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  1. Using .set() with the percentage equivalent of x and y doesn't work http://codepen.io/marlonmarcello/pen/vGeZbj
  2. Is there any way to have multiple transformes chained in a distinct order with GSAP? With SVG you can write all transforms in the "transform" attribute and they will be executed in the reverse order, like: <circle r="20" transform="scale(2) rotate(20) translate(-20,0)"/> this will move the circle 20 units to the left, rotate it by 20° (having it's origin still at 0,0) and then scale it by 2. a different order of transforms will yield a different result. I wonder if it would be possible to be able to chain transforms like that in GSAP, but with any element, like this: TweenMax.to('#element', 2, { opacity:1, chainedTransform: [{ scale: 1.5 }, { x: -100 }, { rotate: 50, transformOrigin:'50% 20%' }, { scale 1 / 1.5 }, { y: 100, y:-50 }, { matrix: [0.8, 0.4, -0.4, 0.8, 32, -32] }, { skewX:20, transformOrigin:'0 0' } ] }); This way you could do more complex animations and would likely be most suitable for "fromTo" Tweens.
  3. Is it possible in the JS version of gsap to rotate or enlarge an image about its centre rather than from a top corner? I think you can do this with the TransformAroundCenter plugin in AS but can't find it for JS.
  4. Hi! i can't rotate a two faces box correctly with TweenMax but with pure CSS it works fine. TweenMax version http://codepen.io/glegenty/pen/adxpQy CSS only version http://codepen.io/glegenty/pen/VeNpwE i don't see what i'm missing. Thanks for you help
  5. GSAP Masters, Have come across a situation that you are all more than likely preloaded to fire back a response to explain why. The codepen example above is handled allot different in chrome as it is to firefox or internet explorer (all that I have tested at this stage). I was looking for a way to only transform on one shape but then pattern that render across the whole page as opposed to transforming lots of shapes all together (was killing my cpu). Chrome let me believe I was close to an answer until yeah the other browser checks bummed me out. Looking forward to your response. Cheers, Bundy
  6. Hi there, it must be something really simple but I can't find it in the docs: how does one get local coordinates of a specific point in an element after it has been transformed? For example, if user clicks on a div that has been rotated 45 degrees, how do I get the transformed coordinates of the mouse click in the div? Please have a look at this codepen: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/BoXpKB It works as this: Click on the top left corner of the box. Local coordinate values will appear in it. Rotate the box 90 degrees clockwise. Click the same corner, which should be top right now. The value presented appears to be not transformed. I would expect the the returned value to be similar to the one received in the step 3. Not getting the transformed value makes it difficult to insert elements into containers at a specific location. It is especially the case when one is working with a huge scrollable container with only a fraction of it area visible.
  7. I first tried using CSS, but when I was informed that it looks buggy on Safari, I tried with Greensock to see if it fixes it. It still has the same issues, but ONLY on Safari. After a bit of research I saw it discussed on StackOverflow as a Safari bug. The bug is: while doing the transition, half of the element seems to transition differently than the other half. It shows a line in the middle, like if the element was made of paper and was bending in half. Is there any way around it? I presented a few animations to the client, but this animation (rotateY) was the unanimous selection. Note: I am somewhat new to Javascript and Greensock. You may notice better ways to do what I did. I wouldn't mind suggestions on improving it, but what I am really after is a solution to the bug/glitch. Thank you for your time.
  8. You can see at line 26 in my JS that I am animating the svg text for whichever circle is hovered over. My only problem is this. Each circle is at different positions, so I need the text to animate by adding a certain number of px to it's current position. Something similar to a varible addition (x += 10;). Is this possible to do?
  9. Hey all! In the attached codepen, my tween causes the element in question (a red treble clef) to become huge before moving. Is there a way to stop it from jumping size and positions like that? As you can see in the codepen: setTimeout(function() { var clef = document.getElementById('Clef_0_1@1'); TweenMax.to(clef, 10, { x: 100, y: 100 }); }, 1000); The JavaScript only specifies a translation, but I get the sense that the original position is shifted first and it's clear that the original scale is obliterated. Many thanks for your help!
