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  1. Hi o/ I'm making this post mainly for reference to maybe help some others users which might encounter this issue (and also maybe for you GSAP). I did read the article / documentation about how to integrate GSAP into WordPress using WordPress methods which is a good thing but most devs build / handle directly their assets using a bundler and enqueue only their final build. As of right now (WordPress 6.6 / 6.7), if you use GSAP ScrollTrigger from import / node_modules (the CDN version works fine), and if you enqueue your final js build in editor hooks like "enqueue_block_editor_assets", it will break WordPress admin editor javascript somehow (i think it's related to some global variable clash) and result in a white screen mostly and a lot of console errors (see screenshots below) Code : WordPress admin "New post" page: The fix : load GSAP ScrollTrigger out of your js build using wp_enqueue_script and before enqueueing your js build using the same WordPress function (see how to load it correctly here) Hope this can help Have a good day, Damien
  2. Hello! I was wondering if it's possible (or if it already exists) to embed the GSAP CustomEase visualizer onto another page (was thinking a chrome extension)? Or if its hosted by itself somewhere? I find it to be a bit of a hassle to always go to the https://greensock.com/ease-visualizer page. You have to wait for it to load etc. It would be nice if we could have the ease visualizer to play around with. Thank you!
  3. Hello everyone, I've just discovered the GSAP and I'm quite impressed with it's abilities. I intend to purchase a business license and integrate it into our product. We basically intend to create and display animated presentations. In our Web application (ASP.NET MVC, jQuery, EntityFramework, Metronic) I need to provide a GUI to enable the user to create a slideshow. Thus, I'm in search for a visual editor (for a fee and/or open source) which I can embed in my SPA. It shouldn't depend on more than HTML5/CSS3/JS and support for older browsers is a non-issue. I have the ability to not to support any Web browser older than 1-2 years. Checking the forum I've found the following : http://tweenui.com/animator : I don't know if the editor is licenseable or not. http://html5maker.com/app : Very nice, but based on Flash. Also, I've come across slider editors on codecanyon such as the following which use Green Sock. This is exactly what I'm looking for (Slider Revolution jQuery Visual Editor Addon): http://rsvisualeditor.themepunch.com/index.php?c=account&m=login Sadly it requires PHP and mySQL, which I don't want to provide. Also, Envato's pre-sales support leaves a lot to be desired. They still haven't responded to my licensing question for 4 days. If someone is considering to write or currently writing a good visual editor like the one above, even if not as full fledged, I really would like to hear about it. I appreciate your comments and suggestions. Thanks, Hakan.
  4. Hi GreenSock forum! I'd like to show you this alpha state editor tool for GSAP. It'd be great to know what you think about it (opinions, suggestions, feature requests, ...everything that could help to aim the development into the right direction:) Briefly, it puts traditional animation tools over your page so you can pick dom elements animate them on timeline then save the animations in a .js file what you can easily add to your project. Github: https://github.com/animachine/animachine Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/animachine-alpha/gpnfomkfgajaojpakbkikiekmajeojgd @animachinejs
  5. Hi all, runbanner.com is a new browser based, visual tool for creating banners and html5 animations without any coding. Right now it is in public beta and you can have unlimited access to all the features with simple one-click sign up process. See demo html5 banners or the introduction video and let us know what you think.
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