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  1. I don't have a codepen but basically what i want to achieve is this: I have some data loading in the background, and i'm using GSAP3 to create a timeline that's animating an svg infinitly, it's a preload animation basically. What i want to do is that when the data is loaded, i want to pause the current timeline object, animate it until the progress is 1, and then when the animation is completely finished i want to create another animation to smoothly animate the preloader out of the screen and then show the loaded data. I saw an example of this in GSAP2 using TweenMax where: you pass the tweenmax object into the to() method, animate the progress property and then assign a callback function to the onComplete() property to kill the timeline object, but that doesn't seem to work in GSAP3, the svg abruptly jumps to the it's final state (where the progress is equel to 1) instead of animating to it. Can you please tell me how can i achieve this? I can't seem to find any example of this in GSAP3. Thanks in advance!
  2. Hello, I'm very new to GSAP and am trying to figure out how to pause a tween on the hover of a specific div. The code for the auto scroll was corrected in a previous forum post, but I'm now trying to make this slight adjustment because the aforementioned div is a slider. So when the mouse hovers over this div, the animation needs to pause in order for the user to click through the slides. I'm not sure if I need to assign a timeline to my tween, etc. in order to accomplish this? I've tried to implement some examples from the docs, but nothing has worked; just wanting to see if there's a method simpler than determining if the cursor is in its bounds. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  3. Hi, Trying to wrap the GSAP into a standard interface i bumped into an issue calling .pause() method to several timelines. Please take a look at this fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/_Ovidiu/x5m690Ld/ 1. From drop-down selelect "Sprite animation" 2. Click "Start Animation" 3. After 3 seconds click "Pause animation" result: The console logs that the timeline is paused but the animation still runs. Please help. Thanks
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