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  1. Thanks Rodrigo, this is really helpful. Is `gsap.defaults()` the same as setting `gsap.globals()`? Good to know I can pass the stagger out to a function like this.
  2. Hey Rodrigo, Sorry for the delayed response, thanks for checking this out for me so far. I've managed to recreate this in a very minimal demo, found here: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/usegsap-nesting-7j82p6 Setting this up in a minimal demo narrowed the scope of the problem and I was able to pinpoint what's causing it, but I'm unsure what the solution is. If you comment out the custom stagger function in `MyComponent.jsx` (line 30), the undefined 'reading x' error goes away. What I'm trying to achieve is to have the first few cards tween in at different times, so you can see I'd like the index 0 to tween at 0.5, index 1 at 1.25, etc. I'm sure there's a better way, but this is definitely what's causing this weird error.
  3. Hey Rodrigo, Looks like I had better luck opening the repo on Stackblitz, so I'm able to show my code exactly as I have it; https://stackblitz.com/~/github.com/Modular-Everything/the-most-radicalist The same files to check are still in the same place, and it's a pretty small project at this stage so hopefully it's easy to navigate. I tried your suggestion — solid advice — but I still get the issue as before.
  4. Hey everyone, I recently started using `useGSAP` and I'm really enjoying it so far, it's taking all of the headache out of GSAP for me which previously turned me away, so firstly I just wanted to say — fantastic work! On to my issue, then (CodeSandbox linked at the bottom). I have two components, a parent `CardMarquee` component and a mapped out array of `Card` components. The `Card` components have an `onMouseMove` animation which follows the principles laid out in the React guide on this website, using `contextSafe` and `quickTo`, and is essentially just a `div` element that follows the mouse whilst you hover over the card. The parent `CardMarquee` has some fade in effects as the page loads. So essentially I'm trying to get the cards to animate in, and to have this interactive mouse effect on them when the user interacts. I was getting this repeated error, however; > TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'x') I tried a bunch of different approaches, using `state` instead of `refs`, amongst other things, but nothing seemed to work. I couldn't get the `quickTo` function to work even though if I was to `console.log(xTo.current)` in the `moveOverlay()` function, I'd see the function that `quickTo` was creating. Weird. Eventually I had a theory of disabling any other animations on the cards, and it works absolutely fine, which is what I currently have set up in the CodeSandbox below. However if you open `src/components/CardMarquee/index.tsx` you'll see a commented-out `useGSAP` hook on line 29 — if you uncomment this line, you'll see the animation, but if you hover your mouse over a card you'll see the error in the console. So I guess my question is, am I doing something wrong with nesting these useGSAP hooks? Here's the CodeSandbox. I'm not particularly good with these minimal demos, so hopefully this works. You need to run `yarn dev` in the terminal to start the dev server. https://codesandbox.io/p/devbox/g5mt9h?file=%2Fsrc%2Fcomponents%2FCardMarquee%2Findex.tsx%3A4%2C16
  5. Thanks, Rodrigo, super helpful. I like the idea of using the 'force' that the user hit the trackpad or wheel to calculate the timeScale rather than tweeting to a fixed value. Just preference like you say though. My last question on this... is there a reason why on a touch device the scroll feels inverted? Swiping down sends the list up and vice-versa. Is there a way to flip the axis on touch? I saw that you could set scrollSpeed to something like -1 to invert the scroll on desktop or something?
  6. Thanks for your help, Rodrigo. I feel like you've provided me with all the clues, but unfortunately, I'm still really not getting this. I've been trying to work it out for the past couple of hours and I'm afraid I'm still stuck. I've tried a load of different methods and the one that felt closest was this: // pause it. setting it to paused by default // seemed to prevent the timeScale from doing anything // so setting to 0 here seemed to fix that loop.timeScale(0); Observer.create({ target: window, type: "wheel,touch", onChange: (self) => { console.log(self.velocityY * 0.5); // I also tried deltaY gsap.to(loop, { duration: 2, timeScale: self.velocityY * 0.5, // I also tried things like '/ 100' here to get a lower number }); }, onStop: () => { console.log("stopped"); // my thought here was to tween the timeScale back to 0 when the user has stopped scrolling gsap.to(loop, { duration: 5, timeScale: 0, }); }, }); The problem is this really doesn't feel like a native user scroll at all, it feels like you only really have to nudge the mouse wheel or trackpad and the thing just starts spinning, or else I lower the values too much and even a huge velocity scroll only nudges it a bit. This does feel really quite close to being the right approach, but the control isn't quite hitting the mark yet. I'm going to keep trying, but hopefully yourself or someone else might have some clues or can impart some knowledge which might help me get it feeling more natural. My sandbox link is still the same and I updated the code to reflect the changes I've made. https://codesandbox.io/s/musing-rgb-k7vkvc?file=/src/Navigation.jsx Edit: A little more playing around and I feel like it's starting to get somewhere. One thing I found is that with using an MX Master 3 mouse, the mouse wheel can really be thrown which just sends you flying. With a trackpad, or switching the mouse to the 'notched' wheel mode, it's much less unruly. That, in conjunction with the `wheelSpeed` setting I found, it seemed to be working okay. I still don't think it's perfect, and if anyone has any further input on how to make it feel more naturally I'm all ears, but I think it's in a place where I can actually move on from this Observer.create({ target: window, type: "wheel,touch", wheelSpeed: 0.25, onChange: (self) => { gsap.to(loop, { timeScale: self.deltaY, ease: "none", }); }, onStop: () => { gsap.to(loop, { timeScale: 0, ease: "none", }); }, });
  7. That's really useful @Rodrigo, thanks You're right, if there's no scroll then ScrollTrigger won't do much, and it was Observer I needed in the end. I also used the verticalLoop helper you shared which is an improvement on what I had. I still haven't had that penny-drop moment with GSAP (it's coming I think!) so I'm unsure of how I could control the timeline created by the verticalLoop helper using the Observer. I've managed to get it to play and/or reverse depending on the scroll, but obviously that's not really what I'm looking for Observer.create({ target: nav.current, type: "wheel,touch", onUp: () => loop.play(), onDown: () => loop.reverse(), onChange: (self) => console.log(self), }); I would guess you need to take in things like the deltaY to somehow control the speed of the timeline. Maybe someone could nudge me in the right direction here. I feel like we're getting pretty close!
