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  1. Hello. I'm trying to link videos in json to each other. But i can not create video scrubber for appended elements. This is my scenario: 1. Load first video. 2. Load second video + create video scrubber. 3. Load third video after 2. scrubbing end. 4. Load fourth video + create video scrubber with on click. (Here is what i can't do it). I am playing here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/js-uasbtv?file=index.js Click 'Up' button to create new video scrubber.
  2. Hi everyone, I'm trying to create an image sequence that can be played backwards or forwards by scrolling the page up and down. But I also need the sequence to be controllable using a video style progress bar. Using some of the code that I've copied from these forums I've managed to get the image sequence working and I've also managed to create a play bar control with a playhead that can be dragged left and right. But I can't get the playhead to control the current image that is displayed in the image sequence. In the code for the image sequence I specify the number of frames, so I'm assuming I need to divide the length of the progress bar into an equivalent number of 'units' and then advance or rewind the image sequence every time the play head is dragged by one 'unit'.
  3. This has probably been asked before, and it's very likely I'm taking the wrong approach, but is it possible to make use of the ScrollTrigger mechanism to make a scrubber for an image sequence? NOTES: - There are additional notes on the pen that can't be seen in the sample here, so please visit CodePen for better understanding... hopefully. THANKS!
  4. Hi I recently joined and have read some very helpful posts and have got an audio file playing in synchronization with a timeline. What I need specifically is audio with a scrub bar being synchronized with a series of animations which have their own scrub bar. In the code I have put together I have the audio playing and the animations running for the duration of the sound file and I have a scrub bar for the audio and animation which are synchronized together. The problem I have is that the animations are not moving smoothly but are shaking back and forth. I think this is to do with the rate at which they are being updated and I believe things can be improved by using the TweenLite.ticker or the TweenMax.ticker but I am not sure of the best way to implement them. Can you help me to smooth out the movement of these animations. The codepen is here: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/GjWJKA Many Thanks Pebble
  5. Hi there, New to forums in general but here goes. Would it be possible to create a Playerhead or scrubber that followed a pre-set path? For instance could you drag an MC along a curved line that also controlled the playback of an animation instead of a traditional horizontal playhead? Thanks!
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