  10. I'm trying to get this tween to work with an eventListener, and it works fine if I pull it out of it, but as soon as it's back in the event listener, nothing happens. I've also tried doing it with jquery and using .play() and .pause() and I am getting the same issue. I also tried setting the event listener to the clippath itself, rather than the circle, and no joy. No idea what's wrong here! I'm working directly off this other codepen and it works fine there. http://codepen.io/rorytawn/pen/OVeWNB
  11. I've got this scene where a scale and transform-origin are being used together. On Safari the effect never takes places and I know of a hacky way to fix this, but wondering what a better solution would be? Here is the code I'm discussing. tl.to(worm, 1, { scale: 1, transformOrigin: 'bottom center' });
  12. so i am building a bike animation, and i want to rotate the pedal assembly while keeping the pedal itself perpendicular to the ground. i am failing on that last bit. current version of the code here http://codepen.io/brountreeRS/pen/mJgNbb
  13. Hey guys, Been a lurker here for a few years, but never needed to ask a question until now, so thanks for anyone that can provide any info. Working on a little SVG chess animation, as you can see in the pen. I have the timeline set to repeat. On the initial playthrough, the elements all appear correctly and animate as I've coded them to. But on any subsequent plays, you'll see that some elements jump or appear differently. I'm assuming this has something to do with the transforms I'm applying to them. If so, is there a way for all of the elements to "reset" to how they start at the beginning of my timeline on the first play? Thanks, in advance.
  14. Hi! I'm working to new animation engine! Cross-browser and back to IE8 support for transform (rotate, scale, translate), but it's always uses transform-origin is 50% 50% or 0px 0px! I obtained and installed TweenMax.js CSSPlugin IE8 transform script and works on any transform-origin! My project is MIT-Licensed. Is it possible use code on my project free or need BUY license or completely restricted? Sorry for bad english!
  15. Having trouble understanding 3D transformations. I took a look at this page: https://greensock.com/css3/, but while they provide great demos, the code isn't shown so I can analyze and learn from it. In my pen demo ( ), I'm struggling to understand why my transforms do not animate smoothly to a 90 degree rotationY. When the animation starts it jumps and then animates the rest of the way...of course not the intended effect. Any assistance is appreciated. UPDATE: Ok, so I figured out I guess the parent container needed a perspective set. Now they animate smoothly, but at 90 degrees I'd expect them to disappear and I can still see them on an angle?
  16. I think I stumbled on a bug trying to rotate text elements in SVG with Greensock... It completely ignores the rotation of the text for both the house and the sun... TweenMax.set(sunDegreesText,{rotation:degrees,transformOrigin:"50% 50%"}); TweenMax.set(houseDegreesText,{rotation:degrees,transformOrigin:"50% 50%"}); Any ideas?
