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  1. Hema Nath

    Anchor links and overflow

    This is a minimal demo of how the website I am creating might look like, there is more content in each container, but for the sake of minimalism, I have removed all of it. The main issue is that: 1. The anchor links are not working. 2. If I use touchpad and scroll left and right(horizontally) and then scroll top to bottom(horizontally), the gsap is getting triggered from where I left off and then its scrolling even when there is no content to the right. 3. It is pushing my last container to the top after I scroll there.
  2. Just bumping this here in case it's useful for anyone else. Navigate to this url to see it working. https://cdpn.io/pen/debug/XWVvMGr#section3
  3. I feel like I may be overthinking this... ? I have multiple sections on a page, each with their own timeline, all of which are attached to the scrollbar via ScrollTrigger. The trigger for each section is the ID of the section's container, and the timelines start at the top of each container. I'm trying to set up a fixed navigation with anchor links for the user to navigate between these sections. The problem I'm running into is that when you click on a nav link, it scrolls the user to top of the container, which is the start of the timeline. Since the timeline is attached to the scroll bar, the user will then have to scroll to play out the rest of the timeline (which I feel is not always intuitive enough). Is there a way to link to the end of the timeline of a section? I tried putting a hidden element at the end of each section for the anchor link to link to... but that doesn't always play out the whole animation. I also thought about making separate timelines (but I feel like that's too much work for something that probably has an easier solution). Am I missing something?
  4. Hi, how can i create anchor links for a horizontal scrolling? My version is not working correctly: $(".menu-item").on("click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var id = $(this).attr('href'); var left = $(id).offset().left; $('body,html').animate({ scrollTop: left }, 1500); });
  5. I have onepage site and I use gsap for all animations there, incl. smooth scroll with anchor links, something like this http://codepen.io/anon/pen/bxaHz Now I want combine this smooth scroll functionality with history.js plugin https://github.com/browserstate/history.js/ , so that users had the opportunity to go back and forward through the site. But I failed to do that. Here is what I have atm http://codepen.io/anon/pen/jzymf as you can see page jumps to the top when you click back or forward, and only then scrolls. I would really appreciate any help. Thank you very much!
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