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Sam Tremblay

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About Sam Tremblay

  • Birthday 08/22/1995

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  • Location
    Granby, Quebec

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  1. Hehe, np @mvaneijgen @Rodrigo, Thank you ? I pushed a few updates though from while you were watching until now, hope there was no bug ? Btw guys, sorry if my english is not accurate! I'm a frenchie boy ^^ Happy Tweening too!
  2. Hello @chandrashekhar! What result you want to obtain? Snap to top of next section when you stop scrolling and this next section is in viewport? Other? Best Regards! Sam
  3. Sup again @mvaneijgen! I have a question for you please : Do you use some "Smart Invert" option with your phone? Or an option in this sense? Dark mode maybe? I'm trying to understand why the white color is displayed black and black color is displayed white ^^ The correct display is supposed to be like this : https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/19556226 EDIT: I just tested the "colors inversed mode" on my Android and I obtain the same result that you. I almost got screwed ? Thanks again! Sam
  4. Thank you @mvaneijgen ? I'm sorry to use the forum for this purpose! The scroll seems to work good, but I have definitively a bug with the mix-blend-mode and my background! Happy tweening too and thanks again for your help! You are awesome! Sam
  5. Sup people of GSAP! I am currently developping my new Web Agency Website and I need you for a test on Mobile Apple Devices. Could you help me with that please? Unfortunately, I have only a windows PC and an Android Phone and since I use the "normalizeScroll" with ScrollTrigger, I am not sure if on Safari (and maybe chrome, etc.), only on mobile/touch devices of Apple, the scroll works good. Can I ask you a feedback about that please? Here is the website: https://dev.champgauche.studio/ A really big thank you ?
  6. Hello @Superloop! Put a look just there:
  7. Hi @BruceST! On your gsap.to that control your .one-one height, add this parameter: onComplete: () => { ScrollTrigger.refresh(); } https://codepen.io/sam-tremblay/pen/OJwzwmz Happy Tweening!
  8. Hello @amapic! Put a look on this example: import gsap from './gsap/index.js'; import gsapCore from './gsap/gsap-core.js'; class App{ constructor(){ this.moveLight(); } moveLight(){ const x = gsap.quickTo('#id_element_to_move', 'x', {duration: .5, ease: 'power2'}); const y = gsap.quickTo('#id_element_to_move', 'y', {duration: .5, ease: 'power2'}); window.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => { x(e.clientX); y(e.clientY); }); } } new App(); Happy Tweening!
  9. Hello @aok! Try this: https://codepen.io/sam-tremblay/pen/wvxqEgW EDIT: Hey @GreenSock, does kill the tween on each complete is a good mind to adopt or not?
  10. Hillo @AlexanderGS! I'm not sure to understand. What do you want exactly ? Is it to start each item after the other? If yes, use "stagger" for that. Does help you :)? Best regards!
  11. Hillo! When you import, if you don't take the all.js, you need import index.js and gsap-core.js. You'll need the CSSPlugins.js file and others maybe and some utils too.. but you don't need to import them, just have it.
  12. Hello @kresogalic! This cursor is render on <canvas>. You'll need a tool like THREE.js for do that. Put a look on this URL... it's not exacly what you want, but it's close... One thing is sure, it's a good start: https://codesandbox.io/s/water-like-effect-demo-4-iermg?from-embed You can find this CodeSandbox on this tutorial: https://tympanus.net/codrops/2019/10/08/creating-a-water-like-distortion-effect-with-three-js/ Does help you?
  13. Hello @R007 ! The image isn't animated. The image is fixe and each pixels are animated (distortioned) with THREE.js. For do that, you need to mesh a custom Shader that uniform your image (called texture) and some data for your texture (called DataTexture) on a Plane Geometry Face. You can use the SharderMaterial of THREE.js for that. Put a look into this code (result: https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/13995579?key=ff81768b65c3645d42370c8b649b2197 (just know, the result video is done on a computer with bad framerate... it's more smooth in real)) : 'use strict'; import * as THREE from './three/three.module.js'; export default class WaterEffect{ constructor(options){ this.options = options; this.scene = new THREE.Scene(); this.container = this.options.dom; this.width = this.container.offsetWidth; this.height = this.container.offsetHeight; this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer(); this.renderer.domElement.id = 'bg-water'; this.renderer.setPixelRatio(Math.min(window.devicePixelRatio, 2)); this.renderer.setSize(this.width, this.height); //this.renderer.setClearColor(0xeeeeee, 1); this.renderer.physicallyCorrectLights = true; this.renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding; this.container.appendChild(this.renderer.domElement); const frustumSize = 1; const aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight; this.camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(frustumSize / - 2, frustumSize / 2, frustumSize / 2, frustumSize / -2, -1000, 1000); this.camera.position.set(0, 0, 2); this.time = 0; this.mouse = { x: 