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  1. Hello, why is not working? logo
  2. The first two sections of this animation are working almost perfectly as I intended. However, there is one issue I would like to resolve: I want the image and text to slide up before the section is pinned, and once the section is pinned, I want the image to slide down as the user scrolls, while gradually reducing the opacity of the text based on the scroll progress. There is also a major issue: when the third section starts coming into view, the animation of the image sliding up and down starts to break. Could you please review the animation in the first two sections? This is the effect I'm aiming for across all sections. Additionally, I would like the same animation to occur in reverse when the user starts scrolling back up. I would greatly appreciate your assistance with this. Thank you,
  3. Hello, I'm a newbie here. I'm creating profile animation as you can see my image when the profile rotates gives me upsidedown. How can I do that? gsap.to(circle, { duration: 4, rotation: 360, repeat: -1, transformOrigin: "200px 50%", ease: "linear", });
  4. Hi All, I am new to GSAP. How do we create a text / heading animation like https://tobiasahlin.com/moving-letters/#2
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