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Flip.from( state:FlipState, vars:Object ) : Timeline

Immediately moves/resizes the targets to match the provided state object, and then animates backwards to remove those offsets to end up at the current state. By default, width and height properties are used for the resizing, but you can set scale: true to scale instead (transform). It returns a timeline animation, so you can control it or add() other animations.


  • state: FlipState

    A state obtained from Flip.getState().

  • vars: Object

    The vars to use for the from animation. You can use any standard tween special property like ease, duration, onComplete, etc.

Returns : Timeline

A timeline animation


Immediately moves/resizes the targets to match the provided state object, and then animates backwards to remove those offsets to end up at the current state. By default, width and height properties are used for the resizing, but you can set scale: true to scale instead (transform). It returns a timeline animation, so you can control it or add() other animations.

Detailed walkthrough


There are typically 3 steps to a "FLIP" animation:

  1. Get the current state

    // returns a state object containing data about the elements' current position/size/rotation in the viewport
    const state = Flip.getState(".targets");

    This merely captures some data about the current state. Use selector text, an Element, an Array of Elements, or NodeList. Flip.getState() doesn't alter anything (unless there's an active flip animation affecting any of the targets in which case it will force it to completion to capture the final state accurately). By default, Flip only concerns itself with position, size, rotation, and skew. If you want your Flip animations to affect other CSS properties, you can define a configuration object with a comma-delimited list of props, like:

    // record some extra properties (optional)
    const state = Flip.getState(".targets", { props: "backgroundColor,color" });
  2. Make your state changes

    Perform DOM edits, styling updates, add/remove classes, or whatever is necessary to get things in their final state. There's no need to do that through the plugin (unless you're batching). For example, we'll toggle a class:

    // make state changes. We'll toggle a class, for example:
  3. Call Flip.from(state, options)

    Flip will look at the state object, compare the recorded positions/sizes to the current ones, immediately reposition/resize them to appear where they were in that previous state, and then animate the removal of those offsets. You can specify almost any standard tween special properties like duration, ease, onComplete, etc. Flip.from() returns a timeline that you can add() things to or control in any way:

    // animate from the previous state to the current one:
    Flip.from(state, {
    duration: 1,
    ease: "power1.inOut",
    absolute: true,
    onComplete: myFunc,

You can flip multiple elements at the same time. In fact, you can add a stagger to stagger their start times.

Special properties

The Flip.from() options object (2nd parameter) can contain any of the following optional properties in addition to any standard tween properties like duration, ease, onComplete, etc. which are described elsewhere:


Boolean | String | Array | NodeList | Element - specifies which of the targets should have position: absolute applied during the course of the FLIP animation. If true, all of the targets are affected, or use selector text like ".box" (or an Array/NodeList of Elements, or even a single Element) to specify a subset of the targets. This can solve layout challenges with flex and grid layouts, for example. If things aren't behaving in a seamless way, try setting absolute: true. Beware, that position: absolute removes the elements from document flow, so things below can collapse. In that case, just define a subset that doesn't include the container element so it props the layout open. (added in 3.9.0)


Boolean - if true, any "leaving" Elements (ones passed to the onLeave()) will be set to position: absolute during the flip animation. This can be very useful when you set elements to display: none to hide them in the final state, but you want to animate them out (fade, scale, whatever). It's critical that they not affect layout but you still want them visible during the animation. (added in 3.9.0)


Boolean - by default, if the target element associated with a particular data-flip-id in the previous state is a different element than the one with the same data-flip-id in the end state, it will get swapped immediately but if you'd prefer that they cross-fade, set fade: true. Again, this only applies when swapping elements. If the "swapping out" (leaving) element is display: none (CSS), obviously it won't be visible for fading but if you set the Flip to absolute: true, it will force the element to the previous display state during the flip so that it can cross-fade. The reason absolute: true is necessary in this case is because otherwise the element would affect document flow and throw off the positioning of other elements but if it is position: absolute (CSS), it's removed from the document flow and won't contaminate positioning.


Boolean - if the Flip has any nested targets (like a parent and its child are both in the targets), set nested: true to have Flip perform extra calculations to prevent those movements from compounding. A parent's movement affects its children, so if both are mapped to end up 200px from their original position and Flip moves them both 200px, the child would end up moving 400px unless nested: true is set.