  17. Hey, guys. I'm having some trouble moving my CSS3 animations to GSAP. I'm new to this animation library so bear with me. I have several elements starting off-screen and dropping downwards into their final resting places. Each element has its own unique CSS transform string, containing some or all of the following: perspective, rotateX/Y/Z, and skewX/Y. My first attempt was to use from() and have GSAP do all of the heavy lifting interpolating from a base state I defined in a JSON object to the state defined in my CSS transform strings. Unfortunately, I couldn't get any 3D transforms to occur; only the vertical translation. In other words, the elements would move but would look out of place since their final state had no rotation or skewing present. I posted a question on SO and Jack recommended I move away from these transform strings entirely and use GSAP native animation properties. (He also pointed me to these forums.) So, I switched from, ah, from() and moved to, uh, fromTo(). I explicitly defined the initial and final states in JSON objects and handed them off to fromTo() for animation. I used my original CSS transform string values (i.e. transform: perspective(400px) rotateX(39deg) etc etc) in my GSAP state objects (i.e. 'transformPerspective': 400, 'rotation': 0, 'rotationX': 39). Unfortunately, the end result is fairly different from the pure CSS transform version. I came up with two fiddles to demonstrate the difference: Pure CSS: http://jsfiddle.net/nLohzgzb/4/ Pure GSAP: http://jsfiddle.net/fuoch37v/ Note that the animation itself is different (no "blowing in the wind"-type effect) and the end results aren't identical either. I'm sure I'm just doing something wrong or missing something obvious. Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
  18. Hi everyone! Pretty simple question here, is there any way to tween a transform-rotate more then 360º. For anyone not super familiar with 3d transforms: Simply put, the limitations of matrix3d means you cant rotate more then 360º by passing values more then 1 or less then -1. Because of this you need to loop from states -1 to 1 if you wish to rotate multiple times. Is there any built in functionality for this? or is there an easy way to loop through the transform rotation? Thanks, Daniel Example of the 360º transforms I have been using: var tiltX = function(x){ return "matrix3d(1,0,0,0" + ",0,"+ Math.cos(x) +","+ -Math.sin(x) + ",0" + ",0," + Math.sin(x) +","+ Math.cos(x) +",0," + "0,0,0,1)"; }; TweenLite.fromTo($(".subdiv"),2, {css:{transform: tiltX(3.1415)}} , {css:{transform: tiltX(-3.14159)}} ); OR TweenLite.fromTo($(".subdiv"),2, {css:{transform:"rotateX(-179.99deg)"}} , {css:{transform:"rotateX(180deg)"}});
  19. Hi there, first of all, wow!! GSAP is very impressive. I have the following code to animate the transform of an element: TweenLite.to(".element", transitionSpeed, { ease: Power2.easeInOut, css:{ transform: "scale("+scaleDiff+") rotate("+angle+"deg) translateX("+left+"px) translateY("+top+"px)" }}); Everything works as expected, except that the rotation is in the wrong direction. Can you give me a hint on how to change the direction of the rotation without loosing the transform property?
  20. This works: TweenLite.to(el, 1, {top: '100vh'}) But this doesn't: TweenLite.to(el, 1, {y: '100vh'}) In the first instance the elements ends up with style="top: 100vh" but in the second it ignores the unit and ends up with style="transform: translate3d(0, 100px, 0)". Any way to force the transform tween to use viewport units?
  21. Its quite easy to do a diagonal rotation in CSS. http://codepen.io/moorthyrweb/pen/jEayJL But, using GSAP how can I achieve the same?
  22. http://jsfiddle.net/nqdaj3cL/ Hello! I have a (maybe simple) problem with transforms and GSAP: I want to scale a centered object and modify its width but as you can see in the fiddle, the object isn't centered after the animation. It's because the translate(-50%, -50%) isn't honored anymore as GSAP keeps in memory the initial x and y values. But if I remove the matrix in the inspector and modify manually a transform : scale, it centers fine. What can I do in this case? Thank you!
  23. Hi, I have a problem with transformations in Chrome (webkit browsers). I would like to store the states of the elements in CSS classes and tween the elements from one state to other by class names. In the codepen example I rotate the red box three times, with different methods. All of it works perfectly in other browsers, but in Chrome the first tween is scaling instead of rotating. When I inspect the element I can see that in the first tween the browser use the -webkit-transform with a matrix, and the other two tweens use transform, with matrix3d. What's the solution? Thanks for the help!
  24. Hi, is there any way to disbale "translateZ(0)" hack in v1.15.0 ? Please check the codepen example in Chrome. When I use v1.14.2 it looks cool, but with v1.15.0 scale looks very blurry on webkit based browsers.
  25. Hi all, It seems the default value for transformOrigin has changed (but not the documentation). It broke some of my older animations that expected the origin in the center. While TweenMax 1.11.8 was fine, my animated bicycle was shattered all over the screen with version 1.15 (or gsap/latest). I thought I'd let you know
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