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  1. you can set the timeScale property bigger than 1 to speed up
  2. it has nothing to do with TweenLite. The reason why you see the inner shape fade slower is that the inner mc lays on the inner shape, then alpha value of the overlap is doubled
  3. you can use TweenMax.allTo methond to achieve this
  4. you can try to set the "cacheAsBitmap" property of the picture to true.
  5. when using fl tween, your tween complete event handler should take 1 parameter, namely the TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH event. but using TweenLite, the tween complete event handler take 0 parameter by default. So you should give your gotcha function a default parameter. however, you can also add an extra property to vars used by TweenLite, which is "onCompleteParams".
  6. 1. TweenLite.from(mc,2,{scaleX:2,paused:true}); //"paused" doesn't work here I think the resolution is: In TweenLite.renderTime method, "this.active=true" should be put in "if(!this.cachedPaused)" block. 2. var tm:TweenMax = TweenMax.to(mc, 5, { x:500, y:500, roundProps:["y", "x"],immediateRender:true} ); tm.killVars( { y:1 } ); //This doesn't work I think the resolution is: In TweenMax.init method, after a prop added to the RoundPropsPlugin,if the plugin already exists, the propTweenLookup should also update. "this.propTweenLookup[prop] = this.cachedPT1;" should be added after the plugin.add mothod.
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