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Everything posted by viaria

  1. Hi, Experimenting with js version. I wonder if there is a js version of overwrite manager? I am having weird behavior sometimes. And right now i guess we should not use tweenlite/max for production. ?
  2. I don't know if it is updated but, this works without using CSSPlugin. On Firefox it is really smooth, IE9 it is ok. But Chrome something weird happening. Image being choppy, sometimes doesn't do anything while event works.
  3. You are right, in the future maybe. dart release => 2013.
  4. AS3 Devs will love Dart rather than JS. Is there any plan for dart port?
  5. How could this work even i havent activate TintPlugin, is TweenMax activating plugins in itself? TweenMax.to(mc, .5, {tint:0xffffff, ease:Cubic.easeOut});
  6. is there a way to do this. for example: One object's alpha tween in 1 second, at the same time the same object's rotation property tweens in 2 seconds. thanks
  7. i made a simple example but it works as expected. i could not find any bug again, i guess it is my stupid mistake somewhere in code. do you never make mistakes man? sorry for taking your time. one question: first trace returns 0, does that mean false or index 0.
  8. for detail, i made a timelinemax and made a couple of tween in it that is where things did not work as expected.
  9. hi jack, just try this line of code, there can be a bug in overwritemanager, it took my 2 weeks to catch. import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; trace("before:", OverwriteManager.mode); // returns 0 // 2 is default -> http://www.greensock.com/overwritemanager/ TweenMax.to(box, .5, {x:100}); // just a simple tween. trace("after:", OverwriteManager.mode); //returns 2
  10. i solved it. the problem is gaia changes tweenlite's overwriteManager default settings. so i changed it back to auto default mode . i hope something else will not explode. jack thanks for interest.
  11. //so my code. goPlace(cubes[7], ["r","r","r","u","u","r","r"]); private function goPlace(c:CubeSprite, dirs:Array):void{ var total:uint = dirs.length; var i:uint = 0; var sx:Number = c.x; var sy:Number = c.y; var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({align:TweenAlign.SEQUENCE}); for(i; i < total; ++i){ switch(String(dirs[i])){ case "l": sx -= SIZE; timeline.append(TweenMax.to(c, .5, {frame:60, x:sx, onInit:setRotation, onInitParams:[c, 180], ease:Linear.easeNone})); break; case "r": sx += SIZE; timeline.append(TweenMax.to(c, .5, {frame:60, x:sx, onInit:setRotation, onInitParams:[c, 0], ease:Linear.easeNone})); break; case "u": sy -= SIZE; timeline.append(TweenMax.to(c, .5, {frame:60, y:sy, onInit:setRotation, onInitParams:[c, -90], ease:Linear.easeNone})); break; case "d": sy += SIZE; timeline.append(TweenMax.to(c, .5, {frame:60, y:sy, onInit:setRotation, onInitParams:[c, +90], ease:Linear.easeNone})); break; default: trace("default dir: "+dirs[i]); break; } } } private function setRotation(c:CubeSprite, r:int = 0):void{ c.gotoAndStop(1); c.rotation = r; }
  12. tried but i have no idea what went wrong. but the problem seems like objects cant set their simple properties (x,y,z). or overwriting existing properties.
  13. hi jack, i guess i got something. my working example using timelinelite v 1.392 and other one that not working uses v 1.66 latest i changed the path to old version and it gives verifing error. VerifyError: Error #1053: com.greensock.TimelineLite -> addChild
  14. i know it is about gaia but i hoped. yes the same question there but nobody answers. i have to figure it out. thanks jack.
  15. hi, i have a problem with inserting my game into my gaia site's opening. the problem is after shapes come into places, cubes start rolling, that is the place timelineMax goes crazy. it is working alone normally but gaia site. here is my game alone without gaia http://gricreative.com/clients/toca/cube3/ and here is i made it my gaia site's homepage class. http://gricreative.com/clients/toca/site/ do you have any idea?
  16. i am sure, he is working on it right now.
  17. that is really easy to work with. thanks
  18. just a quick info. if you using timelinelite and you set timescale, after all you wanted to tween timelinelite, it is not ganna work unless you use this solution, i figure it out myself. TweenLite.to(timeline, timeline.totalDuration * timeline.timeScale, {currentTime:timeline.totalDuration}); thanks.
  19. Hi, i am trying to make tween pv3d camera according to bezier path, but the camera doesnt have rotation property and give this error. how can i achieve this. thanks. Code: timeline.append(new TweenLite(camera, 4, {zoom:600, bezierThrough:[{x:1000, y:0, z:0}, {x:0, y:0, z:1000}, {x:0, y:0, z:-6000}], orientToBezier:true})); Error: ReferenceError: Error #1056: cant make rotation property on org.papervision3d.cameras.Camera3D //i translated this can be wrong but this is the problem. at com.greensock.plugins::BezierPlugin/set changeFactor() at com.greensock::TweenLite/renderTime() at com.greensock::TimelineLite/renderTime() at com.greensock.core::SimpleTimeline/renderTime() at com.greensock::TweenLite$/updateAll()
  20. this problem is about cs4 blureffect, there are people who have the same problem.. i tried the same thing on cs5 it works ok for now, i have to install cs5 to all computers.. that is the solution i found.. thanks..
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