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  1. Hi, thank you team greensock for the terrific work you're doing! I'm a big fan of your engine and your support! In my project I'd like to go forth and back on the timeline of a movieclip (which has a bitmap on each frame) while scrolling with my mouse wheel. For that I am creating a frames-based tweenMax and adding it to an also frames-based timelineMax. Then I am using the "tweenTo" method to go forwards or backwards on the timelineMax according to the values I create while scrolling. Tweening forwards seems to work, but it wouldn't tween back when the value decreases again. I attached a demo file with a simple rectangle moving to the side, instead of the bitmaps, on each frame. As you might have noticed I am quite new to actionscript, so I am really happy if anyone would like to give me a hint. Greetings from Germany elsa DEMO.zip
  2. I have created a sample for it: http://codepen.io/vincentccw/pen/vLIGh If you look into my javascript panel I have 2set of codes, one using jquery and GSAP another is just jquery(comment out). The code will be active once use scroll down using mouse wheel. My question is how do I use scrollTop but completely in GSAP? As I think GSAP is more readable and animate faster and most importantly I can set up more complex animation at the same time.
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