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Everything posted by compli

  1. Surely, here is the code that I'm using on the landing page with its CSS. https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-bx89de?file=src%2FLanding.css The code works as expected when I host it on vercel, but works buggy(as shown in the first video) in localhost
  2. Surely, https://stackblitz.com/edit/gsap-react-basic-f48716-j9rvrq?file=src%2FApp.js https://gsap-react-basic-f48716-j9rvrq.stackblitz.io Here is a demo of what I've created. I couldn't figure out here how to make the marquee reverse at any point from the middle. Example: Lets say the marquee has gone from 0% to 60% and then direction is changed, so instead of going from 100% to 0% it should go from that 60% to 0% Edit: I figured it out, but then now the reverse speed sometimes matches the original speed, sometimes its less, help me out with that please
  3. How can I implement a marquee with GSAP which changes direction on scroll (ease part), but then it continues in the reverse direction from the state it was there previously (tough part, couldn't figure out this) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J4Dquyl-proyeh5EqPTXioNAfFQc_twq/view?usp=sharing Site link: https://hello.cuberto.com/
  4. This is how it looks on my localhost: 20230629-0604-06.4300693.mp4.168f158111a67ec4dbeac6b2db47861d (1).mp4 This is how it looks on my hosted version: Recording 2023-06-29 113710 (1).mp4 Any help why is it not working with vite tsx? I have another project in react jsx where this issue is not faced.
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