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  1. chacrasoftware

    colon character ":" in id throwing error

    I have a component with dynamic id usinguseId()hook from react. it generates a string that contains a colon ":R1fakq:" something similar to this. then I will use this id to trigger a scrollTo with ScrollToPlugin but it throws an uncaught error. I tried manually setting the id with a colon character and it render the same issue.
  2. solo.dolo.94

    ScrollTrigger on timeline not working

    Hi there, I'm new to gsap and have been following the docs but I'm struggling with the scrollTrigger function. The timeline function to animate '.industry-card' works fine but the animation is happening prior to reaching the trigger '.industries-section' Would love some assistance TIA https://codesandbox.io/s/scrolltrigger-struggle-7qtcms
  3. Hi, I am currently working in a proyect using React, Tailwind css and Scroll Trigger, and I have a problem working to gsap triggers, the problems is that animation starts before the trigger. the structure is as follow: 4 sections, any section is pining for 100% height, and in the third section need to animate 4 containers but, the animation start to happend if i put the selector in the last section. This is the sandbox of example: CodeSandBox
  4. Hello, I'm using a software which creates html content. In order to add some special effects, a new option allows to publish within a iframe rather than in the page. The devs add a new function in JS, getDisplayDocument(), to always get "document" without being aware if this option is on or off. Rather than writing : TweenMax.from(getDisplayDocument().querySelectorAll(".image"), 1, {autoAlpha:0, delay:0.3}); I wanted to use TweenMax.selector in order to set a context like that : TweenMax.selector = getDisplayDocument().querySelectorAll; TweenMax.from(".image", 1, {autoAlpha:0, delay:0.3}); But I can't get "TweenMax.selector" work correctly. There is no effect when I define it. I tried with jQuery, an empty function,... nothing changes. So, I decided to hard-change the TweenMax.min.js of my resource. But I'm not pleased with this solution. Can someone explain me what I'm doing wrong please ? Thanks :)
  5. Hi, I am loading my SVG file externally in an object tag because I wish to use gzip compression for my SVG. Because my SVG is now loaded separately, I can not select the elements inside the SVG with the default Greensock selector. https://greensock.com/forums/topic/11187-accessing-svg-paths-in-external-file/?do=findComment&comment=45132 I have tried this solution, but I don't wish to wrap doc.getElementById('') around all of my selectors instead of the default Greensock ' ' selector. Is there a way to modify the TweenMax.selector so my selectors will be referencing that document? Thank you.
  6. hadijedank

    Issue on javascript selector to GSAP

    Hi... new guy come to the pool. I'm Hadi. Followed tutorial from Petr/ihatetomatoes, and then the issues is come up. First, all the header and navbar is working with tweenlite, but after I put the container which are the main-page and footer. It's not working anymore. What's wrong here? And about the code pen, I don't know why the animation won't moving there. But still the code is working fine on my file that I mentioned previously. I'm sorry, lil shy to come with noob question. But I don't have mentor to ask directly. Thanks for the help. Regards, Hadi EDIT: omg, now in codepen all the animation is working well, but still in my file just header and its nav which working. But for footer and main-page still not. So, what is the problem actually?
  7. Hi there, love the GSAP library, but having a strange issue that I've never really had to address before. I wish to create elements dynamically on the page outside of the GSAP timeline, then within a created timeline, have the selector pick up whatever set of elements are currently matching the selector. The issue is the set appears to be 'cached' with repeat loops of the timeline. The codepen is similar to my code, but stripped down to just the basics of what's not working. In the last staggerTo, the elements are moved and then removed from the DOM. The onRepeat calls the same function to add new ones to the DOM, but repeat loops of the timeline don't evaluate the selector contents each time. As a side note, I was a little surprised that the onStart function didn't run before the rest of the constructed timeline, including the staggerTo's. I guess just a failure in how I comprehend the staggerTos are functioning, it's related to the same issue really, in that I need to be able to tell staggerTo, only evaluate the selector once you get to whichever part of the timeline. I did manage to get this working by using .add instead of the stagger, and inside there creating new timelines being passed the same selector and returning a set of tweens. These at least seem to be executed as the timeline 'reaches' them. Hope someone can provide some assistance or help me get my thinking straight about why this is expected behaviour and the correct method I should use to achieve what I'm after. Thanks!
  8. I am having some troubles with the document.querySelectorAll() because, I don't know why, it doesn't work when I add more than one class or ID. So, this is what I want to achieve: http://codepen.io/sonder15478/pen/PpJqKN But there's a lot of code that I wouldn't need if I use document.querySelectorAll(). This is where I get stuck: http://codepen.io/sonder15478/pen/xqXGXm I also tried with getElementsByClassName(), but it didn't work either... Any ideas? Thank you!
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