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  1. I have try to make slide image on scroll left to right with change image and change content with fade. 1st and 2nd content fade properly but 3rd and 4th getting wrong. Please help me if you have any idea to solve this issue. Thanks
  2. I have a draggable slider/"panner" that is constructed a little differently due to some demands: - It has to work with percentage widths for the slides / flexbox - It has to work with differing slide widths This has worked all right in my solution, but now I'm trying to "loop" the slider and all examples I can find are using a draggable connected to a tween's progress and I'm not able to see how I can make this work in my situation. Any pointers here? I'd suspect I'd have to do some dom manipulation by moving the first slide to the end etc but I'm not really sure where to start. Any and all advice appreciated!
  3. I'm looking for a developer to convert this slider into React. This was what I had started. It's still missing the infinite loop and auto play feature. function MediaGrid ({title, text, media}) { // Create variables let slider = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { gsap.registerPlugin(Draggable, InertiaPlugin); // Make slider draggable Draggable.create(slider, { type: "x", inertia: true, }, []); }); return ( <section className="block media-grid" style={background}> <div className="slides-container" ref={el => slider = el}> {media && media.map((media, index) => ( <div key={index} className="slideContainer"> <div className="slide"> {media.slide && media.slide.map((slide, index) => ( <div key={index} className="img-wrap"> <Img key={slide.id} fluid={slide.remoteFile.childImageSharp.fluid} /> </div> ))} </div> </div> ))} </div> </section> ) } export default MediaGrid
  4. Hello. Ran into a problem. I am trying to animate wheel like draggable. function is "slideAnim". Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks .
  5. Hello. I need your help. I don't know gsap well yet. But I need to create an animation, and I don’t know how to do it. This is the slider. Can you make it infinity? And also do it on a scroll, but not so as to turn the mouse wheel on the slide. Can smoothly wheel the slider, and when you stop turning, the slide that is more captured is the one that becomes active? I understand I probably want a lot. But I already don’t know what to do. Help me please. Thanks to everyone who will respond. Perhaps there are other options for how you can do this. I will be glad for any help Here is an example site and I want to repeat this slider https://damiankujawa.pl/en
  6. I'm looking for a developer to be able to convert this exact slider to React. – https://codepen.io/jeffdfarr/pen/qBOzVwb?editors=1010 Here's what I'm looking for it to do... Auto scroll Ability to be draggable Infinite loop Ideally I'm looking to have this done in a 1-2 weeks.
  7. Hey everyone We’re rolling up on Thanksgiving here in America, so I thought I’d say how thankful I am for this forum. You’re a terrific group of people and one AI. I’m so glad I started participating a few years ago. It’s truly been life changing. As a thank you, I’m gonna drop a couple sliders here for the community. I know there are umpteen ways to make a slider, but this is my take on it. I added multiple control types and linked the nav dots animation to the draggable element for a bit of fun. We often have questions about sliders so hopefully these will be a good jumping-off point for someone. Happy Tweensgiving
  8. dkolb5

    Draggable Slider

    Hi All, I'm having two issues with my current pen: • The draggable bounds don't seem to be working correctly. I'd like them to stop at the min and max. I've tried them as a query-able element or as an object (maxX, minX). • My proxy element is moving and affecting the drag space when it moves. Here's the pen I've been trying to emulate in gsap 3. This one is written in gsap 2: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/JawEyN
  9. Hey, I'm back and still lost about onWheel events with React and GSAP (I'm sorry.....). I read a post (here) weeks ago, and I still don't understand. I hope someone can help me... Here's a simple example of what I'm expected to create: a simple slider that can change with the onWheel event with React JS. https://codesandbox.io/s/elegant-voice-8kqcb?file=/src/App.js Perhaps I'm doing wrong, I don't know... When I'm scrolling, the third element appears directly and I don't know why. Thanks a lot in advance
  10. Hi guys, This is my first time working with gsap and I'm running into an issue with my slider. I've created this slider, now it's starting on <div class="first"> on the left. What I'd like to do is to center the slider on <div class="third"> on render. I'd appreciate your help