Function - A callback that's called if/when a target either isn't found in the original state or it was not in the document flow in that original state (like display: none), but it IS in the document flow in the end state. Since there is no position/size data to compare to in the original state, it won't be included in the flip animation, but the callback receives an Array of the entering elements as a parameter so that you can animate them as you please (like fade them in). A ny animation returned by this callback will get added to the flip timeline so that it gets forced to completion if a competing flip interrupts it. For example:

onEnter: elements => gsap.fromTo(elements, {opacity: 0}, {opacity: 1})

Function - A callback that's called if/when a target is in the original state but not the end state, or if it isn't in the document flow in the end state (like display: none). Since there is no position/size data to compare to in the end state, it won't be included in the flip animation, but the callback receives an Array of the leaving elements as a parameter so that you can animate them as you please (like fade them out). these elements won't be visible unless you also set absolute: true (otherwise, it'd throw off document flow). If absolute: true is set, it will force display to whatever it was in the previous state and then revert it back at the end of the flip. Any animation returned by this callback will get added to the flip timeline so that it gets forced to completion if a competing flip interrupts it. For example:

onLeave: elements => gsap.fromTo(elements, {opacity: 1}, {opacity: 0})

String - a comma-delimited list of camelCased CSS properties that should be included in the flip animation beyond the standard positioning/size/rotation/skew ones. For example, "backgroundColor,color". This will only work, however, if the props exist in the state object (first parameter) because otherwise there's no corresponding data to pull from. By default, Flip will use the props that were captured in the state with Flip.getState(targets, props), so it's very rare that you'd need to define props in Flip.from(). It's only useful if you want to LIMIT them to a subset of the ones captured in the state.


Boolean - if true, Flip will remove any targets from the animation that match the previous state (position/size) in order to conserve resources. This requires a little more processing up-front, but it may improve performance during the animation when several get removed, plus it also makes staggering more intuitive since you may not want non-animating targets to be factored into the staggering. (added in 3.9.0) |


Boolean - by default, Flip will affect the width and height CSS properties to alter the size, but if you'd rather scale the element instead (typically better performance), set scale: true. | |


Boolean - if true, Flip will skip the extra calculations that would be necessary to accommodate rotation/scale/skew in determining positions. It's like telling Flip "I promise that there aren't any rotated/scaled/skewed containers for the Flipping elements" which makes things faster. In most cases, the performance difference isn't noticeable, but if you're flipping a lot of elements it can help keep things snappy. | | |


Boolean | Number | Function - if true, the elements will spin an extra 360 degrees during the flip animation which makes it look a little more fun. Or you can define a number of full rotations, including a negative number, so -1 would spin in the opposite direction once. If you provide a function, it will be called once for each target so that you can return whatever value you'd like for each individual element's spin. This allows you to, for example, have certain targets spin one direction, other elements spin another direction, or return 0 to not spin at all. Sample code:

Flip.from(state, { 
spin: (index, target) => {
if (target.classList.contains("clockwise")) {
return 1;
} else if (target.classList.contains("counter-clockwise")) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;

String | Element | Array | NodeList - by default, Flip will use the targets from the state object (first parameter), but you can specify a subset of those as either selector text (".class, #id"), an Element, an Array of Elements, or a NodeList. If any of the targets provided is NOT found in the state object, it will be passed to the onEnter and not included in the flip animation because there's no previous state from which to pull position/size data. |


String - adds a CSS class to the targets while the flip animation is in progress. For example "flipping". | |


Number - immediately sets the zIndex CSS property to this value for the entire course of the flip animation and then reverts at the end. This makes it easy to ensure that your flipping elements are on top of other elements during the animation, for example. | |

Simple example


Flex example


How do I flip between two different elements?

Flip looks for a data-flip-id attribute on every element it interacts with (via Flip.getState() or Flip.from(), etc.) and if one isn't found, Flip assigns an incremented one automatically ("auto-1", "auto-2", etc.). It lets you correlate targets (the target with the data-flip-id of "5" in the "from" state gets matched up with the target with a data-flip-id of "5" in the end state). The data-flip-id can be any string, not just a number.

So if you want to flip between two different targets, make sure the data-flip-id attribute in the end state matches the one in the "from" state. When Flip sees that there are two with the same value in the from/end state, it will automatically figure out which one is disappearing (typically with display: none) and base things off of that to "swap" the elements. If you want them to crossfade, simply set fade: true, otherwise they'll immediately swap. And it is typically best to set absolute: true so that when Flip alters the display value, it doesn't affect the document flow.
