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  1. Hello guys. Please help me with some strange behavior. I have parent component (React) where i initialize ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy with Locomotive Scroll as you recommended in docs (scrollerProxy). If i try to use scrollTrigger inside that parent component (using useEffect) - everything works fine. But if i use scrollTrigger inside child component and provide the same scroller element (with id #smooth-scroll) then i have an issue. I've already tried: to call ScrollTrigger.refresh() inside child component; make reference (useRef) to locomotive instance in parent component and pass it to child via props; make reference to scroller element using useRef inside parent and pass it to child via props; to initialize ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy with Locomotive Scroll inside child component - this works, but if i have bunch of elements which calling this initialization - i have terrible performance issue. So i think the best way is to provide only one initialization inside parent (i.e. page) and pass it somehow to child components. Link to Codesandbox (to see smooth scrolling click "Open in new window" icon at top right in browser panel). Maybe someone else have the same problem? What i do wrong in this case?
  2. Hello, Is there a way to remove timeline nesting? I have timelines which may play separately, but when they are nested to some combined effect, they dont .play anymore. One way I found to do this is to create another nesting, but this is too much imo.
  3. I'm quite new to the jQuery and GSAP and really need Your help . I'm having a problem in animating children div while parent element is hover using TweenMax/TimelineMax. I can animate css of children with jQuery like this: $('.div1').mouseenter(function () { $('.div2').css('font-size', '20px'); }); but since I want to build a really complex animation I would like to use TimelineMax to my code in place of "css('font-size', '20px');" but nothing seems to work. I've build a simple test.html to find a solution: <body> <div id="logo"> <p id="text">TEXT TO BE ANIMATED</p> </div> </body> and I've tried to animate my #text element with this code (obtaining only parent animation): $(document).ready(function () { var hoverEffect = $("#logo"); hoverEffect.hover(function() { TweenMax.to(this, .35, {borderLeft: "15px solid #00b89d"}) }, function() { TweenMax.to(this, .5, {borderLeft: "0px solid #00b89d"}) }); }); I've also tried jQuery .find() and .children() methods but failed... Thanks in advance for Your help
  4. I know there's a getChildren() method for TimelineMax but I have a situation where I need to check to see if a child timeline has been added to a parent timeline. Would be great if I could do something like getParent() and then check against what I know to be the master timeline - as opposed to getting the children of a master timeline and having to look through it to see if the child is there. I know that every timeline created is added to a global timeline until it gets added to a specific parent timeline so the .timeline property is never empty. Would like to do something like: var tw, tl = new TimelineMax(), masterTL = new TimelineMax(); function doTween() { resetTween(tw); // reset tween function tw = TweenMax.to(element, 1, {x: 0, y:0}); tl.add(tw); var master = tl.getParent(); // THIS IS WHAT I'D LOVE TO SEE! if(!master == masterTL) { masterTL.add(tl); } } Is there a cleaner, better way to accomplish this?
  5. Hi team, I have a problem with my code that I can't solve. So what I have is a master timeline that have 3 nested timelines: getSpinTimeline(), getRotateTimeline(), getPinTimeline() var mtl = new TimelineMax(); mtl.add(getSpinTimeline()) .add(getRotateTimeline()) .add(getPinTimeline()); mtl.timeScale(2.3); After the animation has ended, I hit on a button I would like to reverse() the animation. It works fine if I do mtl.reverse(); But what I am trying to achieve here is to remove getPinTimeline() and reverse only getRotateTimeline() and getSpinTimeline(). I tried the following but failed: mtl.remove(getPinTimeline()).reverse() mtl.seek(getPinTimeline().totalDuration()).reverse() I have also tried creating a duplicate timeline but failed: var mtl2 = new TimelineMax(); mtl2.add(getSpinTimeline()) .add(getRotateTimeline()) mtl2.timeScale(2.3).reverse(); Any idea how I am able to fix this? Thanks, Venn.
  6. Hello everybody, I am a completly new EdgeUser. I am more familiar with AfterEffects, but I can imagine the things you can do with a tool like edge. I used flash for several years but more like copy and paste (AS2). What I am looking for is basically very easy, but not for me. I searched and searched but I cant found the solution for: get the parent symbol an do some tweening with tweenMax: TweenMax.to(sym.$("jacket01"),2,{css:{y:-220, scale:0.4, opacity: 1}, delay:9, ease:Expo.easeOut}); //I am currently inside an element named ("menue"), from here I want to tween a Symbol named ("jacket01") which is on the stage. I tryed a lot of things but nothing realy worked: TweenMax.to(sym.$("jacket01").parent(),2,{css:{y:-220, scale:0.4, opacity: 1}, delay:9, ease:Expo.easeOut}); I cant find the answer to such a simple question. I would be great if there is someone of your professional coders could give me an answer. It would be very helpful to dive in the new edge tool. Thank you very, very much in advance from germany P.S. This is my first result with adobe Edge: fake-RangeRover_site all done with edge: http://go-motion.net/range03
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