  11. Hi there, I am trying to add a next and previous button to the scroll slider (see codepen), so that when you click on next it move to the next slider page, and also maintain the scroll on the slider. I tried to add the below code but did not work <div class="controls"> <button id="prevButton">Prev</button> <button id="nextButton">Next</button> </div> var prevButton = document.querySelector("#prevButton"); var nextButton = document.querySelector("#nextButton"); prevButton.addEventListener("click", function() oldSlide = activeSlide; activeSlide = e.deltaY > 0 ? (activeSlide += 1) : (activeSlide -= 1); activeSlide = activeSlide < 0 ? 0 : activeSlide; activeSlide = activeSlide > slides.length - 1 ? slides.length - 1 : activeSlide; }); nextButton.addEventListener("click", function() { oldSlide = activeSlide; activeSlide = e.deltaY > 0 ? (activeSlide += 1) : (activeSlide -= 1); activeSlide = activeSlide < 0 ? 0 : activeSlide; activeSlide = activeSlide > slides.length - 1 ? slides.length - 1 : activeSlide; });
  12. Hi, I have a draggable horizontal carousel, but on mobile it prevents the vertical scroll of the webpage. How do I stop it from only allowing horizontal scroll across the slider? When a user drags their screen to move down the page if they have the slider section on their screen it won't allow them to get further down the website? - This seems like a silly issue so I am aware I am probably missing something simple, any help is appreciated. Thanks Kieran
  13. Okay so as you can see I have built one. I originally used Slick and hacked it about to make it auto advance but it was super laggy and not very reliable. Slick created a good basis (cloned slides etc) so I left that in but disabled the rest of the slider functionality I've then created functions to move the slides with GSAP and re run the function on complete to auto advance the slides. I've also added a pause on hover and next and previous arrows to navigate more quickly. This all generally works but it is slightly laggy on safari (It's okay but if i add text to the slide it becomes hard to read, I've tried creating a CSS animation which is smoother but I can't get the extra features to work) Also I'd need to do some tweaking to get the timing to work consistently with different width items as it's set to a fixed 3s per slide Any help much appreciated, I feel like there may well be a much better way to do this with timelines or something similar
  14. Hello Community - my second post as I'm very stuck trying to integrate a range-slider in React that will be friends with the progress() method to move through the timeline! I can pass around the value I need to my slider, but getting undefined errors when I try to pass this over to this.tl.progress(this.state.value) etc? I've read through several posts, but none look very current...in fact most are going back 2-3 years and the react-way has changed! Looking through the 'getting started with react post from Rodrigo' there are some useful hints, but it seems overly complex, compared to how easy it was to plugin the play, pause, reverse and restart methods into a button with an onClick event handler. Do we really need a separate state management file to pass down the state as props to a child component just to get the slider to move through the timeline without breaking? I also got some very good support already (This gives you more of an idea what I am working on...sorry for the lack of a reduced codepen example as this is a large full-stack application! coming soon I promise!) Here's some code of how I got the play, pause, reverse, and restart methods working...these plugged right in! (FYI ButtonGroup and Button components are from React-Bootstrap): <Row> <Col md={12}> <ButtonGroup className="animationControls"> <Button bsStyle="primary" onClick={() => this.tl.play()}> <Glyphicon glyph="play" /> {"Play"} </Button> <Button bsStyle="primary" onClick={() => this.tl.pause()}> <Glyphicon glyph="pause" /> {"Pause"} </Button> <Button bsStyle="primary" onClick={() => this.tl.reverse()}> <Glyphicon glyph="backward" /> {" Reverse"} </Button> <Button bsStyle="primary" onClick={() => this.tl.restart()}> <Glyphicon glyph="step-backward" /> {"Restart"} </Button> </ButtonGroup> </Col> </Row> Until bootstrap-4 is up and running with react, you do not have range slider in your form components, so I had to look elsewhere. After trying a few different versions, the npm package rc-slider seems to be the most lightweight (little to no boilerplate required!) create your styles for the slider before your class function: const