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  1. I'm not sure if it's a bug but the latest Chrome under iOS 8 (old iPad2) behaves different than Safari while swiping/dragging content. Can be something in GSAP as well but guess it's Chrome for now. If you drag/throw a page while your finger leaves the screen the throwprops plugin detects you left and just does what it's supposed to do. Well, that's for iOS Safari, Chrome does the same except if you leave the screen while you swipe to the top and leave screen while swiping over the it's browser bar. If you do so the draggable/throwprops will just stop moving until you drag within the screen again. It's annoying since with my navigation you have to swipe/drag/throw from bottom to top to scroll the site. Works perfectly if you keep you fingers on screen. I made a little page which shows the problem: http://ozboz.nl/dragger/ It's like the browser bar gets the focus or something. Hope someone can give me a fix (or Google for that matter).
  2. Hi everybody, for a personal project I would like to build an oblique progress bar. So, my first question is: Is there a way to create dynamically and easily a Line object with Tweenmax.js? For the moment I just resize the width of a rectangle shape like this : http://jsfiddle.net/FracArt/6GJ67/2/ Which actually works! But seems a bit "hacky". Second question, as you can notice on the jsfiddle file I tried to build an oblique progress bar on the same principle. However, when I rotate the rectangle a gap appears between the initial and final position of the bar. So do you have an idea of how I can correct that without doing some geometry calculations? (maybe a transform-origin property on the css?)
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