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  1. Trying to work out the following and would appreciate any advice. I have a timeline animation which covers 300 frames, the animation is of a spinning cube and when played in the flash IDE the animation runs in a seemly endless loop. I would like to control the animation frame using gs in order to utilise some of the easing functions and also tween from one frame to another (for example tween to frame 250 from frame 200) however there is something which I am having trouble getting my head around. If the timeline playhead is currently on frame 250 and I would like to tween to frame 2 how is this achieved without the playhead seemingly reversing (ie what is needed is for the tween to run to the end frame of the animation and then move to frame 2). Looking at the frame and frame label plugins for tweenlite the playhead moves forward and backward where I require the playhead to always move forward and got the first frame when it gets to the final frame and needs to continue.
  2. I am trying to create a timeline that is populated with content from an xml source. My questions are: How do I fade out the previous mc for the next mc? How do I restart the whole she-bang after the mcs have been populated? How do I reset the timeline when the xml file is updated? function loadTaglines():void { for ( var i:uint = 0; i < xml.length(); i++ ){ var tagline = new mc; tagline.txt_tagline.text = xml.tagline[i] tagline.x = 816; tagline.y = 47; tagline.scaleX = 4; tagline.scaleY = 4; tagline.alpha = 0; addChild(tagline).name = tagline + i; timeline.append( new TweenLite (tagline, .5, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, alpha:1) ); } }
  3. Hi, just wanted to let you know that it seems that clear() on a timeline does not remove eventCallbacks. It doesn't matter if they are set by the constructor or afterwards with eventCallback('eventtype', function) I'm using latest Chrome and the latest TweenMax & TimelineMax JS versions on Windows 8 (shouldn't matter) just try the following: var tl = new TimelineMax({onComplete: function() {console.log('complete');}}); tl.eventCallback('onComplete'); //returns function tl.eventCallback('onReverseComplete', function() {console.log('reversed');}); tl.clear(); tl.eventCallback('onReverseComplete'); // still there tl.eventCallback('onComplete'); // still there Although eventCallbacks get not killed, the containing tweens and timelines are removed and the totalDuration is 0 afterwards. Would be nice if someone could confirm that!
  4. One more question about pause behaviour of timelines and tweens: if you do the following: var tl = new TimlineMax({paused:true}); var tween = new TweenMax(element, duration, {someVars, paused:true}); // pause the tween upon creation tl.insert(tween); tl.play(); // ==> nothing happens Isn't the timeline supposed to play the containing tweens? If I only pause the timeline upon creation and not the tween, that will be inserted afterwards, everything works fine. I think that the timeline should overwrite the paused state of it's containing elements. Thanks for a short hint! Bastian
  5. Hello, It's has been some time since I don't post here so I'll seize this oportunity to thanks again the greensock comunity for this great free framework. I've been trying to do something easy: An animation of an sprite being pulled down from the bottom of the stage, and then pushed down again. Some simple transition. I have 2 functions for that (they use speed instead of seconds) public static function pushDown(target:DisplayObject, onCompleteFunction:Function = null, onCompleteParams:Array = null, speed:Number = 1200):TweenLite { var distance:Number = stageHeight - target.y; var duration:Number = distance / speed; trace("PUSH: target.y = " + target.y + " distance = " + distance); return TweenLite.to(target, duration, { y: target.y + distance, onComplete: onCompleteFunction, onCompleteParams:onCompleteParams, ease:Linear.easeNone } ); } public static function pullDown(target:DisplayObject, onCompleteFunction:Function = null, onCompleteParams:Array = null, speed:Number = 1200):TweenLite { var distance:Number = stageHeight - target.y; var duration:Number = distance / speed; trace("PULL: target.y = " + target.y + " distance = " + distance); return TweenLite.from(target, duration, { y: target.y + distance, onComplete: onCompleteFunction, onCompleteParams:onCompleteParams, ease:Linear.easeNone } ); } The problem comes when I use them in a simple timeline: var timeline:TimelineLite = new