0, y: 0, prevX: 0, prevY: 0, vX: 0, vY: 0 } } addObjects(){ this.size = 32; const width = this.size; const height = this.size; const size = width * height; const data = new Float32Array( 4 * size ); for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { let r = Math.random() * 10; const stride = i * 4; data[ stride ] = r; data[ stride + 1 ] = r; data[ stride + 2 ] = r; data[ stride + 3 ] = 255; } // used the buffer to create a DataTexture this.texture = new THREE.DataTexture( data, width, height, THREE.RGBAFormat, THREE.FloatType); this.texture.magFilter = this.texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; //THREE.NearestFilter; this.material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({ extensions: { derivatives: true }, side: THREE.DoubleSide, uniforms: { time: { value: 0 }, resolution: { value: new THREE.Vector4() }, uTexture: { value: this.textures[0] }, uDataTexture: { value: this.texture } }, vertexShader: ` varying vec2 vUv; void main() { vUv = uv; gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position,1.0); } `, fragmentShader: ` uniform float time; uniform float progress; uniform sampler2D uDataTexture; uniform sampler2D uTexture; uniform vec4 resolution; varying vec2 vUv; varying vec3 vPosition; float PI = 3.141592653589793238; void main(){ vec2 newUV = (vUv - vec2(0.5))*resolution.zw + vec2(0.5); vec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, vUv); vec4 offset = texture2D(uDataTexture, vUv); gl_FragColor = vec4(vUv,0.0,1.); gl_FragColor = vec4(offset.r,0.,0.,1.); gl_FragColor = color; gl_FragColor = texture2D(uTexture, newUV - 0.05*offset.rg); } ` }); this.geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(1, 1, 1, 1); this.plane = new THREE.Mesh(this.geometry, this.material); this.scene.add(this.plane); } mouseEvents(){ window.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => { this.mouse.x = e.clientX/this.width; this.mouse.y = e.clientY/this.height; this.mouse.vX = this.mouse.x - this.mouse.prevX; this.mouse.vY = this.mouse.y - this.mouse.prevY; this.mouse.prevX = this.mouse.x; this.mouse.prevY = this.mouse.y; }); } updateDataTexture(){ let data = this.texture.image.data; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i+=4) { data[i] *= 0.91; data[i+1] *= 0.91; } let gridMouseX = this.size*this.mouse.x; let gridMouseY = this.size*(1-this.mouse.y); let maxDist = this.size/4; for (var i = 0; i < this.size; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this.size; j++) { let distance = (gridMouseX - i)**2 + (gridMouseY - j)**2; let maxDistSq = maxDist**2; if(distance<maxDistSq){ let index = 4*(i + this.size*j); let power = maxDist/Math.sqrt(distance); //if(distance < 1) power = 1; data[index] += this.mouse.vX * power; data[index+1] -= this.mouse.vY * power; } } } this.mouse.vX *= 0.91; this.mouse.vY *= 0.91; this.texture.needsUpdate = true; } render(){ this.time += 0.05; this.updateDataTexture(); this.material.uniforms.time.value = this.time; requestAnimationFrame(this.render.bind(this)); this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera); } setupResize(){ window.addEventListener('resize', this.resize.bind(this)); } resize(){ this.width = this.container.offsetWidth; this.height = this.container.offsetHeight; this.renderer.setSize(this.width, this.height); this.camera.aspect = this.width / this.height; /* * Cover Image */ let a1, a2; this.imageAspect = 1./1.5; if(this.height/this.width > this.imageAspect){ a1 = (this.width/this.height) * this.imageAspect; a2 = 1; } else { a1 = 1; a2 = (this.height/this.width) / this.imageAspect; } this.material.uniforms.resolution.value.x = this.width; this.material.uniforms.resolution.value.y = this.height; this.material.uniforms.resolution.value.z = a1; this.material.uniforms.resolution.value.w = a2; this.camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); } } Run it: import * as THREE from './three/three.module.js'; import WaterEffect from './water.js'; class App{ constructor(){ this.gwater = new WaterEffect({ dom: your_container_here }); this.loader(); } loader(){ this.gwater.loadingManager = new THREE.LoadingManager(); this.gwater.textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader(this.gwater.loadingManager); this.gwater.textures = []; this.gwater.textures.push(this.gwater.textureLoader.load('/wp-content/themes/gate-child/assets/images/mono.png')); this.gwater.loadingManager.onLoad = () => { /* * Alright, THREE.js is ready, run IT */ this.gwater.addObjects(); this.gwater.resize(); this.gwater.render(); this.gwater.setupResize(); this.gwater.mouseEvents(); } } } new App(); You can reach THREE.js Loading Progression before onLoad... Put a look here: https://threejs.org/docs/index.html?q=loading#api/en/loaders/managers/LoadingManager
  14. Hi @Delarge! Is that possible to provide a demo from codepen please? I'm not sure without testing, but your example seems to be something like the URL you propose... I have tested some part of your code by copy/paste him in the codepen of the DEMO, but is working good for me. ScrollTrigger is register too? gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); Best regards! Sam
  15. Hi momo! I'm not sure I understand good, sorry for my bad english, but try position fixed on your .middle-mask element. Does help you? Best Regards! Sam
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