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  1. Hi, I've added the below scripts to the header.php file of our website. <script type='text/javascript' src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/3.2.4/gsap.min.js id='gsap-js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/3.3.3/ScrollToPlugin.min.js' id='gsap-scroll-js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src="https://unpkg.com/@barba/core"></script> My HTML and JS is below. I can console.log out from within the functions so I know they're loading however the GSAP does not seem to be. I'm also not getting any errors in console. The website is on wordpress divi theme if this is any help. <div id="intro"> <section class="video-panel" data-section="creative" data-permalink="#" style="right: 50%;"> <div class="video-holder"> <video class="overview-reel" playinline="" loop="" muted="" autplay="" preload="auto" src="/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2.mp4"> </video> <h1> <span>Projects</span> </h1> </div> </section> <section class="video-panel" data-section="solutions" data-permalink="#"> <div class="video-holder"> <video class="overview-reel" playinline="" loop="" muted="" autplay="" preload="auto" src="/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2.mp4"> </video> <h1> <span>Client Services</span> </h1> </div> </section> </div> gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollToPlugin); window.addEventListener("load", function(e) { (function onIntroLeave(e) { gsap.to('#intro .video-panel[data-section="creative"]', { duration: 0.5, right: '50%', ease: "power3.out" }) }) (function onIntroHover(e) { var per = (e.pageX - window.innerWidth / 2) / (window.innerWidth * 2); var dir = Math.min(1, Math.max(-1, e.pageX - window.innerWidth / 2)); var pow = Math.pow(per * 5.5, 2); var right = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, 50 + (50 * pow * dir))) + '%'; gsap.to('#intro .video-panel[data-section="creative"]', { duration: 0.5, right: right, ease: "power3.out" }) }) (function onIntroClick(e) { intro.removeEventListener('mousemove', onIntroHover); var section = this.dataset.section; var permalink = this.dataset.permalink; if (section === 'creative') { var headerX = '-3em' var right = '0%' var otherVideo = intro.querySelector('.video-panel[data-section="solutions"] video') } else { var headerX = '3em' var right = '100%' var otherVideo = intro.querySelector('.video-panel[data-section="creative"] video') } otherVideo.pause() barba.prefetch('/' + section) gsap.to('#intro .video-panel[data-section="creative"]', { duration: 0.5, right: right, ease: "power3.inOut" }) gsap.to('#intro .video-panel[data-section="' + section + '"] video', { duration: 0.5, width: '100vw', height: '100vh', ease: "power3.inOut" }) var circle = gsap.to('#intro .video-panel[data-section="' + section + '"] video', { duration: 1, css: { clipPath: 'ellipse(101vw 101vw)' }, ease: "power3.inOut" }) gsap.to('#intro .video-panel[data-section="' + section + '"] h2', { duration: 0.5, x: headerX, ease: "power3.inOut" }) circle.eventCallback('onComplete', openPage, [section, permalink]) }) // (function videoLoaded() { // vLoaded++; // if (vLoaded === vCount) { // introLoaded(); // pageLoaded(); // } // }) }); Thanks
  2. Hi, Scrolltrigger version 3.11.3 (and probably older versions too) save the history.scrollRestoration value at the beginning and it seems it's not possibile to overwrite that value later: _scrollRestoration = _win.history.scrollRestoration || "auto"; Then the stored value is applied again every clearScrollMemory call: _isString(scrollRestoration) && (_win.history.scrollRestoration = _scrollRestoration = scrollRestoration); Even setting history.scrollRestoration to manual at the beginning of my script, due to Webpack bundle, the Scrolltrigger code is extecuted before mine. In my case I need to set the scrollRestoration to manual because I use Barba.js Is there a way to do it? Am I missing something?
  3. Thanks, you're right. Calling the method like that it stores a new value. This means that I have to call ScrollTrigger.clearScrollMemory('manual');at the beginning of my code to store the right value. Probably the documentation needs to explain this feature better, because in my project I didn't think I need to call that method but now I found I need it to save the value. Unless this sentence in the doc: is valid also for Barba.js page transitions. Do you suggest to call that method every page transition? Thanks.
