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  1. hey thanks a lot carl! that's just what i needed!
  2. hi! thanks for looking at my post! i have a repeating tween like so: TweenMax.to(btn.bigGlow, 1, {alpha:1, repeat:-1, yoyo:true}); i want it to repeat indefinitely like i have it above but at some point i need to put a command to stop it but i'm not sure what that command is. how do i stop it? thanks in advance for any help! : )
  3. Sorry, I'll explain better. I have 9 sprites. I am tweening sprite1 to move back, then I want it to tween to its original position. With the rest of the buttons i using TweenMax.allTo and then setting the alpha to 0. Then onComplete it plays a video. When the video starts I have the timeline resetting to the start. Here's the basic code: timeline = new TimelineMax({onComplete:playVideo}); timeline.append(TweenMax.to(e.currentTarget, .2, {scaleX:.7, scaleY:.7, ease:Circ.easeInOut})); /*here i copied the above and just reversed it but wanted to find out if there was a more effecient way of reversing it with less coding*/ timeline.insertMultiple(TweenMax.allTo(btnArray, .8, (alpha:0, ease:Quad.easeInOut})); timeline.addLabel("start",0); } public function playVideo():void { rawVideo = videoData.videos.videoPath[vNum]; TweenMax.from(playerAS.player, 1, {alpha:0, ease:Expo.easeIn, onComplete:timelineReset}); playerAS.player.play(rawVideo, 0, false); playerAS.player.addEventListener("complete", videoBack); } public function timelineReset():void { timeline.gotoAndStop("start"); } public function videoBack(evt:Object):void { TweenMax.to(playerAS.player, .75, {alpha:0, ease:Quad.easeIn, onComplete:removeVideo}); } I hope that makes sense. Thanks for your patience!
  4. okay, thanks Jack! that's what I'll do.
  5. does the z: axis calculate based on the stage only? I have been trying to tween a box on the z, but so that it goes straight back and not in towards the center of the stage. Currently its going back but moves towards the center a bit. And my registration point is in the middle of the box. Thanks for any help!!!
  6. Hello! This is probably explained somewhere but I have not been able to find it - could you please direct me where to read about it or explain it!: ) I have two tweens on a timeline and when one of the tweens finishes I want it to revers back to the beginning but I don't want the other to. Later I have that one (the one I dont want to reverse at the beginning) being reset back to the starting of the time line. or, can I yoyo the first tween but not the second (without putting them on different timelines)? Thanks for any help!
  7. ok thanks. that at least gives me some direction to go!
  8. Hello! Thanks for looking at my post. I have created a tween in an xml image gallery. The tween moves the image on the stage from the right and moves it off to the left. But the problem I am facing is that the image stutters a little when it come on from the right. I am not sure why this is - it almost seems like the screen is not updating fast enough. Do you know why this could occur and how to fix it? If need be I can post my code. Thanks in advance!! PS: It does not seem to be the frame rate because I set it to 60 and it is still jerky. And I am using AS3.
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