  8. I have a Draggable property that lets you scroll infinitely through a list of items. I have this functionality working nicely, but it's relying on Draggable to control the animation. I'm looking to add to or replace Draggable with ScrollTrigger (question: does ScrollTrigger work on touch devices? If so, I probably don't need draggable at all), but as the page is a fixed height there's actually no "scrolling" going on at all, I'm unsure on how to capture the scroll data. I've tried this but I can't actually get it to even run the console.log, I guess because the page is a fixed height: ScrollTrigger.create({ animation, scrub: true, trigger: nav.current, markers: true, start: "top top", end: "bottom 100%", onUpdate: () => console.log("test") }); Here's my codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/musing-rgb-k7vkvc
  9. Fixed! It turns out I forgot to use nav.current and was instead just using nav on my trigger trigger: nav.current Having said that though, I can't seem to get the throwable aspect to work. Is this because of the intertia plugin being premium only?
  10. I have this scrolling/draggable animation I created on CodePen last night that I'm trying to integrate with my React project. The code is working fine in the pen, which you can see here: https://codepen.io/modulareverything/pen/NWLXdeN When I'm trying to add it into my React project however I'm getting this error: TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'touchAction') I saw this thread and tried running console.log(window) before registering the plugin but had no luck. I tried moving the registerPlugin function to different parts of my app but it just gives me other errors if not the same one. I've recreated the bug on Codesandbox here so I hope this is helpful: https://codesandbox.io/s/musing-rgb-k7vkvc?file=/src/Navigation.jsx
  11. Thanks OSUblake I think to re-word my original question then... how can I make each slide a part of a timeline, and then progress the timeline to play the animations for that slide using a callback? Edit: As I work through this, what I'm struggling with is how each slide corresponds to a position in the timeline. Each Slide component (there are 6) adds to the main timeline by doing this: timeline.to(el.current, { rotate: 180 }); So if this code is ran 6 times, there should be 6 'positions'(?) chained together. I don't understand how I could say "we're on slide 4, so animate the timeline to position 4 from position 3"
  12. Thanks for the reply OSUblake. I think I'm a bit stuck in the middle here, as I suspect fullPage.js would tell me that GreenSock is not part of their platform and therefore they won't provide support. I'll try asking over there all the same!
  13. Hey everyone, I'm trying to add some animations to my fullPage.js slides. I have a series of slide components, and the desired effect is to trigger a set of animations once the slide is active. From doing some reading, I believe timelines are the best way to handle this, so I'm passing a timeline object to the component and doing the animating from within. The problem is that all of the slides animate as soon as the app loads. Here's a simple recreation of what I'm trying to do, showing pretty much the same code as my real app and having the same undesired effects: https://codesandbox.io/s/priceless-meitner-17759 (I created a Code Sandbox before I realised you prefer CodePen... sorry!) Thanks in advance :)
  14. Thanks @elegantseagulls — the solution was to register the plugin and move scrollTrigger (not ScrollMagic as you rightly pointed out) to the second object in the fromTo. Updated/working component below for anyone referencing this in the future: import React, { useLayoutEffect, useRef } from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import gsap from "gsap"; import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/ScrollTrigger.js"; // --- const AnimateIn = ({ children, className }) => { const ref = useRef(null); gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); useLayoutEffect(() => { gsap.fromTo( ref.current, { opacity: 0, y: 32, }, { scrollTrigger: ref.current, opacity: 1, y: 0, duration: 1, stagger: 0.2, } ); }); return ( <div ref={ref} className={className}> {children} </div> ); }; AnimateIn.propTypes = { ref: PropTypes.node.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string, }; AnimateIn.defaultProps = { className: null, }; export default AnimateIn;
  15. I tried this but to no avail I noticed in the console just now that it's giving me this error: Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin()
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