  4. First I want to apologize for the amount of code that's in my CodePen, I had to scrap it from my project and make sure I could recreate the issue. In my project I'm using Smooth Scrollbar & Barba.js but I didn't include the Barba code because I was able to recreate the issue without it (plus can you even use barba.js page transitions in codepen?) Anyway the issue I'm having is when you scroll to the end of the page (or to the end of the 2nd pinned section), then resize the window and scroll back up the "portfolio" section is missing. If you inspect element you can see that the "portfolio" section seems like it is still stuck in the pinReparent; which is below all the script tags BUT it doesn't make sense because if you inspect element and watch the two pinReparent's happen; once you get to the end of both sections, the sections leave the pinReparent state but once you resize the window the portfolio section jumps back into the pinReparent state. This issue only happens on a window resize event, so I'm not sure if it's an issue with pinReparent, Smooth Scrollbar or my code. Before I added Smooth Scrollbar to my project I only had the portfolio section and the only way I could get that section to scroll correctly with Smooth Scrollbar was to add the pinReparent. The same goes for when I added the zoom section into the project, it wouldn't work without it. I have tried to add a couple different eventlisteners but that didn't help. Here is the most recent one I tried on my project: let allTriggers = ScrollTrigger.getAll(); ScrollTrigger.addEventListener("refresh", () => bodyScrollBar.update()); ScrollTrigger.refresh(); let progress = 0; ScrollTrigger.addEventListener("refreshInit", () => progress = allTriggers.progress ); ScrollTrigger.addEventListener("refresh", () => allTriggersscroll(progress * ScrollTrigger.maxScroll(window))); bodyScrollBar.addListener(ScrollTrigger.update); I also tried to wrap it in a window.addEventListener and some different variations but no luck. Another weird thing is the word "TEXT" that's in the portfolio section; jumps up once the pin/horizontal scrolling starts. I'm not sure why it does it in the CodePen but is does not do it in my project.
  5. Hey everyone, I am trying to recreate this animation from this video about GSAP and Barba.JS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMucZErEdZg However, the lines do not show up and I get no errors in console, can anyone shed some light on the problem? My HTML <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title>Document</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.scss" /> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/2.0.1/TweenLite.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/2.0.1/TimelineMax.min.js"></script> </head> <body data-barba="wrapper"> <ul class="transition"> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> <main data-barba="container" data-barba-namespace="home"> <h1>Hello World</h1> <a href="/index2.html">Test Link</a> </main> <script src="/testscript.js"></script> </body> </html> The CSS ul.transition { display: flex; position: absolute; z-index: 10; height: 100vh; width: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; margin: 0; pointer-events: none; } ul.transition li { transform: scaleY(0); background: yellow; width: 20%; } Javascript: let tl = new TimelineMax(); pageTransition(); function pageTransition() { tl.to(`ul.transition li`, 0.5, { scaleY: 1, transformOrigin: "bottom left", stagger: 0.2 }); tl.to(`ul.transition li`, 0.5, { scaleY: 0, transformOrigin: "bottom left", stagger: 0.1, delay: 0.1 }); console.log("page transition"); }
  6. Thank you @akapowl for your time. I tried this but did not succeed. Some of the threads are suggesting to refresh ScrollTrigger like ScrollTrigger.refresh(true); with Barba.js function and some are suggested to add gsap into function and pass it to Barba. but I have gsap on the footer and Barba in the middle content both are not connected each other I'm still looking for a solution.
