067 0 0 0 156.405 27.433 Q 157.178 27.379 157.788 27.234 A 3.185 3.185 0 0 0 158.661 26.893 A 2.675 2.675 0 0 0 159.351 26.318 A 1.519 1.519 0 0 0 159.61 25.92 Q 160.008 25.084 160.242 23.047 A 47.046 47.046 0 0 0 160.384 21.581 Q 160.521 19.928 160.616 17.698 A 177.161 177.161 0 0 0 160.693 15.552 Q 160.956 14.597 161.312 14.098 A 2.177 2.177 0 0 1 161.328 14.075 A 1.854 1.854 0 0 1 161.607 13.767 Q 161.87 13.539 162.183 13.477 Q 162.373 13.431 162.547 13.431 A 1.185 1.185 0 0 1 163.098 13.562 Q 163.501 13.77 163.843 14.16 Q 164.345 14.955 164.345 16.002 A 4.638 4.638 0 0 1 164.331 16.357 L 164.331 16.797 A 44.431 44.431 0 0 1 164.33 17.139 Q 164.325 17.725 164.307 18.75 Q 164.282 20.117 164.209 22.266 Q 164.164 24.852 165.051 26.071 A 2.791 2.791 0 0 0 165.21 26.27 A 3.225 3.225 0 0 0 166.604 27.181 Q 167.139 27.367 167.799 27.432 A 7.523 7.523 0 0 0 168.53 27.466 Z" id="8" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/><path d="M 167.896 31.982 L 167.896 27.466 A 9.966 9.966 0 0 0 168.258 27.459 Q 168.443 27.452 168.648 27.439 A 16.841 16.841 0 0 0 168.787 27.429 A 19.363 19.363 0 0 0 169.775 27.332 A 7.714 7.714 0 0 0 170.418 27.225 A 6.549 6.549 0 0 0 170.691 27.161 Q 171.018 27.077 171.238 27.014 A 9.461 9.461 0 0 0 171.362 26.978 A 7.159 7.159 0 0 0 171.326 26.593 A 9.573 9.573 0 0 0 171.265 26.172 A 5.711 5.711 0 0 1 171.21 25.751 A 4.253 4.253 0 0 1 171.191 25.366 A 6.542 6.542 0 0 1 171.189 25.171 Q 171.189 23.886 171.694 22.617 A 8.172 8.172 0 0 1 171.912 22.119 Q 172.569 20.742 173.984 19.382 A 15.347 15.347 0 0 1 174.487 18.921 A 10317.673 10317.673 0 0 0 177.234 17.041 A 156.042 156.042 0 0 1 179.932 15.234 Q 181.052 14.446 181.854 14.328 A 1.879 1.879 0 0 1 182.129 14.307 A 2.035 2.035 0 0 1 183.654 14.995 Q 184.057 15.422 184.375 16.113 Q 184.668 16.772 184.827 17.627 Q 184.985 18.481 184.912 19.507 A 9.786 9.786 0 0 1 182.322 24.869 A 13.054 13.054 0 0 1 181.226 25.928 A 32.286 32.286 0 0 1 177.179 28.91 A 27.66 27.66 0 0 1 175.147 30.054 A 7.101 7.101 0 0 1 175.662 30.9 Q 175.9 31.366 176.015 31.801 A 3.089 3.089 0 0 1 176.123 32.593 A 2.197 2.197 0 0 1 176.087 33.011 Q 175.956 33.684 175.349 33.736 A 1.23 1.23 0 0 1 175.244 33.74 A 0.851 0.851 0 0 1 175.098 33.727 Q 174.981 33.706 174.841 33.655 A 0.852 0.852 0 0 1 174.599 33.514 Q 174.503 33.436 174.414 33.325 A 35.188 35.188 0 0 1 173.905 32.617 Q 173.365 31.846 173.034 31.268 A 8.51 8.51 0 0 1 172.852 30.933 Q 172.55 31.05 172.167 31.179 A 25.077 25.077 0 0 1 171.802 31.299 A 15.911 15.911 0 0 1 170.845 31.571 A 18.231 18.231 0 0 1 170.508 31.653 Q 169.824 31.812 169.153 31.897 A 10.908 10.908 0 0 1 168.386 31.968 A 8.782 8.782 0 0 1 167.896 31.982 Z M 173.926 24.414 L 173.926 24.487 A 4.743 4.743 0 0 1 173.922 24.662 Q 173.917 24.817 173.901 25 A 7.003 7.003 0 0 0 173.879 25.426 A 6.113 6.113 0 0 0 173.877 25.562 Q 173.877 