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Everything posted by mayyar

  1. Hello folk i am trying to do like this slider and i make the base html, but i need your help of how i can make this animation , like first revele animation and those scroll, if there is any example that will be great, https://grege-interieurs.com/
  2. Thank's for replay some thing like https://codepen.io/MayyarMag/pen/abEyVOV but i think i lost the main concept about click on one circle
  3. Hello , i am sorry to make full slider circular , i found a good example on this amazing forum , but i don't have too much experience to make it alone and i need to under stand it , so i need some one to help me all i want the same code pen but i want to rotate circle with drag mouse and the circle have a infint rotate then if i have a buttons like pre and next but for category , like if i press a fruit button the number change to fruit i know that is bad but i need some help thank you
  4. Hey, really thank you for help !! Yah you are right , i want to make a full circle I will keep the radius hidden and copy the information of the first and second radius so that I get something similar infinit slider , hope i could explain ??
  5. Yes sure, actually i am new with this kind of svg animation so i start with this post as a reference and try to get like an image i added befor :, but the main issue is change with svg manually, https://codepen.io/MayyarMag/pen/yLPaEQX then if i need a simple circle , i should to rotate every circle +90 deg ?? with transform origin ?
  6. Hello Mr, did you draw this manually , cuz i try to edit on this to get somethig like 10 small circles around orbit , but it too hard manually ! , then when i remove transform from origin all things miss up , cuz if i use just a circle , i don't need it right ?? what i want to achive THnks
  7. thank you , why when i open it in full screen it's not working ?? https://codesandbox.io/s/baked-ao-forked-0smj4?file=/src/App.js
  8. Hey , i am not sure if i can share a sandbox , this is a minimal , i want to move camera while scrolling https://codesandbox.io/s/polished-cdn-2o25x?file=/src/index.tsx
  9. Hi , thank you for replying cuz i am struggle, i try ``` useEffect(() => { gsap.to(boxRef.current.position, { x: "+=10", duration: 6, scrollTrigger: { trigger: boxRef.current.position, scrub: true, start: "top bottom", end: "top top" } }); }); ``` but it not work
  10. Hello every one , i found so trouble in use scroll trigger with react three fiber , so can any one help me ? or i have to learn some thing befor ?? i saw an example but never see what i need to do thank's
  11. thank you for answer Mr, but it not work with scroll trigger https://codepen.io/LoliaTrafam/pen/qBjdwew
  12. Hey , yes sure https://codepen.io/LoliaTrafam/pen/MWowqvo i want to flip a red one to look like screen laptop closed and open
  13. When i add RotateX , not rotate just streched ``` gsap.to(".screen", { transform: "rotateX(90deg) ", ease: "ease:Circ.easeOut" }); ```
  14. Yes exactly , but sorry , where can i find the fragmented laptop !
  15. thank you for replay , i have to get an sequence images of laptop in different Position and animate between them ?
  16. Hello , i hope some one can help me , how i can do like this effect in gsap , not latterly same , but i want to open laptop win scroll , is there a way with gsap ? thank you in advance reference :https://www.apple.com/macbook-pro-13/ https://postimg.cc/ftRJTW5M
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