  7. Wanted to add my 2 cents as I stumbled across this thread in my own search for help with gsap/barba. So far this seems to work for me. Still in dev so no warranties on production level code here var tlLoader = new TimelineMax({}); //Using timeline in my project var FadeTransition = Barba.BaseTransition.extend({ //define the transition in barba start: function() { Promise .all([this.newContainerLoading, this.fadeOut()]) //when new container is loading run you transition animation .then(this.fadeIn.bind(this)); }, fadeOut: function() { var deferred = Barba.Utils.deferred(); //define deferre so you can wait for transition to complete tlLoader.set('#loader',{y:'0%'}); //run your fade in tweens here I'm Morphing a svg over my content but you can do whatever you wish tlLoader.to('#loader-bg-svg-path', 1, {morphSVG:'M 0 -5 L10 -10 L10 15 L0 20 Z',ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete: function () { deferred.resolve(); } }); return deferred.promise; //return deferred to promise so we can move to fadeIn step }, fadeIn: function() { document.body.scrollTop = 0; //this scrollTop might be redundant Im still in dev with this this.scrollTop(); var $el = $(this.newContainer); //run your fade out tweens here tlLoader.to('#loader-bg-svg-path', 0.7, {morphSVG:'M 0 15 L10 10 L10 15 L0 20 Z',ease:Linear.easeNone}); tlLoader.to('#loader', 0, {y:'-100%',ease:Linear.easeNone}); tlLoader.set('#loader-bg-svg-path', {morphSVG:'M 0 -5 L10 -10 L10 -5 L0 0 Z',ease:Linear.easeNone}); this.done(); }, scrollTop: function() { var deferred = Barba.Utils.deferred(); var obj = { y: window.pageYOffset }; TweenLite.to(obj, 0.4, { y: 0, onUpdate: function() { if (obj.y === 0) { deferred.resolve(); } window.scroll(0, obj.y); }, onComplete: function() { deferred.resolve(); } }); return deferred.promise; } }); Barba.Pjax.getTransition = function() { return FadeTransition; };
  8. Hey @Sanady - welcome to the forums. That most likely is related to how things work with barba. Whenever you transition between pages, barba gets rid off the old content and adds in new content. My guess would be that you init your scrollTo function only once on page load. That would result in it only knowing the contents that are in place at that time and none of the contents that will be added in later on. Thus it has nothing to relate to after you transitioned and things result in errors. You'd probably have to wrap your scrollTo-functionality inside a function, and init that function in a barba hook every time you enter a new page (and best, also destroy it in some way for the old content when leaving a page). Hope this helps. Cheers, Paul
  9. Hey @digitalfunction My initial response was totally heading in the wrong direction, so I hope this time I got your problem right. If so, it is a barba related logic problem, that I myself actually stumpled upon in a bit different way and that one of my first questions here was about, so I'll try to help you out here. The reason the individual elements do not animate in anymore on page-change is because in your JS you only get the elements once on page load. Since the elements that are being stored in those variables will get wiped by barba on page-change, there will be no more reference to any elements anymore that you could animate in. So on every page-change you'll have to get the neccessary elements from scratch, as they will change every time. I did that inside each of the functions you are calling here for the animations, and it seems to work just as I'd expect. Is that what you were going for? https://codepen.io/akapowl/project/editor/d04bbd7aa2fcc207f1ab0b363835fab2
  10. thank you for the answer. But unfortunately in your demo version, there is no barba shell. I thought I did the right thing. I have been reading the barba js forum for a long time and I understand how it works. I saw that I had to delete the scripts and initialize them, that's what I did with smoothScrollbar. In my version I re-run smoothScrollbar when I go from one page to another. And I thought to do it by analogy with scrollTrigger.... maybe I did not initialize it correctly. It's just strange, I couldn't find the code to reinitialize on the official barba.js website in the documentation... I'll look more closely
  11. Hello, a few years ago I worked a lot with GSAP, so 2017/2018. I'm currently building a smaller project where I want to load content via ajax, there are elements in it that I want to pick up and put in a timeline for a transition and I'm getting desperate ^^. I had done something similar a few years ago, but barba.js was involved - its own challenge - but this is overkill and there are promises and async await - so I thought. On the net and here in the forum is not very much to find on this and the little I have tried everything without success. Sorry I don't have a CodePen example yet, but and am now at the point that I have to ask: Does this work at all? Thanks a lot
  12. Mlbb lan


    Hello, everybody. Not so long ago I started studying GSAP and fell in love with its features. I have achieved almost everything I wanted for my project and not long ago I started to study the Barba js bibliography. My question probably concerns GSAP + Barba interaction. If you open the project and scroll through not much to a block with a project called Blue (there are guys on a moto), you can click on the photo and you will be redirected to another page, absolutely the same. Apart from the fact that the first block says: this PROJECT PAGE or this INDEX PAGE First the gsap animation is played, and then there is a transition and at this point all my scripts stop working, you can see that the base scrollbar is back and smooth animation with ScrollTrigger stopped working. I saw an example of barba + gsap + locomotivescroll, but I don't know much about it yet and I'm asking you to look specifically at my example. Help me set up my script correctly so that my animation will play, and then the page will open and all scripts will work correctly. https://codepen.io/GeorgeDesign2020/project/editor/ZLrYEY
  13. Hi @GeS, Zach is right, I have created some Barba.js learning resources that could help you. More specifically here is an example of Barba + Smooth ScrollBar + GSAP and GitHub repo. I would recommend learning Barba.js by watching this YouTube playlist first. Hope that helps.