25.767 173.884 25.93 A 5.192 5.192 0 0 0 173.889 26.025 Q 173.899 26.178 173.946 26.211 A 0.049 0.049 0 0 0 173.975 26.221 Q 174.146 26.221 174.793 25.854 A 26.778 26.778 0 0 0 175.144 25.652 Q 175.714 25.317 176.538 24.805 A 16.331 16.331 0 0 0 178.528 23.279 Q 179.468 22.437 180.151 21.558 A 22.937 22.937 0 0 0 180.6 20.917 Q 181.49 19.594 181.47 19.116 A 0.21 0.21 0 0 0 181.302 18.899 Q 180.947 18.794 179.843 19.208 A 15.283 15.283 0 0 0 179.395 19.385 Q 178.272 19.824 177.295 20.422 A 8.327 8.327 0 0 0 175.698 21.703 A 9.397 9.397 0 0 0 175.488 21.924 Q 174.03 23.504 173.927 24.406 A 1.296 1.296 0 0 0 173.926 24.414 Z M 180.236 5.133 A 4.282 4.282 0 0 0 179.785 5.518 A 6.263 6.263 0 0 0 179.494 5.911 Q 178.809 6.92 178.809 7.861 A 2.894 2.894 0 0 0 178.883 8.545 Q 179.174 9.741 180.615 9.741 A 1.921 1.921 0 0 0 182.252 8.911 Q 182.75 8.228 182.959 6.982 A 2.1 2.1 0 0 0 182.964 6.843 Q 182.964 6.466 182.829 6.083 A 3.099 3.099 0 0 0 182.544 5.493 Q 182.08 4.712 181.323 4.712 A 1.256 1.256 0 0 0 181.277 4.713 Q 180.786 4.731 180.236 5.133 Z" id="9" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/><path d="M 220.361 27.466 L 220.361 31.982 Q 217.124 32.078 215.653 30.855 A 3.388 3.388 0 0 1 215.601 30.811 A 6.561 6.561 0 0 1 214.792 29.941 A 5.478 5.478 0 0 1 214.392 29.346 A 4.951 4.951 0 0 1 213.92 28.215 A 6.21 6.21 0 0 1 213.77 27.539 Q 210.903 28.796 207.139 32.344 A 54.455 54.455 0 0 0 206.323 33.13 A 29.599 29.599 0 0 0 203.574 36.131 A 25.583 25.583 0 0 0 202.527 37.549 A 25.479 25.479 0 0 0 200.363 41.343 A 22.965 22.965 0 0 0 199.976 42.236 A 22.572 22.572 0 0 0 198.718 46.363 A 18.058 18.058 0 0 0 198.364 49.878 Q 198.364 50.61 198.438 51.343 A 13.78 13.78 0 0 0 198.735 53.345 A 10.239 10.239 0 0 0 199.341 55.2 A 9.176 9.176 0 0 0 201.318 58.081 A 9.937 9.937 0 0 0 207.08 61.011 Q 208.032 61.182 208.948 61.255 A 22.801 22.801 0 0 0 210.767 61.328 Q 211.499 61.328 212.268 61.292 Q 213.037 61.255 213.77 61.133 A 69.594 69.594 0 0 0 216.907 60.559 A 28.427 28.427 0 0 0 218.617 60.154 A 22.307 22.307 0 0 0 219.824 59.79 A 63.193 63.193 0 0 0 220.773 59.489 Q 221.515 59.247 222.095 59.033 Q 223.023 58.691 223.56 58.545 Q 224.609 58.374 224.609 59.521 Q 224.649 59.952 224.288 60.39 A 2.518 2.518 0 0 1 224.085 60.608 Q 223.537 61.132 222.511 61.779 A 19.958 19.958 0 0 1 222.412 61.841 A 34.806 34.806 0 0 1 215.369 64.636 Q 211.694 65.649 208.106 65.625 A 18.959 18.959 0 0 1 204.864 65.318 A 13.932 13.932 0 0 1 201.587 64.294 A 11.271 11.271 0 0 1 196.997 60.425 A 14.174 14.174 0 0 1 194.849 56.042 Q 194.165 53.687 194.165 50.903 A 27.281 27.281 0 0 1 194.193 49.697 A 30.607 30.607 0 0 1 194.214 49.28 A 14.416 14.416 0 0 1 194.409 47.607 Q 194.898 43.848 196.668 40.271 Q 198.438 36.694 201.392 33.472 Q 201.782 32.959 202.673 32.08 A 44.567 44.567 0 0 1 203.573 31.219 Q 204.051 30.773 204.593 