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Scroll-driven animations re-invented


Animate anything on scroll

DOM, CSS, SVG, WebGL, Canvas, whatever.

Toggle playback state or scrub through animations

Entering or leaving a ScrollTrigger area can make an animation play, pause, resume, reverse, restart, or complete...or you can make the scrollbar can act like a scrubber!


Pin elements in place

Make an element appear immune to scroll changes while the ScrollTrigger is active. This is surprisingly useful for creating slick effects and keeping your animation in view during the scroll.

Insane levels of flexibility

ScrollTrigger is a control freak's dream when it comes to choreographing animations, but its rich callback system also lets you accomplish things totally unrelated to animation.


Directionally smart

ScrollTrigger supports vertical and horizontal scrolling, and lets you check if the last scroll movement was forward or backward, and even tracks velocity! 

Automatic resizing

ScrollTrigger elegantly adjusts to viewport size changes. You can even use function-based start/end values to run custom logic or tap into fancy responsive CSS changes.

Maximum performance

ScrollTrigger uses all kinds of techniques to maximize performance like throttling updates, pre-calculating intersection points to minimize effort during scroll, leveraging transforms, layerizing elements to utilize the GPU, etc.

Integrated with GSAP

ScrollTrigger is built on GSAP, the battle-tested standard for JavaScript animation that's used on over 10,000,000 sites worldwide including most award-winning ones.


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3 minutes ago, atulraj89 said:

is this free?

ScrollTrigger is in the public files (Github repo, NPM, etc.) - it is **not** a members-only plugin. However, the standard GreenSock license applies so if you're using it in a project/site/app for which a fee is collected from multiple customers, you'd need the special commercial license that comes with "Business Green" Club GreenSock memberships. See https://greensock.com/licensing for details. 

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amazing work! I'm a big fan since GS for AS2 ... not much into coding since flash died though ... anyway, my respect, always.

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On 6/23/2020 at 2:15 AM, GreenSock said:

ScrollTrigger is in the public files (Github repo, NPM, etc.) - it is **not** a members-only plugin. However, the standard GreenSock license applies so if you're using it in a project/site/app for which a fee is collected from multiple customers, you'd need the special commercial license that comes with "Business Green" Club GreenSock memberships. See https://greensock.com/licensing for details. 

So from my understanding, it's free to use for (as an example) a personal portfolio. But if you're using it on an e-commerce website where you're directly making money from multiple customers, you'd need the special license.

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20 minutes ago, kvncnls said:

So from my understanding, it's free to use for (as an example) a personal portfolio. But if you're using it on an e-commerce website where you're directly making money from multiple customers, you'd need the special license.

Yep, exactamundo. 

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