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  1. Karina

    Custom ease

    Hi everyone, I am trying to use a gsap library in Framer Studio environment. Can't set custom ease to work. Get the error:" can't find the variable". Other easing types work fine. Help, somebody?!
  2. swampthang

    Awesome Custom Ease!

    I was wanting to create a multi-word, repeating 'swinging-sign' animation similar to Jamie Jefferson's here: https://codepen.io/jamiejefferson/pen/zjsCl The way he has that set up (and I'm sure he had to do it that way at the time) called an onStart function that created the swinging effect. That sort of wreaked havoc on the idea of being able to "replay" the timeline. So I pulled up the awesome ease-visualizer and created a custom ease that basically did the same thing. Made for a really simple way to recreate Jamie's awesome effect. I've seen a few folks on stackoverflow and elsewhere wanting to do this so thought I'd post this here for anyone struggling with it. Here's the custom ease: ease: CustomEase.create("custom", "M0,0 C0.128,0.572 0.052,1.374 0.15,1.374 0.28,1.374 0.226,0.528 0.358,0.528 0.466,0.528 0.442,1.164 0.552,1.164 0.694,1.164 0.62,0.764 0.736,0.764 0.788,0.764 0.798,1.044 0.856,1.044 0.88,1.044 0.924,0.948 0.94,0.948 0.961,0.948 0.993,1 1,1")
  3. Hey folks, check out the codepen with open console. Any hints what's wrong? Thanks
  4. Hello! I'm currently using TimelineMax() to create a timeline for a custom Easing function. The custom Ease is working as expected, so there are no problems with that. However, I came across a part in the docs where it mentioned the config() method could be used with newer versions of Greensock instead of the standard extraParams method. This is how I'm passing parameters at the moment: new TimelineMax().to(box, springTiming, { delay: 1, x: 400, ease: new Ease(springFrame, [spring]) }) How would I be able to use the config() method to pass it the same way? Also, would it be beneficial in doing so? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi, For the purpose of distilling this problem to its principal components, let's say I have 2 object that are side by side, say at y=100 pixels. I want both of those to fall down the screen, but to different destination y locations. I want them both to accelerate (easeIn), at the same speed, even though their distance to tween is different. Also I want to cap their final velocity, so they never fall faster than pixels/sec. Here is an illustration: (initial position) Sprite1 Sprite2 (fromX = 0, fromY = 0) (fromX = 100, fromY = 0) (toX = 0, toY = 200) (toX = 100, toY = 400) (falling --> Sprite 1 and Sprite 2 have the EXACT same Y location as falling, since they are using the same custom easing IN function to control their acceleration and final velocity) (falling) .. .. .. Sprite1 has stopped here) Sprite1 (x=0, y=200) Sprite2 (is at the exact same Y locations because they are following the same easing IN function, regardless of total distance to travel (Sprite2 continues to fall until it reaches it target location of y=400) Sprite2 (x = 100, y = 400) Thanks, --Kestal
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