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totalDuration( value:Number ) : [Number | self]

Gets or sets the total duration of the timeline in seconds including any repeats or repeatDelays.


  • value: Number

    (default = NaN)- Omitting the parameter returns the current value (getter), whereas defining the parameter sets the value (setter) and returns the instance itself for easier chaining. Negative values will be interpreted from the END of the animation.

Returns : [Number | self]

Omitting the parameter returns the current value (getter), whereas defining the parameter sets the value (setter) and returns the instance itself for easier chaining.


Gets or sets the total duration of the timeline in seconds including any repeats or repeatDelays. duration, by contrast, does NOT include repeats and repeatDelays. For example, if the tween has a duration of 10, a repeat of 1 and a repeatDelay of 2, the totalDuration would be 22.

Due to the fact that a timeline's duration is dictated by its contents, using this method as a setter will simply cause the timeScale to be adjusted to fit the current contents into the specified totalDuration, but the totalDuration (and duration) value itself will remain unchanged.

This method serves as both a getter and setter. Omitting the parameter returns the current value (getter), whereas defining the parameter sets the value (setter) and returns the instance itself for easier chaining.

//gets total duration
var total = tl.totalDuration();

//adjusts the timeScale of the timeline so that it fits into exactly 10 seconds on its parent timeline