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  1. swampthang

    Export to animated GIF, MP4 or MOV

    I'm working on a project where we are creating a tool as a sort of helper app that we can use to create an animation using HTML5/JS GSAP (not Flash version) and then export the animation with transparency for use on the web as a standalone file such as animated GIF, MOV or MP4 as a transparent layer in a video editing program. The animation tool will focus on the goodies from the DrawSVG, MorphSVG and SplitText plugins. So, obviously we would chain together a bunch of GSAP scripts and then try to capture the completed animation playing inside a specific container using some sort of rendering process that gets converted into the above mentioned filetypes. Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this? I am working in a Node.js environment so will have all that's possible in Node available to me including file system access. I am hoping someone has already created an export tool that can be plugged in to our helper application. Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi. I'm looking for feedback on my new project, here is a little background on how it became. My clients sometimes send me an already working preview for the animation they have. They either want a creative update or a different size banner. To match the timing as close as possible, I usually record the animation as mp4 and then using a video player with pause/play extract necessary time keys. To simplify this, I created a tool that records the video for me. Just pass the URL get back the mp4 video. I thought it could also be used to export the animation (html5, index.html, zip package) as an mp4 and then used as a video advertisement on FB or Instagram,... https://urlrec.com/ Any feedback on your workflow and if this is something you would use would be excellent.
  3. yoannes

    TimelineLite to mp4

    Hi, I am having some trouble on my project. I made some animations using TimelineLite and it works great. The animation are all images and texts moving around and video playing on background. But recently I was asked to export this animations to mp4. I tried many ways on doing it, but no success. 1. I have followed this topic below. It works fine when the animation contains only static images. with a <video> playing on background I just cant do it. 2. I have tried to use headless browser to record my screen, but its too slow I just couldn't get screenshots or screencast (chrome) with less than 300ms. Does anybody have idea on what I can do? Thanks.
  4. Hi So I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to using Greensock and I also have an animation that was created by someone else. :-/ The animation uses GSAP to produce a bit of a lengthy animation that needs to be exported as an MP4 file. The animation is divided up into indivdual steps by adding labels for each one e.g.: TimelineMax.add("step1"); ..... TimelineMax.add("endStep1"); I have the original FLA file, so that I can change the current step to be played via a variable called 'step', which I can export as a SWF file and all plays fine - the animation starts and finshes at the desired step, objects turn on and off, tween etc. However when I try to export as an MP4 file the animation doesn't play correctly and appears to start mid-way through an earlier step. :-/ I'm exporting as follows: File > Export > Export Video Checking 'Convert video in Adobe Media Encoder' Setting 'Stop exporting' to 'After time elapsed' and entering plenty of seconds Export as a MOV and open in AME to output as MP4 So far I've tried everything from inserting enough frames in the timeline to actually taking the working SWF and using something like HD Video Convertor Factory but with very poor results. I just don't understand why it plays fine as a SWF file but completely different when exported as MP4? Anyone else had a similar issue? Unfortunately I can't supply a codepen because I have to adhere to data export restrictions. Many thanks Rich
  5. insideout

    Timeline animation - adding video

    Hi, Is it possible to add mp4 video clips to a timeline animation? Thanks
  6. Hi All I am having an issue with a app that loads video from the app document directory. Its working great with flv format videos. It loads and plays fine. When I try to load mp4 or f4v it appears and acts as though it has loaded. My scrubber moves, time counts down but there is no audio or video. The video is just black. I am using gpu acceleration but have tried with it off and same result. Any help would be great. This is running on an ipad. I have the same app running on an adroid working fine. _videoProperties = new VideoLoaderVars(); _videoProperties.width(747); _videoProperties.height(419); //_videoProperties.bgColor(0x000000); _videoProperties.autoPlay(autoPlay); _videoProperties.container(_container); _videoLoader = new VideoLoader("file:////var/mobile/Applications/F601234555A-D27F-48D5-A484-675F7E84839F/Documents/myvideo.mp4", _videoProperties); _videoLoader.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.COMPLETE, _onLoadComplete, false, 0, true); _videoLoader.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.ERROR, _onLoadError, false, 0, true); _videoLoader.netStream _videoLoader.load(true); private function _onLoadComplete(e:Event):void{ _videoLoader.addEventListener(VideoLoader.PLAY_PROGRESS, updatePlayProgress); _videoLoader.addEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_COMPLETE, VideoComplete); _videoScrubber.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownScrubber); _videoScrubber.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpScrubber); _videoScrubber.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseUpScrubber); _playButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playClick); _pauseButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pauseClick); _muteButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, muteClick); _soundButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, soundClick); _volumeScrubber.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, volumeClick); _volumeScrubber.mouseChildren = false; _videoScrubber.mouseChildren = false; }
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