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joe_midi last won the day on August 24 2016

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Everything posted by joe_midi

  1. Hey all, I wanted to ask if anyone else was feeling intense pressure from outside your agency to switch from (I assume) either hand-coding or animate CC to using Google Web Designer. It seems as though, with the move away from the DoubleClick brand into a more holistic platform in DV360 that they're trying to force us to use their WYSIWYG animator instead of being free to author banner animations however we see fit. I've tried GWD in the beta about 4-5 years ago, and I hated it, I know its improved since then, but so have I and I feel so much more flexibility being able to write code from scratch.
  2. I'm not sure if this is possible, but could you do something like: const adFrame = document.querySelector('#google_ads_iframe iframe'); adFrame.contentWindow.TweenLite.ticker.fps(15);
  3. I don't suppose he's talking about one of your ads? @volcanoflash
  4. It's difficult to know exactly what your issue is without having any URLs to check and see what is happening. I understand that you might not want to block ads and lose revenue, but you need to understand that if you're allowing ads from all kinds of places, the ads could be running all sorts of code on your website without your permission. Online advertising gets a bad rep from things like this, and it takes the community to be diligent to ensure bad actors don't flood the internet with malicious ads. (These ads might not be intentionally malicious, but just poorly coded. Or simply too heavy to be run on your website.) I've used GSAP in the creation of several thousand ads with varying degrees of complexity, it would have been rare that any of my builds had any effect on a website's performance, and if that did happen, the bugs were most likely code that I created as opposed to code created by @GreenSock
  5. Interesting issue. What are you using to display the ads? Are you using AdSense or DFP? Or some other service? I agree with @dev-kp that this really shouldn't be happening at all. Normally the ads will get vetted for high CPU usage. One solution would be to restrict HTML5/JavaScript Ads on game pages to only JPG/GIF but allow them on other navigational pages.
  6. @Gedas Great work! We know our documentation is bad! Sorry guys! If anyone would like to help out with our docs, please write a pull request and we can merge it in. As for bespoke templates, well yea, we've tried to keep the tool as minimal as possible, but we could try something like: $ yo bannertime:template ? Which template would you like to use ? expandable-banner floating-ad youtube-masthead floodlight interstitial Then maybe you could store and bespoke templates in a source folder and we can call that from a .yo-rc.json file in your user directory?
  7. For DoubleClick, you only really have: https://www.google.com/doubleclick/studio/docs/sdk/html5/en/class_studio_Enabler.html Enabler.isVisible(); // Boolean But I'm unsure if that work on scroll events.
  8. It should be possible, but you'd probably have to abstract a lot of the JS code GWD uses.
  9. Hey @flysi3000 I've never setup a multi -> single git repo up, but I imagine that it could work with some fancy shell scripting. Regarding the working tree, I think you're right by default there isn't one, but how I was using the post-receive hooks I defined one. #!/bin/bash while read oldrev newrev ref do if [[ $ref =~ .*/deploy$ ]]; then echo "Deploy ref received. Deploying branch to preview..." git --work-tree=/var/www/html/project-name --git-dir=/var/repositories/project-name/git checkout -f deploy else echo "Ref $ref successfully received. Doing nothing: no work-tree with that branch name found on this server." fi done So in my example from that medium post, I have defined my working tree as website.com/project-name, but the git repository is actually stored elsewhere on the server which shouldn't be accessible by the public. I guess you could create a bare repo point, that takes in your ref and branch and figures out where to create that working tree and git dir.
  10. Yea, I'm seeing this again on Chrome 59. This time I'm using <img> tags too! This demo looks ridiculous at the moment: Despite what the last comment on this Chromium issue says: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=596382&can=2&start=0&num=100&q=chrome 49&colspec=ID Pri M Stars ReleaseBlock Component Status Owner Summary OS Modified&groupby=&sort=
  11. Thanks, @LipstickVoid and @Gedas We're always looking for new contributions to Bannertime and see how we can improve the tool for as many people in the industry as possible.
  12. @LipstickVoid Apologies, our documentation at the moment is very poor, but we're working on it! The reasoning for SmartObjects was to create a way to write out DOM elements and CSS styling really quickly, as you can just sit in the banner.animations.js file to create the entire thing without having to swap between files constantly. It also helps in maintaining really clean code as we can clearly see what elements we're creating and not leaving unused element tags in the HTML. (I know for sure I'm guilty of that) Regarding having the ad in the centre of the page, we just found it much easier to work on a banner when it's right in front of us, and we didn't have to strain to look in the top corner of the screen. When it's uploaded to any particular platform, the iFrame it is bound in will force it to be in the correct location.
  13. @Web Dizajner You can use masks to create the correct even numbered shape, and then use 200% as a prefix to get the double-sized. @Oliver16Years Using ".png8" as a file extension will spit out pngquant optimised files.
  14. From what I remember in the Flash days of getting Google Analytics data from banner clicks, is that the page itself needs to match the GA ID, but I guess if in the case of a banner in an iFrame this might work? If you had your own server with GA setup you could test this?
  15. Oh nice Federico updated it, I think there were way more issues back in September when I first looked at that module. Also can't remember what the deal was for Android.
  16. Generate Image Assets is such an amazing feature! All my PSDs are set up using this for each layer I need. I also create Folders for each frame which I can then use: PixelPerfect to overlay and make sure everything is in the right place.
  17. I recommend trying to create some simple banners with straight HTML/CSS/JS. It really helps to learn the fundamentals of how the DOM works and how each part interacts with each other as that would give you a better understanding of how you should go about building something.
  18. Your best bet is to head over to Codepen.io and just mess around with manipulating elements on a page with GSAP. There are a whole bunch of Pens that just play around with GSAP, and a good place to start is the basic Starter Pen: http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/hbCir
  19. Yes and no. Yes, in the sense that the images and scripts and indeed polite loaded with respects to your own Ad and its iFrame. This is beneficial because it ensures that all our creative assets are available to be rendered rather than some half-loaded and having empty div's being animated on screen. No, in that it doesn't necessarily wait for the publisher's page to finish loaded before loading your ad. I assume your definition of "Polite Loading" comes from the ye-olde-Flash era, which heavily relied on platform specific code to make happen, which would block loading of ads specifically until after a page and loaded.
  20. Occasionally I use LICEcap to screen record and existing HTML5 banner or a .MOV file as it tends to have really good file weight compression, and I can control the output FPS pretty easily.
  21. Hmm, the network transferred size of this for me is only 95.4kb, so you should be fine for AdWords. The only problem I have with AdWords is normally I use the latest version of GSAP from the normal CDN or the DoubleClick CDN. However, it seems that the AdWords validator only works with whatever version is listed on this page: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/1722096?hl=en-GB
  22. Depends where you're getting someone to work from, rates would vary from country to country. Also, there's no guarantees that they would be able to get the banner to under 150kb as some compromises might be had.
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