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  1. Hey, We’re seeking a GSAP expert to animate an image sequence and other elements on our site. check the reference image, This creative project involves bringing a cute character to life.
  2. Hey! I'm Lucas. A full-stack developer that works with Next.js, the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js), and, of course, GSAP! I have experience designing, developing, and shipping websites, apps, and solutions that reached some thousand users. From marketing campaign landing pages to proprietary e-commerce platforms. I am currently open to freelance projects as well as part-time and full-time positions. More details about me and some of my projects are available on my personal website: https://www.lucaslamonier.com/ If you're in need of some animations, full websites, web apps, or even some ideas, please do get in touch! My contact info is on the website and you can reach me by replying to this post or sending me a DM. I have no timezone restrictions. Thanks for reading!
  3. If you are an expert, hit me a message right now, please contact me right now I have a few hours of work today, it's urgent. If you have experience in the observer, that would be great otherwise, the scroll trigger will work, but I need premium quality of smoothness and finish in animation. Html is already ready you only have to apply the gsap code for animation. I need an expert who can apply the animation right away, not a beginner who needs days to create animations.
  4. Hey guys, looking to develop and integrate a custom burger menu into WordPress with the help of a hired Animator. I will assist with getting the menu integrated into WordPress, but would love a skilled developer in GSAP to assist with creating the menu. This will open opportunity for future work as well. I have attached a file of what I foresee the menu looking like upon opening it. The animation needs to be a lightweight (not load bearing) library. Something similar to what we have here: https://js-interactive.com/ Appreciate your thoughts and feedback.
  5. I am currently renewing my portfolio. And notice that I don't have enough skills for what I want to implement. It's only about the home page of my portfolio, I would continue the rest myself. I need help for the following. the following should be done Fullscreen slider (with my works) with text animation, image / video liquid animation on hover Page transition for the selected work in the slider (without content only the transition) simple page transition for other page (like about,..) Preloader animation Hover animation of the navigation points Draggable/Scrollable endless grid (with image and on hover 'optional' gif/video) - on scrolling/dragging a little liquid effect ) I have a page here in which direction it should go.Here is the link for example (slider show, page transition, hover animation and at the bottom left when clicking on the layer icon the endless grid ) https://heycusp.com I would provide the designs as well the necessary animation. I hope someone can support me there (and can also implement this as in the example) and make my work a little easier. For info only I'm not a company or agency, i'm a ux / ui designer. Please send a message or answer to this topic (with the days you need for it and what you want for it). Cheers Mr.A
  6. Hi, I'm looking for a GSAP developer who could create a full screen interactive module as illustrated in the attached video clip. The site is already in development but we need help with this more advanced module that will be embedded in the home page hero banner. Experience required: - GSAP - Preloader animation with progress bar - Video controlling (play, pause, etc) - SVG animation It would need to be completed in approximately 3 weeks time. All assets, including images, SVGs and video clips would be supplied. Please watch through the short video example of what we are after and if you feel this is something you could develop for us please contact me as soon as possible to arrange a Skype chat. Note: there are two sides "Precision" and "Unleashed". Clicking on each word expands the relevant side and plays the video. Please also ignore the logo in top right, the button in bottom center, as well as the mail icon in bottom right. If you have any questions please comment below. Looking forward to working with one of you geniuses Thanks, Andy
  7. I am a graphic designer in Germany working for a video game company. We received GSAP-animated HTML5 advertising banners which have to be translated to the german market. Plus some new banner formats that need to be build. If anyone is interested in helping me out, please contact me: info[at]rat-geber.com
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