  14. Hi there @vladdesign, It's hard to debug without a look at the barba.js issue but it sounds like it's down to how barba.js is replacing/loading the DOM This thread has links to a few previous forum posts that may prove useful - Good luck with your project - I hope this helps.
  15. Thank you for your replay. I use GSAP, ScrollMagic and Barba. Without Barba, all works fine but when i use barba js, other scripts are not loaded on newpage. Please use hamburger menu on the right to move to the Home page. *Just in case, when you reload Home page, you can check all animation It seems that Barba works correctly but GSAP and ScrollMagic are not loaded after page transition.
  16. Hi! @akapowl helped me out yesterday to get pinned animation working with Locomotive and Barba, but after that i've realised that pinSpacing is not working as expected after going to the other page and coming back. https://stackblitz.com/edit/web-platform-vhx7k3?file=index.html,styles.css,index.js Also, the animation jumps on mobile, and if remove the code below it works but it is extremely jittery. pinType: container.querySelector('[data-scroll-container]').style .transform ? 'transform' : 'fixed',
  17. Good afternoon. I managed to make a transition animation when clicking on "Back", but when clicking on a link with index.html it is not possible to implement flip. In Slack Barba, only one person answered me, but he says that barba is not very good... But it turns out to make an animation in the cover__div block... P.S.: codesandbox why doesn't it work out the transition here... https://codesandbox.io/s/withered-river-i8cqs?file=/index.html Maybe there is really some option with another plugin for the transition? ?
  18. I am looking for a page transition effect when clicked on a smaller image and then that small image is going to animate and cover the full screen and now will behave as a different page... Refer to this portfolio website :- https://www.chriswilcock.co/ (Just click on any image like: Discovery Land co, Bear Grylls, etc..), a liquid kind of page transition happens, if you look at the url while transitioning, it is actually a different page... Addon:- I think this page is using barba.js for the transitions, but please help me, because I want to create a similar transition, and I am also using locomotive scroll on my website.
  19. It might have something to do with the fact that it has redirect to get the latest version, so it will return this. https://unpkg.com/@barba/core@2.9.7/dist/barba.umd.js It might be swapping the instance out in the middle of the transition.
  20. I have already watched the video, I have practiced doing something from there, taking into account the recommendations of Cassie. And it worked. But here is not a separate working out of flip, namely in the transition. In the gsap topics, I found a description, only according to the old version of barba... I took your example, barba works, but the flip process itself seems to work only at the end, when the page has already opened, there is some flashing of the block on the page. But it does not work during the download process... As in the reference, in it, flip is in the process... https:/ / studio-size. com/ https://prnt.sc/1g61lut - screen Some simple animation of the transition is obtained, but the entire page as a whole, for example, opacity or zoomout, but not a separate block... There is clearly some nuance here that I don't understand and probably just don't know that it exists
  21. By the way, I was able to connect barba, I thought I read that it is well compatible with gsap, but I can't figure out where to attach the animation yet... And I'm not lucky with examples =_= I found a description here, but with an old version of barba...