Timeline({paused:true}); timeline.append(SlideAnimations.pullDown(object)); timeline.append(SlideAnimations.pushDown(object)); // play will takes place within a listener handler function (ON_ADDED_TO_STAGE), but ill simplify it timeline.play(); What I have realized (tracing the y property of the object being tweened) is that before the timeline is created, the object has y = 0. But then after appending the first tween, the y property of the object is changed. I didnt expect this to happen. Shouldn't the property being tweened change during/after the tween is taking place? In other words, the first tween (TweenLite.from) should not change the Y property of the object being tweened until the timeline starts to play, but what I have seen is that it gets changed just after adding it to the timeline. I hope what im trying to explain is understandable, if not, ill add more details. Thanks for your time. Héctor
  6. The following animated perfectly. All is well. But when I go to REVERSE() the timeline, the ball fades out, but never back in, and continues back to original starting spot at opacity = 0. Why is this? Thanks -Thomas function fadeIn(obj){ var tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.append(TweenMax.to(obj, duration, {css:{opacity:1}, ease:Linear.easeNone})); return tl; } function fadeOut(obj){ var tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.append(TweenMax.to(obj, duration, {css:{opacity:0}, ease:Linear.easeNone})); return tl; } var ball = document.getElementById('ball2'); var tl = new TimelineMax({}); tl.append(TweenLite.from(ball, 12, {css:{marginLeft:900},delay:1})); tl.append(fadeOut(ball)); tl.append(fadeIn(ball));
  7. Greetings, I'm trying to coordinate events using timeline, but not getting things to unfold as I envision them. I have 26 different events which, when one is done, the next unfolds. This works as expected. What I want to do is at the end of each of those 26 events, another event triggered which continues on it's own independently and does not slow down the original 26 events. That is, Event 1 happens and when it stops it normally goes to event 2, but instead I want it to trigger event alt_2 and event 2 simultaneously; at the end of event 2, trigger event 3 and event alt_3 simultaneously, etc. I drew an ascii file which may be more helpful (see attached png image). [image removed] I tried using nestedTimeline, but no matter how meticulously I timed (using delay), the events did not remain coordinated. They started out so, but halfway through they lose coordination. Thank you in advance, Steven edit: I am using Actionscript 2.
  8. Greetings, I'm currently in the process of choosing a transform tool and I've narrowed it down to three: GreenSock, Sencoluar, or Boceto. Some questions I have about the GreenSock tool: 1) How easy is it to make modifications, for example "skin" the controls appearance? I'd like to use a vector image for my resize/rotate handles rather than the generic blocks and I'd like to get rid of the rectangular box. I like that Senocular's controls are easy to derive a class from an individual control and just override the draw method. Is that easy to do with Greensock too? Are the methods that draw the controls exposed for overriding? I'd like to make transitions to future versions of the base code as easy as possible, but I foresee fairly heavy modification so I'm looking for something where I can use OOP principles to isolate the base functionality from my derived code. 2) Are their any integrations between the Transform tools and the Tweening/Timeline tools? I'd love to, for example, be able to "record" various transform states and save tweens between those positions to a timeline. Functions in the tweening tools that would let me add a transformitem derived control to a timeline and create a tween to it's current position (from the last recorded position) would be extremely useful, for example. If not currently available, is this a possibility for the future? 3) I notice that SVN access is mentioned for the tweeningtools but not the transform tools. Some form of version control would really make handling updates easier for me (especially if I end up having to modify the base classes). Is source control access available for easy upgrades? 4) Any other comparison or comments on features that differentiate these tools are appreciated. One pro for the Greensock tool that comes to mind is multiselect (and it appears to be very well supported 5) Are there public Roadmaps for the TransformTool anywhere? Thanks! --scotru
  9. how can i do reverse from specific scale/time/point in my timeline?
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