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Found 5 results

  1. I wanna create a scrollTrigger animation like the one in https://figr.design/ website homepage; if you have any suggestions, that would be a great help for me.
  2. So title pretty much sums it up. And not sure if this is the place to ask but who better! than fellow banner compatriots! Designer/Client is sending me an InDesign document. She used to send AI docs which were a PITA to begin with but this adds another layer of crap. Anyone know of a workflow to get layered PSDs from an InDesign document? Thanks in advance
  3. Hello everyone! I'm working on a website with layered pinned animations. The main animation is working well, however I would need to make possible that the first two sections (with a different class and nested content with a mask) works as layered pinning but with an inverted behavior. In few words: generally layered pinning make NEXT layers to overlay the PREVIOUS, while I need the FIRST section overlay the SECOND, keeping the snapping effect. After this specific animation, the next pinning animations should work as usual. I tried to use this snippet to control the zIndex of the first two sections without results (the animation breaks and restarts every time from top): gsap.set(".panelz", { zIndex: (i, target, targets) => targets.length - i }); where ".panelz" is the class of two nested sections inside the first main section. How can I solve this? Thank you in advance and have a nice day!
  4. Hi, I want to animate this three section (red, green & blue), when first(red) section come on top of the browser i want to animate this red section to top, to reveal second section (green). And so one... I almost solved it, but I wish there was no white space between the sections, when scroll. Animation like this: https://teamway.io/ Tnx
  5. Hi everyone, I'm wondering if any of the geniuses on this incredible forum could potentially point me in a direction to possibly modifying the ScrollTrigger Layered Pinning Demo (https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/KKpLdWW) to behave to something similar to this: https://gmeadow.com/ I can see that https://gmeadow.com/ is actually using GSAP and ScrollTrigger but I have no idea how to achieve some of functionality they've implemented (i.e. scroll-jacking/locking, parallax effect on section transitions etc). Any help or pointing in the right direction would of course, be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dayne
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