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  1. I was wondering if anyone could help me with an issue involving TweenMax and Easeljs. We're nearing completion of a game built in EaselJS, and just in the device testing phase. We're finding on some lower end devices, such as the iPhone 4 (iOS7), that whenever the framerate drops from our standard of 24 to around 18 or less, any TweenMax tweens currently running will appear to run at an incredibly low framerate compared to anything else. Other non-tweened movements will continue as you would expect at the framerate drop, but we'll only see as little as three frames in any one TweenMax tween - the start properties, maybe one or two frames somewhere in the middle, and eventually the end properties applied to the object, and that's about it. Very odd. It makes it look like the game is struggling much more than it actually is, as everything not tweened is often running at a reasonable rate. Originally we added an event listener to TweenMax's ticker, telling it to update the canvas on tick but this resulted in a lot of performance issues, as it was trying to update the canvas more often than it needed to. So now we just update the canvas on the EaselJS ticker update. I've since tried setting the TweenMax ticker's fps property to whatever the current easel framerate is, and this is adjusted each frame. This generally improves the animation speed of the tweens quite a bit, but they're still not updating as smoothly as any other animations we have playing on screen during these slightly more intensive moments. The canvas is continuing to update fine, so it seems to be that TweenMax isn't updating the values as frequently as it should be. Does anyone have any idea what might be happening? Is there a relatively easy way to manually update the progress of the tweens, so that the canvas ticker and the TweenMax ticker can be properly synced? Thank you
  2. Helly everybody, I was hoping someone out there might be able to provide some info on applying the greensock throwprops plugin to a vertical scrolling nav menu for an android app. I have tried modifying the code from the throwprops page, but it uses a textfield, i want buttons inside a movie clip... Is that even possible? Can anybody point out any useful tuts or articles? or would someone like to view the file? Thanks a bunch everybody, Alex
  3. Hi Everybody, Can you share your approaches for conditionally disabling tweenlite/tweenmax tweens? For example, I have some divs sliding in from the left on a desktop site, but for a width less than 720px i'd like to disable the animation. Any example code, ideas would be very helpful. Thanks!
  4. Hello Everyone! I have been working with Edge Animate along with PhoneGap when packaging my applications. The platform serves a number of essential purposes. But, the maximum size is not large enough, resulting in choppy animations. In your experience, what is the fastest open-source platform you have used with GreenSock? Thanks for your help! Simon
  5. Hello Greensock community, A small question that had me scratching my head late last night. I have a simple mobile slide-out menu on http://swizzy.gingersoulrecords.com/ (below 767 px browser width, trigger is in the upper left). If you use a desktop browser to narrow your browser and trigger the slide-out animation, it's smooth as butter...but on an actual mobile device (iPhone 4 in my case), it gets a little choppy as it has to 'push' the lorem ipsum down as it expands. Interestingly, if I get rid of the text and leave just the menu there, it has nothing to 'push down' by expanding and slides down perfectly with no choppiness. This may be due to my device being slow, but I'm thinking it's because Greensock has to do double duty - animating the transition of the target and then animating the 'push down' of the non-targeted content area. I tried adding the z(0.1) trick to kick for hardware acceleration, but that didn't seem to do much for me. Anyone want to open http://swizzy.gingersoulrecords.com/ on a mobile device and compare the slidedown animation performance with desktop? I may just design around this (I think a fixed, persistent nav is better for mobile anyways), but I imagine that one of my greensock animations will be 'pushing' content in the future, so I'd like some help understanding this. Thank you! Dave Bloom Ginger Soul Records
  6. Hello, I would want to use TweenLite for a free game on mobile (iOS and Android). However, there will be advertisement, which we can remove by paying 1 euro. There will be also coins to be bought, costing approximately 1 euro. Can I post my game with "GreenSock Standard No Charge License" ? Sorry for my english and thank you in advance Xamrix
  7. Hi, I'm looking at optimizing my code as much as possible using greensock v11 (+ starling and feathers) and Adobe Scout. I could identify the broadcast of many "progress" events as a place that takes quite a bit my iphone 4 cpu time. Since I do not add any callback to onProgress, I did expect the library to not broadcast those events. But after looking at the source code, it seems that, as I use a GroupLoader with subloaders (because I load textures atlases with .png + .xml at the same time), the GroupLoader will register listener for those events on it's childs anyway. Is there something I can do ? Thanks, Sebastien
  8. I work alot in Flash, and haven't tried anything for mobile yet.. Just wondering how the community is feeling about it.. How amazing is it? A list of known bugs? Things TO DO, and NOT To Do? Thanks,
  9. Hi Jack, For years I looked at this in .as and never dove in, but now in just signed up corporate just so I can use .js version (not interested in flash no more). I need help w/ cubic css3 transform, possibly some consulting for the ticket. When I say cubic, here is an example: <click cubic> http://moobilejs.com/demos/latest/moobile-simulator/index.html He does this w/ very complex css3 and I can't follow, and he does it for the entire page and I just need the form to 'cubic'. Here is his css3: https://github.com/jpdery/moobile-core/tree/master/Styles Can I get some help to get a simple version that just does a 'cubic' of a form? So I can go next, next, next for 15 steps on mobile. thx, Vic
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