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Tweens the text content of a DOM element, replacing it one character at a time (or one word at a time if you set the delimiter to " " (a space) or you can even use a custom delimiter). So when the tween is finished, the DOM element's text has been completely replaced. This also means that if you rewind/restart the tween, the text will be reverted. Here is a simple example of replacing the text in yourElement:

//replaces yourElement's text with "This is the new text" over the course of 2 seconds
gsap.to(yourElement, {duration: 2, text: "This is the new text", ease: "none"});

If you'd like to use a different delimiter so that instead of replacing character-by-character, it gets replaced word-by-word, just pass an object with configuration properties like this:

//replaces word-by-word because the delimiter is " " (a space)
gsap.to(yourElement, {duration: 2, text: {value: "This is the new text", delimiter: " "}, ease: "none"});

You can even add a new CSS class to the new text as it comes in. Learn more in the TextPlugin documentation.

To learn how to include TextPlugin into your project, see the GSAP install docs.

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Aamir Khan


Does GSAP provide typewriter style effect for SVG Text?

Aamir Khan


I want to apply typewriter style effect to my text in svg. I am looking for help

Aamir Khan


Thanks. It helped.

Aamir Khan


what types of animation can be done to text in svg using gsap.



@Aamir Khan sorry, I don't quite understand your question. You can do all kinds of animation. The sky's the limit. If you need more help, please post your question in the forums at https://greensock.com/forums rather than the product page :) 

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