railStyle = { position: "relative", width: "90%", margin: "0% 0% 0% 3%", height: 10, borderRadius: 7, cursor: "pointer", backgroundColor: "#afafaf" }; const handleStyle = { height: 15, width: 15, backgroundColor: "white", borderTopLeftRadius: 10, borderTopRightRadius: 10, border: "3px solid #E5F1FC", top: -2, position: "absolute" }; AND be sure to set your starting value in the constructor....probably 0 since that would be the start of your timeline.... constructor(props) { super(props); this.tl = new TimelineMax(); this.state = { center: [46.8, 8.3], zoom: 1, value: 0 }; this.handleZoomIn = this.handleZoomIn.bind(this); this.handleZoomOut = this.handleZoomOut.bind(this); this.handleReset = this.handleReset.bind(this); this.handleSliderChange = this.handleSliderChange.bind(this); } Next, I have two functions...please note that onSliderChange and onAfterChange are pre-built methods for the react rc-slider component. these successfuly track and log the value as you drag along the timeline, but kill the animation! onSliderChange = value => { this.setState({ value }); console.log("Value is: ", value); }; onAfterChange = value => { console.log(value); this.tl.progress(value / 100); }; .....And lastly, the slider component itself, inside render() <Slider className="slider" style={railStyle} handleStyle={handleStyle} min={0} max={bookingData.length} value={this.state.value} onChange={this.onSliderChange} //onInput={this.handleSliderChange} onAfterChange={this.onAfterChange} /> I know this may be hard to digest without a working example. I'll try to make a reduced case, but here's the issue...inside the Slider component, if you drag the slider around, it will successfully log the value I need. Where can I pass the value to this.tl.progress(this.state.value / 100) etc to get the timeline to respond? I've tried a dozen different ways, and I either get that value is undefined, or when I try to pass this in to the onSliderChange I get my fav error about expected a function, but instead saw an expression, no unused expressions. dragging the slider around kills the timeline, or depending where I do it, will make the animated elements disappear from the screen. Grrrrr! React is very powerful, but the need to constantly update the state of components during their lifecycle make these kinds of things very frustrating! If anyone has solved this or can send a link to an example of how to do this it would be greatly appreciated! If I figure it out on my own I will update the post - I know I'm close! Thanks community!
  15. Hi Friends Very Urgent my GSAP slider indicator dot not working. Plz give solution
  16. Hi guys I saw this demo in the forum lately: https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/YRzRyM I have a draggable horizontal slider in my current project and I would like to make it also scrollable with snapping. Snapping already works. But I have no idea how to make it also scrollable because I am a newbie in JS. Thank you for any help! Best, Cédric
  17. Im quite new to GSAP and currently working on a project. I found this slider here online: https://codepen.io/gvrban/pen/qjbpaa and modifyed it to fit my needs. You can find a it on codepen: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/KEYRBY (its ripped out of my project and anonymized so don't wonder for the look) Only problem is, if I resize the page, the slider is of and I have to do a reload of the page to get it fitting again. I understand that it is cause of the calculated variables (which are off after a resize). Is there an easy way to make it responsive or do I have to recalculate it with a window.resize? Thanks in advance.
  18. image change on mouse up and mouse down and also title change animations.
  19. My web development agency is looking for a freelancer to develop a full page slider image with morphing transition. We have a special request from our customer and are not experimented with GreenSock/GSAP. We would like something very similar than https://delcambio.me landing page. We will only need the image morphing transition slider code, that we will implement in our current project (Laravel/HTML5). Project: Start date: mid-March Slider delivery deadline: mid-April Deliver a working HTML file with all assets Specify licences to purchase if any Image sample will be given. (black background dominante) Please send us: Libraries and versions required (GSAP? TweenLite?, jQuery? +++) Estimated delivery time Expected price for the task If you have a portfolio with similar work that would be perfect! Thanks. Adrien. adrien@acte-solutions.com
  20. Catalin R.

    Slider GSAP

    Hi, I have a problem with this slider. Can anybody help me? Thanks a lot!
