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  1. Hi again, @Cassie Thank you very much for your advice. Now I have had some time to try the code you provided, and made some changes on my own. Thinking out loud here.... What about an outer container that is absolute and an inner container that animate on the x-axis when scrolling? That would require the window-width and the width of the inner container. (x: window.innerWidth - contentContainer.current.offsetWidth) If this solution, would it work with scrolltriggers (for example if you want to animate an image at a certain point)? This works so far ? https://codepen.io/battleaxe/pen/xxYBROb
  2. @Cassie aaah. Thank you so very much. And thank you so very much for the explanation. My goal is to get better at this, and actually understand how it works, so it's great when an explanation comes along.
  3. Hi all, I know this topic has been on this forum before, and I think I've read all of them (or at least almost all). Still I cannot get the horizontal scrolling to work. The major difference between my version and the versions I've watched is that I'm not using any panels/sections or anything else like that. Just one big container. So far I haven't been able to get any effect at all when scrolling. I've tried * to put the scrolling within a container, and without a container. * A whole lot of different versions to determine the x-width of what should be scrolled, and the same with the end value. * Different widths and units for the scrolling container and, when used, the wrapping container. * With refs, ids and classNames. I 've read and Still absolutely nothing. Help!!! ?
  4. @Cassie First off. Thank you so very much for your help. I really do appreciate your time and all your effort. Thank you very much for the react-link too. For my defence regarding the react part, I did write on the third row in my question: "I use react, and it's intentional because there are some differences in how you do things if you use js vs react.". I did this trying to make sure that the reader would understand that this was related to react. I appologize if it was unclear despite that. A problem, that I have seen more people having, is the convertion part between vanilla js and react. How do those of us, that could need some guidence here, ask questions that are gsap/react-related without causing too much trouble for those reading our question? Thanks again ?
  5. Hello, Starting with. I'm not a superman with codepen, but I've done my best to give an example of what I'm trying to accomplish. I use react, and it's intentional because there are some differences in how you do things if you use js vs react. The idea is to animate a bunch of elements (when you click on a box), from their absolute positions, to a pile (like a deck of cards). Right now the boxes I use are moving from point a to point b as they should, but there is no animation. 1. So, my first question is, what do I do wrong and how do I fix this? Should I use fixed positions for the innerwrappers, or how do you get them positioned over eachother? (the boxes should only more from scattered to center). 2. The second question is how to get the clicked box at the top of the deck. I'm considering using a class name on it (as active), and then just adding a higher z-index to that class name. Would you suggest anything else? I would really like to understand what is going on and how to work with this, so if you have the time and energy to give some kind of explanation I would be super grateful. Anyway, thank you so much for your time.
  6. Thanks @Cassie, I will look into that.
  7. Firstly, I tried to get my swiperSlider into codepen, but I didn't do very well there I'm afraid (https://codepen.io/battleaxe/pen/qBxawaz) I do, however, have a more working version i vscode (see image) This slider autoslides and uses a fade-effect. What I'm trying to do is implementing some gsap to this slider. The problem is that the animation only work on the very first slide. I have tride refs, classNames, arrays, forEach, to write each "SwiperSlide" on its own (without looping), and more. But I always get the same result. I get that gsap reccons the first slide and start the animation, but I can't seem to make it clear to gsap when a new slide enters. Some help here would be great. Thanks If you need more info, just let me know. (And of course, if you know how to get it done in codepen ?).
  8. Thanks Blake. Yes, I know I should map through the whole shabang and just display them, but I thought this would work as well (got it from a vanilla js tutorial). The images comes from the unsplash asset in codepen, and I wasn't aware that you can even choose sizes there. I will have to look into that. Well, I'll give it a shot building it the proper way. Thanks
  9. Hi, I'm actually trying to accomplish this same thing in next.js, but I couldn't find how to write next js in codepen. The problem is that the images are not moving to where I want them, but instead an 'element.style' gets added and transform the images to the totally wrong place. It's bad in codepen, but even worse in my next js app. If I add transform: transition(0,0) !important or similar, the images get where they're supposed to be, but the animation is lost. I have tried to find a way to remove the element.style, but no luck so far. Some help here would be highly appreciated. Thanks
  10. Than you very much. I will look into that. If I can't make it work I will try with CodeSandbox.
  11. I also tried <Card key={index} {...item} ref={cardRef} /> and useEffect(() => { let targets = gsap.utils.toArray(cardRef.current); gsap.fromTo(targets, 2, { scale: 0.1, y: 40, ease: "power2.inOut" }, { scale: 1, y: 0, stagger: { from: "center", amount: 1.5 }, }); }, []) But no luck
  12. Hi, and thank you! Just an example of what I've tried. useEffect(() => { let targets = gsap.utils.toArray(".dataItem"); gsap.fromTo(targets, 2, { scale: 0.1, y: 40, ease: "power2.inOut" }, { scale: 1, y: 0, stagger: { from: "center", amount: 1.5 }, }); }, []) <ListSection className="dataItem" > {planets.map((item, index) => { return ( <Card key={index} {...item} /> ) })} </ListSection> I got the stagger from the page you linked, and just modified it a bit. Still, I can only reach the <ListSection> not each individual <Card>
  13. Hi all, I'm sorry I can't duplicate this one on codepen, but I believe it's pretty straight forward. I am getting some data via an API-call and that data is displayed as a list of cards. So far so good. I would like to animate these card with a stagger when the user enters the page from the home page (like opacity 0 to opacity 1). I have been able to animte the whole card-container (<ListSection/>), but not each card on its own. I create each card in its own component (using react): <Card> <CardHeader>{name}</CardHeader> <PSmall>population</PSmall> <CardListHeader >{numeral(population).format("0,0")}</CardListHeader> <DetailButton to={`/data/${id + 1}`}>details</DetailButton> </Card> And then I use the Card in the List-component: <ListSection> {data.map((item, index) => { return ( <Card key={index} {...item} /> ) })} </ListSection> Some help please? Thank you
  14. I thought I could share the solution I did to this, if anyone else needs it. In my Home.js: const Home = () => { const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); window.onload = function () { gsap.to('#first', { duration: 1.3, delay: .1, top: '0', ease: 'Expo.easeInOut' }) gsap.to('#second', { duration: 1.3, delay: .3, top: '0', ease: 'Expo.easeInOut' }) gsap.to('#third', { duration: 1.3, delay: .6, top: '0', ease: 'Expo.easeInOut' }) gsap.to('#fourth', { duration: 1.3, delay: .9, top: '0', ease: 'Expo.easeInOut' }) gsap.fromTo('#innerSection', 1.3, { opacity: 0, scale: 0.2 }, { opacity: 1, scale: 1 }, 2) setLoading(true) } return ( <Section loading={loading}> <Overlays id="first" /> <Overlays id="second" /> <Overlays id="third" /> <Overlays id="fourth" /> </Section> ) } I am using Styled-Components, so in my style-file: background: ${({ loading }) => (loading ? "tranparent" : "black")};
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