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  1. Hello everyone! I started using scrolltrigger to make a nice scrolling website for a client. In the header section, I want the animation tu run on scrub but not on backwards scrub, so I killed it onLeave. The problem is that when the animation is killed a large black space is left above my header section. I tried making it the same as I have it on CodePen but I failed.. hope it's understandable this way. Thank you in advance!
  2. I was bidding on a project today and requested to use GSAP as my Javascript animation engine (they had originally said CSS transitions). The one question they had was 'how far back' GSAP goes — that is, will it work in IE9, IE8, and other older browsers? I had never thought of this and didn't know the answer. Also they wanted to know if GSAP 'degraded gracefully'. If GSAP doesn't work on all older browsers, how do I handle that? I know Modernizr can be used (or could be used) to provide fallbacks, but I don't know that it has a test for Greensock. What would I test for? Are there polyfills? Thanks for any info!
  3. Hi, thank you team greensock for the terrific work you're doing! I'm a big fan of your engine and your support! In my project I'd like to go forth and back on the timeline of a movieclip (which has a bitmap on each frame) while scrolling with my mouse wheel. For that I am creating a frames-based tweenMax and adding it to an also frames-based timelineMax. Then I am using the "tweenTo" method to go forwards or backwards on the timelineMax according to the values I create while scrolling. Tweening forwards seems to work, but it wouldn't tween back when the value decreases again. I attached a demo file with a simple rectangle moving to the side, instead of the bitmaps, on each frame. As you might have noticed I am quite new to actionscript, so I am really happy if anyone would like to give me a hint. Greetings from Germany elsa DEMO.zip
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