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  1. hi first of all sorry for my english im trying to replicate navigation menu of http://www.alsafarproject.org/en/map ,its kinda cool it has some skew on scrolling and its smooth and its multi stage, for example when you click on countries in menu submenu will comeup with a nice animation. so i try to make it with gsap becuase why not? so here is my long list of question: 1- why my last <li> element is not showing? 2-when i use a low divider in (self.getVelocity/-2000), like -300 when you switch scroll direction fast you will get some choppy skew animation,is there any way to smooth it out like the refreence site? 3- how to achive the submenu transition effect using gsap and vanilla js(by the way i think they use some overflow : hidden trick , but i havent any success for now)? thank you so much for your greate framework.
  2. Hello, I use a smooth-scrollbar within a project. I can run it with ScrollTrigger with scrollerProxy(). No problem. But it only works with scrub:true. I just can't use it to trigger it. I also used it with locomotive-scroll. The scrub problem is not there. (In codepen if you change scrub:true it will work) https://codepen.io/ozcancelik/pen/WNwJqRj Is this a scrollProxy bug? Or where am I doing wrong? Thank you. Ozcan
  3. Hey everyone, I'm looking to get a bit of help. I've made a parallax website and added smooth scrolling to it with the mousewheel, and that all works fine. Though if I use the scroll bar, the background images do not move, only the image in the foreground. What I wanted to do it replicate the same smooth scrolling that's on the mousewheel, onto the scrollbar on the right hand side. I want to replicate the scrolling like in this site: http://thisisarc.com You'll notice that scrolling with the mousewheel is smooth, and then if you click and drag the scrollbar on the right it eases into position. Can anyone give me tips on how to do this? I know a lot of AS3 but not much JS at all, this is all kind of new to me. This is the smooth scrolling code i'm using $(function(){ var $window = $(".parallax"); //Window object var scrollTime = 1.2; //Scroll time var scrollDistance = 70; //Distance. Use smaller value for shorter scroll and greater value for longer scroll $window.on("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll", function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var delta = event.originalEvent.wheelDelta/120 || -event.originalEvent.detail/3; var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop(); var finalScroll = scrollTop - parseInt(delta*scrollDistance); TweenMax.to($window, scrollTime, { scrollTo : { y: finalScroll, autoKill:true }, ease: Power1.easeOut, autoKill: true, overwrite: 5 }); }); }); Thanks guys
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