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  1. ijbolol

    How to recreate Midjourney's homepage

    Hi. When I visited Midjourney's homepage (https://www.midjourney.com/home), I was fascinated by the design, specifically the text floating around the screen. ChatGPT told me that the website used GSAP for the very top section (what you see when you first opened the website). Hence, I'd like to know what I can do to recreate that section (if there is a tutorial anywhere that would be great!). I do not care about the rest of the website. Btw, I'm new to GSAP.
  2. Hey Everybody, i need to create a scrolling line which goes to the bottom when we're scrolling down on a website on gohighlevel. I need help with coding of it. An example of it is in this website (you might need to scroll down)(screenshot attached) https://lp.digital-launchpad.com/
  3. Hello, I'm new to GSAP and web development. I'm trying to learn GSAP, and I'm facing an issue where animations load when I scroll using my computer mouse, but on my touchscreen phone, it's just blank.Sorry if my code is messy or not optimized. I initially thought it was a phone issue, but after testing in developer tools, I found that when I drag the screen as we do on touch devices, the animations don't work. However, everything works perfectly when I use a mouse to scroll. Any insights on how to make animations work on touch devices?
  4. Hi there lovely developer community. I‘m looking for a front end dev to do a cool little website project. It’s something along the lines of: https://croing.com/ It’s just a one pager with 2 other pages. The rest is external links. It’s pretty simple/straightforward in general, I think. But it has some 3D obj or fbx elements which need to spin around and the site should have nice transitions, UI/ rollover animations and feel fluent/responsive. If you know what I mean? I’m a creative designer. Not a developer but I imagine it's WebGL using ThreeJS or some sorts. I have figma design and all the 3D assets etc. ready to go If you are interested please get in touch Thank you very much Sebastian
  5. wissamboulos

    Looking for a GSAP developer/consultant

    I am in the process of designing my digital boutique agency website, and seeking a creative GSAP developer/consultant to help me out with a few ideas and perhaps the development as well, hourly rate could apply if the help is fair enough, if interested please email me at [email protected].
  6. Hello, Maybe it has been already pointed out but bookmarking or linking to a docs page is not working. When I click on this link for example... http://greensock.com/docs/#/HTML5/GSAP/TweenLite/TweenLite/ it will reload the page with this start page: http://greensock.com/docs/#/HTML5/
  7. ilovemypixels

    Please can you fix the website?

    Hi there, Any chance someone can fix the website. There seems to be some extra <br>'s in the html for some reason causing all the flash helpers to break. http://greensock.com/roughease https://greensock.com/customease https://greensock.com/timelinelite-as It's on lots of pages <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"<br /> id="fm_EaseVisualizer_759328311"<br /> class="flashmovie"<br /> width="550"<br /> height="540"> Thanks Will
  8. pangtest

    Love the new site

    Anyone else love the new site? I think its great!
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