  22. Hello everyone, since a few months I've been working on a wordpress website (with oxygen builder) hosted on digital ocean. Recently I added page transitions thanks to Barbajs and with GSAP I have a swipe up effect. On chrome I have no problem but on Safari the site is slow to load, I don't know if it's the videos that are slow or the GSAP or barba js. The website is currently protected on a private server I can't give you access but here is a piece of my js that calls barba and gsap : function video_text_animation() { let tl = gsap.timeline(); if (tl.scrollTrigger) { tl.scrollTrigger.kill(); } //////// Video Header title ////////////// var childSplit = new SplitText(".bloc_header--header", {type:"lines", linesClass: "bloc_header--header-child"}); var parentSplit = new SplitText(".bloc_header--header", { type: "lines", linesClass: "bloc_header--header-parent"}); var w = window.innerWidth; var size = w > 1366 ? "big" : "small"; if (size === "big") { tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.addLabel("animateVideo").from(childSplit.lines, { duration: 0.5, yPercent: 100, ease: "power4", stagger: 0.1 }); } return tl; } function animation_scroll_text() { gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); let tl = gsap.timeline(); if (tl.scrollTrigger) { tl.scrollTrigger.kill(); } //////// Diptyque title ////////////// new SplitText(".dyptique__card-heading--title", {type:"lines", linesClass: "dyptique__card-heading--title-child"}); new SplitText(".dyptique__card-heading--title", {type:"lines", linesClass: "dyptique__card-heading--title-parent"}); var w = window.innerWidth; var size = w > 1366 ? "big" : "small"; if (size === "big") { gsap.utils.toArray(".dyptique__card-heading--title").forEach((section, i) => { tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { id: "trigger2", start: "center 80%", trigger: section, toggleActions: "play pause pause pause", }, }); tl.addLabel("animateDiptyque").from(section.querySelectorAll(".dyptique__card-heading--title-child"), { duration: 0.5, yPercent: 100, ease: "power4", stagger: 0.1 }); }); } //////// Content title ////////////// new SplitText(".bloc_contents--title", {type:"lines", linesClass: "bloc_contents--title-child"}); new SplitText(".bloc_contents--title", {type:"lines", linesClass: "bloc_contents--title-parent"}); if (size === "big") { gsap.utils.toArray(".bloc_contents--title").forEach((section, i) => { tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { id: "trigger3", start: "center 80%", trigger: section, toggleActions: "play pause pause pause", }, }); tl.addLabel("animateTitle").from(section.querySelectorAll(".bloc_contents--title-child"), { duration: 0.5, yPercent: 100, ease: "power4", stagger: 0.1 }); }); } return tl; } function add_scripts() { jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { "use strict"; $('head').append('<link href="https://wordpress-364904-1405009.cloudwaysapps.com/accueil/?xlink=css&ver=5.4.2" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">'); $('head').append('<link href="https://wordpress-364904-1405009.cloudwaysapps.com/le-mag/?xlink=css&ver=5.4.2" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">'); $('.center-title').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-delay': '1',}); $('.title-anim').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'slide-up','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'top-bottom','data-aos-easing': 'ease','data-aos-duration': '400','data-aos-offset': '50',}); $('.center-title2').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-delay': '1',}); $('.title-anim-02').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade',}); $('.diptyque__card').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom',}); $('.bloc_contents--text').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-delay': '200',}); $('.quadriptyque__card_1').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom',}); $('.quadriptyque__card_2').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-delay': '400','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom',}); $('.quadriptyque__card_3').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom',}); $('.quadriptyque__card_4').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-delay': '400','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom',}); $('.quadriptyque__card--image').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-once': 'true',}); $('.triptyque__card_2').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom','data-aos-delay': '200',}); $('.triptyque__card_3').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom','data-aos-delay': '400','data-aos': 'fade',}); $('.triptyque__card').