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  1. I have a section with the height of 100vh and pin it as follows: ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: ".styleselectcontainer", start: "top top", pin: true, pinSpacing:false, }); Directly after that follows the next section with normal scrolling. How can I control that this section does not scroll directly above the pinned section when the pin fires? I want to achieve that the user has to scroll/swipe a little bit until the second section starts scrolling.
  2. The GSAP plugin is amazing, and I've had some luck implementing some things on various sites. However, I'm trying to design a section for my new website, and I'm running into a wall. I've reviewed several CodePens, and done a ton of Googling, but I just can't seem to combine the various demos I've found. The demos I've tried to work off of include: https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/abmpGQv/d076a9cf4c1a952a0bc921a76bc2202f (Fake Horizontal Scroll with Fake Pin) https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/YzygYvM (Horizontal snapping sections) https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/ZEpNLZa (Animate horizontal sections) The idea is this: the user scrolls down to this section. The section is pinned in place. As the user continues to scroll, the first "tab" delineated by vertical dashed lines scrolls into place overtop of the Digital Marketing tab. The content in that tab is scrubbed in with opacity changes, or perhaps with a toggleClass on that tab. Once that tab is revealed, the next one slides into place, and so on until each tab has been revealed, at which point the pin is revealed. When the user scrolls back up the page, the whole thing goes in reverse. As you can see in the CodePen I've submitted, I have made some limited progress, but I can't seem to get it to go full width. I also don't understand how to apply this successively to each tab, one over top of another. If anyone could lend a hand or point me to the right direction, I'd appreciate it very much.
  3. Hi, I am trying to scroll the contents in the text-block while pinning the parent. But as you can see in this demo the scroll is taking children of both the parent divs. I want it like once the first section i.e {.phone-text-scroll-block} has finished scrolling the other {phone-text-scroll-block} should come as a pinned layer Like this example and then the same animation repeats as the first one. Please help me. Thanks
  4. Hi everyone, I'm wondering if any of the geniuses on this incredible forum could potentially point me in a direction to possibly modifying the ScrollTrigger Layered Pinning Demo (https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/KKpLdWW) to behave to something similar to this: https://gmeadow.com/ I can see that https://gmeadow.com/ is actually using GSAP and ScrollTrigger but I have no idea how to achieve some of functionality they've implemented (i.e. scroll-jacking/locking, parallax effect on section transitions etc). Any help or pointing in the right direction would of course, be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dayne
  5. Hello, Is it possible to update/refresh the .pin-spacer element height when the pinned element height changes ? You can see on the Codepen demo, when the lightgreen element (.container) is pinned, the padding is decreased, so the .pin-spacer appears behind (green). I would'nt see that element behind, i would the following element .content stick to the pinned element. Thank you for your interest about my problem
  6. Hello Everyone, Hope you guys having a great day. So, here i am trying to achieve pin scrolling form left to right and right to left achieved nicely by @akapowl using locomotive scroll and how to make horizontal scroll section to display vertical on mobile and display horizontally at tab and desktop. and if i want to achieve horizontal scroll at mobile then this will be kind of bad for user experience as it will cause problem to scroll. https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/8a383f202ba53d6b11cc83da39b6f5b5 I want to achieve left to right in second section and want to make them display vertical on mobile coz its overlapping
  7. Hi there! Thanks a lot first for creating this library! I am only starting to using it more often but love how easy it can make powerful, performant transitions. This is my first time using ScrollTrigger however and I am unsure how to use it in a good way for my use case. I've spent a few hours on trying to put this together but did not get it fully working and hope that some of you can guide me in the right direction. What I am trying to achieve Once Section Two ('section .two') reaches the middle of the viewport it should be pinned. After that the text elements on the right of Section Two ('.stepped-animation .single-step') should fade in / out one after another when I scroll further. There should be a "direct" transition to the next text element, meaning for example it shouldn't stop during animation at opacity 0.5 of a text element (I tried to achieve this using snap). The last one should stay visible when I scroll on. After the last text element is shown and the user scrolls further the Section Two should be unpinned and it should scroll on further to the next section (no need to snap to the next section, just go on). What I could do so far As you can see in the codepen I've somehow got it to work, but: I've manually added the transitions for the text elements and durations (see stepsTimeline) which is not a plausible way The number of text elements can vary. Somehow the whole Section Two now also snaps in place, which is not really what I intend. It should just normaly scroll into place until it is pinned without the snapping. Less important, maybe a second question: I would like to get rid of the white space above / below the pinned section but also do not want the following content to go under the pinned section (what happens when I disable pinSpacing). A few thoughts on how I tried to achieve the solution Two scroll triggers: - one that pins / unpins the Section Two - one that goes through the text elements and shows / hides then when the time is right I feel like there is probably a better way on how to setup the whole thing and maybe use ScrollTrigger it in another way combined with timeline - but I cannot see it ? Thanks for any help! Aaron
  8. Hello, I have a question although I don't know if I can't find the answer here but I thought I should give it a try since I exhausted all other options. I have an image/video that needs to be pin and it's going to be move to another section, so what I need it's to be able to un-pin the image once the center of the image/video hits the center of the content of the section. The problem is that the image can be larger or smaller depending of the size of the screen (since it's inside a grid) so I don't know how to calculate this so the centers always meet regardless of the image size. Any help would be appreciated
  9. Hello devs , i'm trying to implement smooth scroll and scrollTrigger pinning on same view port. As the smooth scroll works by disabling scroll and translating -Y , pinned div also translates instead of pinning. Reference : https://codepen.io/wooooosky/pen/LQNZgv Can anyone give me a solution , would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
  10. Hi there, I’ve just started using the ScrollTrigger plugin, which is SO awesome - thank you for all the work put into this. I’m worried I’m over complicating things, especially in regards to making my ScrollTrigger instances responsive. Basically I have 2 ScrollTrigger instances for desktop (anything above 800px) and 1 tween with a ScrollTrigger instance for mobile (anything below 800px). I want the 2 desktop ScrollTrigger instances to only run on desktop and the mobile tween with ScrollTrigger to only run on mobile. Everything works great on initial load for both desktop and mobile, but if resizing the viewport, everything goes a bit whacky/breaks (things go out of place/overflow, and I can’t tell if the instances are duplicating or if just the markers are being repeated). As well, my desktop ScrollTrigger instances won’t run if resizing from mobile and my mobile tween with ScrollTrigger won’t run if resizing from desktop. I’ve been wracking my brain, searching high and low in the docs and forums trying different things for 3 days now, but I’m not quite getting it. Any help would be incredibly appreciated. Thank you so much.
  11. Hi, I have created a gsap animation in my website. Inorder for it to autoplay i have not specified the duration while creating the scrollmagic scene. Now the animation is autoplaying (which is the intended effect if was going for) but now the section stays locked in place since there is no duration to tell the animation that it is over. So currently, the next elements are being overlapped by the pinned element. How can i fix this ? How can i unpin the element after the animation ?
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