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  1. I know it has nothing to do with TweenLite/Max, I just though maybe there is a fix of some sort to make tweens look nicer in that case. Thanks!
  2. when filters are applied to the movieclips then tweening the causes jerky animation. is there anything that can be done about it?
  3. How would it look like it it were optimised better? (passing through multidimensional array) Thanks!
  4. if i have a multidimensional array with different lenghts, for example: var mArr:Array = [m0,m1,m2,m3]; var pArr:Array = [p0,p1,p2,p3,p4]; var dArr:Array = [d0,d1,d2]; var mainArr:Array = [mArr, pArr, dArr]; and if i write a double loop to tween them all (because i want to tween all instances at the same index at the same time), i will ofcourse get an error, null object reference: for(var i:int = 0; i < mainArr.length; i++){; for(var j:int = 0; j < mainArr[i].length; j++){; TweenLite.to(mainArr[i][j], time, {alpha:0, delay:j * 0.1}); } } is there a way to pull this out?
  5. blase


    i dont really know i wanted to execute all tweens to the end, although dont know if this is possible... if one tween is lasting, and another one gets called on the same object i wanted it to complete previous tween and then continue with the next one... this would be like tween queue
  6. blase


    so, i have done this: import gs.OverwriteManager; OverwriteManager.init(); and i have one object and 2 possible tweens affecting it, one moving it in one direction, other reversing it. the code doesnt really mater, the important thing is that its affecting the same object. function showTextInfo():void { TweenLite.to(activeSong_mc, _switchTextInfoTime, { y: _infoDownY, onComplete: startTextInfoTimer, overwrite: 0 }); } function hideTextInfo():void { TweenLite.to(activeSong_mc, _switchTextInfoTime, { y: _infoUpY, onComplete: afterCloseInfoHandler, overwrite: 0 }); } i have some nasty bug in my code and i dont know if this is normal or what... does having OverwriteManager to NONE means that each tween will finish before going to the next one? the problem is that sometimes (i am still having hard time to figure out when exactly), when i am constantly calling these same tweens, the tween like skippes quickly to the next one (or sometimes even looks like it was never there...), although it should be lasting the predefined time....
  7. blase

    Text Effects

    on that subject, how are they doing this? http://www.textransition.com/
  8. thanks! didnt really know why it was happening, and it was bugging me
  9. probably nothing to do with tweenlite though i have a movieclip (alpha = 0) and inside is a thin white line, half shape, half movieclip. and i tween this movieclip in to alpha 1 and you can see shape inside fading in slower than the movieclip. its really annoying... take a look at the example:
  10. I thought that coding gods dont ever make mistakes
  11. i have an array of objects. how could i found out if any of them is currently tweening and kill just those who do. i dont feel like using tweenmax over tweenlite just for killAllTweens method.
  12. ok, one more question... for example if i have a loop with a delay like so: for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++) { TweenLite.to( _thumbArr[i], _shiftTime, { y: 0, delay: i* _delay }); } TweenLite.delayedCall( _shiftTime + 10 * _delay, myFunction ); or like so: for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++) { TweenLite.to( _thumbArr[i], _shiftTime, { y: 0 }); } TweenLite.delayedCall( _shiftTime, myFunction ); will it work as i intended if my delayed call times are the same as time of the loops or do i need to increase that time? (i wouldnt want to call myFunction before loop finishes) btw, is there a way to find out when your tweens have been overwritten?
  13. wait a minute, you want to say that this 3 lines make 3 tweens? TweenLite.delayedCall( _shiftTime + _lineItems * _delay, _filter.dispose ); TweenLite.delayedCall( _shiftTime + _lineItems * _delay, controlIndex, [ - _lineItems ] ); TweenLite.delayedCall( _shiftTime + _lineItems * _delay, checkButtons ); i didnt know that, i thought this was treated like a "normal" 3 function calls in a row... thats why i was having all these problems.... on more thing: does this mean that delayedCall can even overwrite my for loop? (or the last occurence in my foor loop) so if i had these 3 lines written like that what would be their executing order? and if i want to do this like i intended then it should look like this? TweenLite.delayedCall( _shiftTime + _lineItems * _delay, _filter.dispose ); TweenLite.delayedCall( _shiftTime + _lineItems * _delay + 0.001, controlIndex, [ - _lineItems ] ); TweenLite.delayedCall( _shiftTime + _lineItems * _delay + 0.002, checkButtons ); now i wonder whats the actuall gain in using delayed calls instead of (not so) simple timer or setTimeout...
  14. i have noticed this before. i have a loop with delay, maybe a few loops, and then few delayed calls after: var bottomDelay:int = 0; for (var k:int = _bottomIndex - _lineItems; k < _bottomIndex; k++) { TweenLite.to( _thumbArr[k], _shiftTime, { y: String( _verticalShift), alpha:0, ease: _ease, delay: bottomDelay * _delay }); bottomDelay ++; } // the loop repeats _lineItems times if you are wondering, because i dont start at 0 index TweenLite.delayedCall( _shiftTime + _lineItems * _delay, _filter.dispose ); TweenLite.delayedCall( _shiftTime + _lineItems * _delay, controlIndex, [ - _lineItems ] ); TweenLite.delayedCall( _shiftTime + _lineItems * _delay, checkButtons ); now, what happens is that sometimes ( for example ) first delayed call is executed before loop has ended and that breaks everything. i have come around this by increasing time to delayed call, but this solution is kind of sluggish to me i would like to switch to version 11 but i dont have time to learn actionscript and tweening engine (although obviously that day will come eventually )
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