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Everything posted by dngrsn

  1. Ok, I found a way by killing the tween in onComplete this.tl.kill(null, beta); then in onReverseComplete I add the tween again.
  2. this.tl .to(alpha, 1, {x: 100, ease: Circ.easeInOut}) .to(beta, 1, {x: -100, ease: Circ.easeInOut}, 0) Hi, I'm wondering if its possible to exclude the second animation only when reversing the timeline. tl.play() should play both of them. but when tl.reverse() it should only play the animation on the "alpha" element.
  3. Thank you ZachSaucier, the solutions you provided were exactly what I was looking for. Much appreciated. Ryan
  4. Hi I'm a big GSAP newbie here. Im using the angularjs framework and I fetch data from a REST service, also flexbox as a layout grid manager, I have a container div with a loading image inside of it. When the data is loaded I ng-hide the loading image and show the data. But is it possible to animate the containers div height as soon as the data is available? So first the div has the height of the loading image, and afterwards the height of the text data returned from the rest service. I dont know the height untill the data is returned so im kind of puzzled here. Any tips on how to handle this? Grts, Ryan
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