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Quick Start

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Minimal usage, { duration: 2, pixi: { lineColor: "purple" } });

PixiPlugin makes it much easier to animate things in PixiJS, a popular canvas library that's extremely performant. Without the plugin, it's a tad cumbersome with certain properties because they're tucked inside sub-objects in PixiJS's API, like object.position.x, object.scale.y, object.skew.x, etc. Plus PixiJS defines rotational values in radians instead of degrees which isn't as intuitive for most developers and designers. PixiPlugin saves you a bunch of headaches:

//old way (without plugin):, { x: 2, y: 1.5, duration: 1 });, { x: (30 * Math.PI) / 180, duration: 1 });, { rotation: (60 * Math.PI) / 180, duration: 1 });

//new way (with plugin):, {
pixi: { scaleX: 2, scaleY: 1.5, skewX: 30, rotation: 60 },
duration: 1,

Notice rotational values are defined in degrees, not radians. Yay!

Be sure to include the PixiPlugin correctly:

import * as PIXI from "pixi.js";
import { gsap } from "gsap";
import { PixiPlugin } from "gsap/PixiPlugin";

// register the plugin

// give the plugin a reference to the PIXI object

PixiJS examples

There are a bunch of GSAP-based examples in the PixiJS documentation here! It's a great place to start.


PixiJS requires that you define color-related values in a format like 0xFF0000 but with PixiPlugin, you can define them the same way you would in CSS, like "red", "#F00", "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)", "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)", or 0xFF0000. You can even do relative HSL values! "hsl(+=180, +=0%, +=0%)".

//named colors, { duration: 2, pixi: { lineColor: "purple" } });

//relative hsl() color that reduces brightness but leaves the hue and saturation the same:, {
duration: 2,
pixi: { fillColor: "hsl(+=0, +=0%, -=30%)" },


Another big convenience is that PixiPlugin recognizes some special values like saturation, brightness, contrast, hue, and colorize (which all leverage a ColorMatrixFilter under the hood).

var image = new PIXI.Sprite.from(

var tl = gsap.timeline({ defaults: { duration: 2 } });
//colorize fully red. Change colorAmount to 0.5 to make it only halfway colorized, for example:, { pixi: { colorize: "red", colorizeAmount: 1 } })
//change the hue 180 degrees (opposite)
.to(image, { pixi: { hue: 180 } })
//completely desaturate
.to(image, { pixi: { saturation: 0 } })
//blow out the brightness to double the normal amount
.to(image, { pixi: { brightness: 2 } })
//increase the contrast
.to(image, { pixi: { contrast: 1.5 } });


Or if you have a custom ColorMatrixFilter, just pass that in as the colorMatrixFilter property and it'll handle animating between states:

var filter = new PIXI.filters.ColorMatrixFilter();
filter.sepia();, { pixi: { colorMatrixFilter: filter }, duration: 2 });


PixiPlugin recognizes blur, blurX, and blurY properties, so it's very simple to apply a blur without having to create a new BlurFilter instance, add it to the filters array, and animate its properties separately.

//blur on both the x and y axis to a blur amount of 15, { pixi: { blurX: 15, blurY: 15 }, duration: 2 });

Directional rotation

You can control which direction a rotation tween goes by appending a suffix for clockwise ("_cw"), counter-clockwise ("_ccw"), or the shortest direction ("_short"). For example, if the element's rotation is currently 170 degrees and you want to tween it to -170 degrees, a normal rotation tween would travel a total of 340 degrees in the counter-clockwise direction, but rotation: "-170_short" suffix, it would travel 20 degrees in the clockwise direction instead! Example:, {
pixi: { rotation: "-170_short" },
duration: 2,

Directional rotation capabilities were added in GSAP 3.2, so make sure you've got the latest update.

Other properties

PixiPlugin can handle almost any other property as well - there is no pre-determined list of "allowed" properties. PixiPlugin simply improves developer ergonomics for anyone animating in PixiJS. Less code, fewer headaches, and faster production. For a full listing of properties that the PixiPlugin helps with, see the PixiPlugin Typescript declarations.


PixiPlugin.registerPIXI( PIXI:Object ) ;

Registers the main PIXI library object with the PixiPlugin so that it can find the necessary classes/objects. You only need to register it once.


How do I include PixiPlugin in my project?

See the installation page for all the options (CDN, NPM, download, etc.) where there's even an interactive helper that provides the necessary code. Easy peasy. Don't forget to register PixiPlugin like this in your project:


Is this included in the GSAP core?

No, you must load/import it separately

Is this only for Club GSAP members?

No, it's available to everyone for free! But Club GSAP is pretty awesome...just sayin'.

It works fine during development, but suddenly stops working in the production build! What do I do?

Your build tool is probably dropping the plugin when tree shaking and you forgot to register PixiPlugin (which protects it from tree shaking). Just register the plugin like this:


Is it bad to register a plugin multiple times?

No, it's perfectly fine. It doesn't help anything, nor does it hurt.