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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, how can I have a sticky element? In this Code Pen I have a sticky header that works well, but the sticky element stays in place. For a better view, see the address below https://codepen.io/mr_mousavi/pen/LYWvWrR Thanks for these good libraries.
  2. https://hopeful-almeida-c45621.netlify.app Hi, I couldn't get this to work on codepen, so on codepen is my code and in the netlify-link is how it looks like right now. If anyone can help me how to make it work on codepen it's obviously a big bonus My actual questions are: 1) How can I pin my page2 so that all the content that is scolling fits. At the moment the pin lets go a bit too soon, making me miss the last lines of text under the header "seven". 2) My image in page2 is moving downwards as I scroll, even though I've tried to pin it. Why, and how can I fix this? The goal: Is to pin the entire page2 and the image as long as the text scrolls. I might try to do something with the text to eventually, but I feel I have to get the pinning working first. Thank you very much for your time ?
  3. Hi Guys! I have been struggling for a while on this animation, I have made many attempts but without success. Now i need your help! I have a scroll slider and need to change the background image based on active years tiles, like this reference but in horizontal mode... Anyone can help me? I need to set active class on years tile and fade in / out the img in slider-years Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi, I would like to get Locomotive Scroll to work with some parallax code and ScrollTrigger. I am using the demos Parallax scene on scroll - ScrollTrigger Locomotive Scroll with ScrollTrigger scrubbing and pinning but when I add the Locomotive Scroll, it breaks the parallax code. How do I get the parallax code to work with the Locomotive Scroll? Thanks
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