  21. Hello everyone at GSAP. Thanks for the great ongoing job. For the past day or two, I've been trying to implement GIaco's full page slider on my react website. This is the link to the original on codepen - What I am trying to do is achieve the exact same thing but with react. So far I have not been able to get anything to work especially because some of the line of code in the codepen example above don't make much sense to me when trying to implement them in react. This is what I have so far - import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { TweenMax, TimelineMax, ScrollToPlugin, CSSPlugin, Expo } from 'gsap/all'; import ReactPageScroller from "react-page-scroller"; import '../../styles/components/home.scss'; import Nav from '../nav/Nav'; const plugins = [ CSSPlugin ]; class Home extends Component { state = { slides: [], animating: true } constructor(props) { super(props); this.Go = this.Go.bind(this) } componentWillMount() { const slide = this.state.slides; const indx = slide.length - 1; const Anim = this.state.animating; for(var i = slide.length; i--;) { slide[i].anim = TweenMax.to(slide[i], 0.7, { yPercent: -100, paused: true }); } document.addEventListener("wheel", this.Go); } Go(e){ var SD=isNaN(e)?e.wheelDelta||-e.detail:e; if(SD>0 && indx>0 ){ if(!Anim){Anim=slide[indx].anim.play(); indx--;} }else if(SD<0 && indx<box.length-1){ if(!Anim||!Anim.isActive()){indx++; Anim=box[indx].anim.reverse();} }; if(isNaN(e))e.preventDefault(); }; render() { return ( <div className="home"> <Nav /> <div className="slide" ref={(slide) => { this.state.slides.push(slide) }}>1</div> <div className="slide" ref={(slide) => { this.state.slides.push(slide) }}>2</div> <div className="slide" ref={(slide) => { this.state.slides.push(slide) }}>3</div> </div> ); } } export default Home; Please, if anyone could spare the time in this busy festive period to help me out, I would be ecstatic. Thanks all and Merry Christmas.
  22. Hi First what I want to do. I have a slider with 4 pages and depending on the page I'm on, when hovering over a pre-specified element I want some text to display. This text is otherwise (when not hovering over the element) hidden. I've been thinking about ideas how to do it and thought about something and I'm wondernig whether it's possible. I give my "dots" (as seen below) <div style="text-align:center"> <span class="dot"></span> <span class="dot"></span> <span class="dot"></span> <span class="dot"></span> </div> a css active state and then display the appropriate text depending on which "dot" is active? If that wouldn't be possible, how else could I achieve this? So far I only was able to display the text, which is otherwise hidden, when hovering over the pre-specified element. All help is appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  23. Hi y'all. I need some help here with my current project for university. Here's what I want to do: I created a slideshow for which I want to display animations (for example: scale on mouseover), however I want to show different types of animation based off on what slideshow page I am. Let's say I'm on slider 1 / 3 . Here I want the div box to scale:2 I'm on slider 2 / 3 . Here I want the div box to move x:200 I'm on slider 3 / 3 . Here I want the div box to opacity:0.2 The thing is I kind of know how to do it, using an if statement, but I'm not entirely sure what I have to put in between the brackets [if (HERE)] to target each slider. Thank you in advance for all the advice and help : )
  24. How can I achieve this scroll animation slider like this acme-experience.com. i just want to know the flow and how i incorporate this animation with Tween Max. I want to do this animation for single image which is should be Slice effect as like as this site when scroll. Expecting help from you . Thank you
  25. Hi, I want to create the 3D text slider which will continuous playing. If there is any same working slider or code is present
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