progress( value:Number, suppressEvents:Boolean ) : [Number | self]
[override] Gets or sets the timeline's progress which is a value between 0 and 1 indicating the position of the virtual playhead (excluding repeats) where 0 is at the beginning, 0.5 is halfway complete, and 1 is complete.
value: Number
(default =
) - Omitting the parameter returns the current value (getter), whereas defining the parameter sets the value (setter) and returns the instance itself for easier chaining.suppressEvents: Boolean
(default =false
)- Iftrue
, no events or callbacks will be triggered when the playhead moves to the new position.
Returns : [Number | self]
Omitting the parameter returns the current value (getter), whereas defining the parameter sets the value (setter) and returns the instance itself for easier chaining.
Gets or sets the timeline's progress which is a value between 0 and 1 indicating the position of the virtual playhead (excluding repeats) where 0 is at the beginning, 0.5 is halfway complete, and 1 is complete. If the timeline has a non-zero repeat
defined, progress and totalProgress
will be different because progress
doesn't include any repeats or repeatDelays whereas totalProgress
does. For example, if a timeline instance is set to repeat once, at the end of the first cycle totalProgress
would only be 0.5 whereas progress
would be 1. If you watched both properties over the course of the entire animation, you'd see progress go from 0 to 1 twice (once for each cycle) in the same time it takes the totalProgress
to go from 0 to 1 once.
This method serves as both a getter and setter. Omitting the parameter returns the current value (getter), whereas defining the parameter sets the value (setter) and returns the instance itself for easier chaining, like tl.progress(0.5).play();
//gets current progress
var progress = tl.progress();
//sets progress to one quarter finished