30.29 A 73.751 73.751 0 0 1 204.749 30.151 Q 205.933 29.102 207.275 27.991 A 137.4 137.4 0 0 1 208.594 26.913 A 118.892 118.892 0 0 1 209.863 25.903 A 156.206 156.206 0 0 1 211.054 24.979 A 113.949 113.949 0 0 1 212.134 24.158 A 55.282 55.282 0 0 1 212.616 23.8 Q 213.082 23.458 213.418 23.231 A 11.498 11.498 0 0 1 213.696 23.047 Q 215.135 22.119 216.132 21.544 A 29.899 29.899 0 0 1 216.235 21.484 A 27.105 27.105 0 0 1 216.713 21.217 Q 217.377 20.856 217.725 20.728 A 3.316 3.316 0 0 1 218.152 20.608 Q 218.385 20.56 218.6 20.557 A 2.035 2.035 0 0 1 218.628 20.557 A 1.488 1.488 0 0 1 219.086 20.621 Q 219.564 20.776 219.713 21.299 A 1.822 1.822 0 0 1 219.775 21.68 Q 219.922 22.607 218.433 23.975 Q 217.725 24.634 217.383 25.244 A 2.155 2.155 0 0 0 217.212 25.629 Q 217.08 26.034 217.163 26.416 A 0.842 0.842 0 0 0 217.623 27.081 Q 218.331 27.501 220.123 27.472 A 15.79 15.79 0 0 0 220.361 27.466 Z M 200.61 16.797 A 2.937 2.937 0 0 0 200.597 16.805 Q 200.213 17.048 199.829 17.456 Q 199.316 18.042 199.06 18.616 A 3.217 3.217 0 0 0 198.909 19.023 A 2.494 2.494 0 0 0 198.804 19.727 A 2.894 2.894 0 0 0 198.878 20.411 Q 199.17 21.606 200.61 21.606 A 1.733 1.733 0 0 0 201.547 21.348 A 2.01 2.01 0 0 0 202.063 20.874 A 3.164 3.164 0 0 0 202.274 20.569 Q 202.491 20.214 202.642 19.768 A 5.862 5.862 0 0 0 202.857 18.921 A 1.356 1.356 0 0 0 202.874 18.83 Q 202.903 18.647 202.888 18.438 A 2.304 2.304 0 0 0 202.857 18.201 A 2.207 2.207 0 0 0 202.748 17.814 A 2.823 2.823 0 0 0 202.539 17.383 Q 202.315 17.02 202.058 16.815 A 1.126 1.126 0 0 0 201.343 16.553 A 1.013 1.013 0 0 0 201.19 16.565 Q 201.042 16.587 200.885 16.653 A 1.922 1.922 0 0 0 200.61 16.797 Z" id="11" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/><path d="M 219.873 31.982 L 219.873 27.466 A 11.067 11.067 0 0 0 221.093 27.401 A 8.968 8.968 0 0 0 221.863 27.283 A 4.596 4.596 0 0 0 223.301 26.743 A 4.348 4.348 0 0 0 223.511 26.611 A 4.707 4.707 0 0 0 224.196 25.686 A 5.796 5.796 0 0 0 224.451 25.183 Q 224.806 24.392 224.806 23.461 A 4.952 4.952 0 0 0 224.805 23.34 A 5.802 5.802 0 0 1 224.803 23.218 Q 224.803 21.184 226.286 20.97 A 2.47 2.47 0 0 1 226.538 20.947 A 2.81 2.81 0 0 1 226.747 20.939 Q 228.271 20.939 229.688 22.607 A 5.521 5.521 0 0 1 231.019 26.284 A 6.889 6.889 0 0 1 231.006 26.709 A 5.084 5.084 0 0 1 229.037 29.55 Q 228.269 30.125 227.226 30.563 A 12.388 12.388 0 0 1 226.221 30.933 Q 224.194 31.543 222.608 31.763 A 27.568 27.568 0 0 1 221.479 31.897 Q 220.924 31.95 220.435 31.97 A 13.676 13.676 0 0 1 219.873 31.982 Z" id="12" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/></g></svg> this my svg code for text in arabic. I would like to apply handwritten effect from right to left. I have searched a lot about english version but I don't understand it. How can I start for even 1 character ?
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