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Abi Rana

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Everything posted by Abi Rana

  1. Hi Vadim, so you are looking for that animations on scroll? Those image changes for each section? I can help with such animations and other web development related task, let's talk in the DM.
  2. Hi Adil, I'm Abi Rana, an experienced Web Developer and my expertise lies around building very responsive and interactive websites. I see that you are looking for a GSAP expert so I'm interested to work on this. Why don't you share all the detailed requirements and let's move ahead with the conversation. And I understand you are looking for an urgent turnaround but do mention a date by when this can be done? Looking forward to your reply. Regards, Abi Rana info@abirana.com
  3. It is best we discuss this in private so I’ve sent a message, please check.
  4. Hi Nick, I'm interested to work on this and I've sent you a DM, please check
  5. Hi there, I've sent you an email please check and let me know if there is anything. Regards, Abi Rana
  6. I've tried my best to help out on the Webflow forum. This time I've made the example on Webflow itself (which is very similar to his implementation) and shared the project, so this should definitely help. If you want please check Webflow post reply here https://discourse.webflow.com/t/gsap-scrolltrigger-and-textplugin-combo-issue/214046/14
  7. But if that still doesn't fix your issue or if you need more help then let me know. You can dm in private and we can discuss ahead. By the way, I do need a little flexible time.
  8. I think fixing the video would do the work for you. I've encoded the video and uploaded in my Google drive, get the video and upload on your site, this should fix the issue. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dYjhZd8SWJvCE_cDu9Xk5s1nm6eMPaml/view?usp=sharing
  9. Your main issue is with video encoding, please check that first. Above codePen has also mentioned it on its code block. The encoding is super important here to enable frame-by-frame scrubbing. You should try following: ffmpeg -i ~/Downloads/Toshiba\ video/original.mov -movflags faststart -vcodec libx264 -crf 23 -g 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4 ffmpeg -i ~/Downloads/Toshiba\ video/original.mov -vf scale=960:-1 -movflags faststart -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 -g 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p output_960.mp4 You can test with above (codePen's) video to make sure that your code is working. By the way, I've tested on your site so code is working only the video should be fixed.
  10. Hi @jacob.liu I just saw this post, it seems it's been quite some hours. But if you are still looking then I can help. But do let me know the whole details of what you need and we can move ahead with a discussion. I've sent you an email as well. Regards, Abi Rana
  11. This is just how your scrollTrigger has been setup. gsap.to(".shipping-section__vertical-container", { scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".shipping-section__globe-container", start: "top top", end: "400% top", markers: true, pin: true } }); You scrollTrigger ends when it reached at the top of the viewport. So for end value you should set it for "400% bottom" like below. Just change the end value only. gsap.to(".shipping-section__vertical-container", { scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".shipping-section__globe-container", start: "top top", end: "400% bottom", markers: true, pin: true } }); By the way, you do have one separate div in the HTML with some height, I guess that is intended
  12. Hi Krystian, just checked your requirements, I understand what you need and I'd love to work on this. By the way, I need one thing to be clear; you mentioned you only need animation incorporated. So do you have the page already developed and you just need the animation work? Or does this work include the whole page development, I mean design to HTML work? If there is anything else I'd love the opportunity to discuss, we can chat on DM or via email at info@abirana.com
  13. Hi Kyle, I've sent you an PM please check.
  14. Hi there, I'm interested to work on this. But I've quite a tight schedule right now, so I won't be able to work on this in couple days. So I just wanted to inform you that if anyone else would work on this then great. But if someone could not manage then and if you would still be looking for it then do let me know. Regards, Abi Rana info@abirana.com
  15. By the way, they are using symmetrical element on their solutions mentioned in the other thread. So they might not have faced this issue. So for asymmetrical element using -1 for scaleX value does the trick. So if someone needs flipping or spinning on Y axis they should definitely use this in place on rotateY or rotationY.
  16. Really sorry for the late reply. And scaleX did work for me. At first I thought it wouldn't work because I had to flip the guy; so I thought that would not work. But then again I tried using -1 value and just worked like a charm. Thank you so much for the reply. Regards, Abi Rana
  17. Hello guys, I was working on some animation for my client and I found the issue with rotateY which I'm unable to implement. Can you guys please check and let me know if there is any solution to this? I've checked few forum topics and did see the solution below shared by you guys. It suggests to use scaleX but element is not a symmetrical element so I need it actually be flipped and I don't think I can use it as a separate SVG as well. By the way storyline is as follow (store guy filling crate to a van): store guy goes near the van crate is left there (hide crate) store guy come back to the crate laying outside the store picks another crate repeat until there is no crate So can you guys please check and let me know if there is any solution to this? Thank you for checking in. Abi Rana
  18. Hi @Matjaz Trontelj, I'm very interested to work on this. I've sent you a message with details, please check. By the way, Pinegrow is really great product you have. Some of the features are really great. Looking forward for the opportunity. Regards, Abi Rana
  19. Hi Melissa, do you mean you only need help to implement the animation on your website? It would be great if you would elaborate the issue. Why don't you email me at info@abirana.com or on Skype abeeonline
  20. Hi there, an update if anyone visiting this topic. I just saw that MotionPathPlugin is a separate plugin in this new version, I just found it. In fact now you don't even need MorphSVGPlugin just only for MotionPathPlugin. Also GSAP is providing MotionPath helper, with that we can see the path and edit in real time. Check this out here https://greensock.com/docs/v3/Plugins/MotionPathPlugin Maybe this can be helpful if anyone is having such issue.
  21. Has anyone encountered the issue, today I was work on a new project and I was using new updated GSAP and MorphSVGPlugin for this one. I had to do some motion along a path. So first this I wan creating variables like below: var motionPath_1 = MorphSVGPlugin.pathDataToBezier("#motionPath-1", {align:"#connecting-dot"}); But this is throwing an error as below: Uncaught TypeError: MorphSVGPlugin.pathDataToBezier is not a function This is the same thing I've been using and on the new update this has no change as I can think of. When using old GSAP and MorphSVGPlugin it is work fine. Has anyone encountered this? Does anyone know what is the issue?
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