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom',}); $('.diptyque__card2').attr({'data-aos-enable': 'true','data-aos': 'fade','data-aos-delay': '400','data-aos-anchor-placement': 'center-bottom',}); $('body').addClass('oxygen-aos-enabled'); }); AOS.init({}); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } function delay(n) { n = n || 2000; return new Promise((done) => { setTimeout(() => { done(); }, n); }); } // Preload Animation function pageTransition_init() { var tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.set(".footer-main", {display: "none"}); tl.set(".logo-img-pre", {y:100}); tl.set(".loading-screen", {bottom: "-100%", opacity: 1}); tl.to(".loading-screen", {duration: 1.7, height: "100%", bottom: "0%", ease: "Expo.easeInOut",}); tl.to("#video_home_top video", {duration: 0, display: "block"}); tl.to(".header-main", {duration: 0, display: "block"}); tl.to(".footer-main", {duration: 0, display: "block"}); tl.to(".logo-img-pre", {duration: 0.7, delay:-0.7 , y:0, opacity:1, ease:"power4",}); tl.to(".loading-screen", {duration: 1, delay:1, height: "100%", bottom: "100%", ease: "power4",}); tl.to(".logo-img-pre", {duration: 0.3, delay:-1, opacity: 0, display:"none"}); return tl; } // Transition Functions function pageTransition() { var tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.set(".loading-screen", {bottom: "-100%", opacity: 1}); tl.to(".loading-screen", {duration: 1.2, height: "100%", bottom: "0%", ease: "Expo.easeInOut",}); tl.to(".loading-screen", {duration: 1, height: "100%", bottom: "100%", ease: "Expo.easeInOut",}); return tl; } function load_video() { const list_videos = document.getElementsByTagName("video"); for (var i = 0; i < list_videos.length; i++) { list_videos[i].load(); console.log(list_videos[i].readyState); } } jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { "use strict"; jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop:0}); var masterTimeline = new gsap.timeline(); masterTimeline .add(pageTransition_init()) .add(video_text_animation(), "-=1"); $(function () { barba.init({ sync: true, transitions: [ { async leave(data) { const done = this.async(); pageTransition(); await delay(1000); done(); } , enter(data) { jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop:0}); load_video(); var tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.set("#video_home_top video", {duration: 0, display: "block"}); tl.to(".header-main", {duration: 0, display: "block"}); tl.to(".footer-main", {duration: 0, display: "block"}); } }, ], views: [{ namespace: 'index', beforeEnter(data) { document.body.classList.add("oxy-overlay-header"); add_scripts(); switch_footer(); animation_scroll_text(); video_animation(); }, } }); }); });
  23. I'm not really sure whether you're after barba or nuxt or vue... You've commented on a couple of threads But maybe this is helpful https://codepen.io/cassie-codes/pen/LYQaOBm At the end of the day it's all the same thing really - you just need to wrangle the right entrance/exit/mounted/onmount events, which takes a bit of docs reading and some trial and error sometimes. Pop back with a demo and make a new thread if you need more specific help. Good luck!
  24. Experiencing a strange repeat instance of a Lottie animation in my project... The top disco ball on black is the expected instance, and the one showing in the next div down (purple) isn't wanted/ I've been sure to retain the ScrollTrigger.refresh in the helper function Fully appreciate that a demo is likely required to showcase the issue, but as I'm not sure which bits of code are conflicting it's a tough one for me to strip down into a simple pen! The way I'm setting up the lottie/scrolltrigger animation works on its own without any repeating, but when I add it in with a bunch of other GSAP animations (as well as ScrollSmoother and barba.js) the second view of it in the next div appears. Long shot with what I'm able to provide here but figured one of you experts might know of a common cause? It's bound to be some of my dodgy code clashing with the Lottie helper function. I've been sure to keep the ScrollTrigger.refresh in there, but not sure what could be causing this? I'd fade it out with an onComplete after the full Lottie has scrubbed through, but that's not a good fit for the page. (PS - just a sample animation... wish I was really adding a giant disco ball... ?)
  25. Thanks Zach for your response. Working link should be at - https://repl.it/@eest/GSAP-and-Barba-Rules I was wondering whether the problem was with how I was using a GSAP animation. Barba seems to be running ok and the animation is initialising but not showing. It may be a Barba problem in which case it isn't appropriate for the forum. Thanks again Zach.
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