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  1. Hi, I'm having a problem transforming a text field. When i move or scale the text field everything is fine, but when i rotate it, the text disappears. This is how i'm creating and adding the text field: //Create the text format var textFormat: TextFormat = new TextFormat(); textFormat.size = DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE; textFormat.align = DEFAULT_TEXT_ALIGN; textFormat.font = DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT; //Create the text field var textField: TextField = new TextField(); textField.width = DEFAULT_TEXT_WIDTH; textField.height = DEFAULT_TEXT_HEIGHT; textField.x = (mc_stage.width - textField.width) / 2; textField.y = (mc_stage.height - textField.height) / 2; textField.type = "input"; textField.multiline = true; textField.wordWrap = true; textField.defaultTextFormat = textFormat; textField.text = "Ingresa tu texto aquí..."; //Add the field to the parent moveiclip mc_stage.addChild(textField); //Add the field to the transform manager var transItem: TransformItem = _transManager.addItem(textField); transItem.constrainScale = false; _transManager.selectItem(textField); Any idea of what may be happening? Tank you.
  2. I'm looping through all the items of my XML and use LoaderMax to load my SWFs onto stage, and trigger a function to generate video items and text items. This looks like this: for each (var item in Main.XMLLiveItems.items.*) { if (item.@type == "static") { Main.queue.insert(new SWFLoader("media/"+item.@name, { name:item.@id, container:area, alpha: 0, onComplete: itemLoaded }),item.@level); } else if (item.@type == "text") { createTextAsset(item); } else if (item.@type == "video") { createVideoAsset(item); } } However, this messes up the levels since LoaderMax loads the queue after my textassets and videos have been loaded onto stage. I can't add the text assets or the video assets to my stage (called area) when specifying the index, because the number of children is still zero when the createTextAsset and createVideoAsset functions are called. I've tried to first use 'applyFullXML' and then add the textfields and videoloaders as a child to the placeholders. This turned out the way I wanted, except the textfields did not scale properly (using the scaleWidthAndHeight property) since they were now a child of a sprite. I am currently not sure what to do so was hoping for a push in the right direction. Thanks again.
  3. Hey guys, I have the TransformManager in an application, that will edit text fields. My idea, is to have text, selectable by the TransformManager. Then within another component, alter the text object, with a font drop down, colors, text, etc. My issue I'm seeing, is once the text TransformItem is selected, then any other item clicked on, it deselects the text TransformItem. Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas how I would accomplish this? I've thought, I could store the item in an object, and just make the edits, and they could change the text, without the text TransformItem actually being selected, which is fine, it doesn't necessarily need to be selected the whole time, I just need a pointer so it knows what item to change. The visual problem with this, is the handles are removed from the item, showing it is no longer selected, so it could be confusing on which item is being altered. Any suggestion on how I might either keep the item selected with the TransformManager, while clicking other items and not deselecting the item, or show that the item is still 'selected' even when the TransformManager releases it? Thanks
  4. I new to the GSJS and I am trying to tween the opacity of a div that as text in it. I have not been able to get the text to change with any css changes. Here is a sample of my code below. Could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong. Thanks. function init() { var title = document.getElementById("logoTitle"); var logoBar = document.getElementById("logoBar"); var subTitle = document.getElementById("subTitle"); var logoNumber = document.getElementById("logoNumber"); var nav1 = document.getElementById("s1navOne"); var nav2 = document.getElementById("s1navTwo"); var nav3 = document.getElementById("s1navThree"); var nav4 = document.getElementById("s1navFour"); var nav5 = document.getElementById("s1navFive"); var mainInfo = document.getElementById("mainInfo"); var logoTL = new TimelineMax({delay:.4}); logoTL.from(logoBar, .5, {css:{transformOrigin:"bottom", scaleY:"10"}, ease:Sine.easeOut}) logoTL.from(title, .5, {css:{alpha:0, marginLeft:"-50px"}, ease:Back.easeOut}, -.3) logoTL.from(subTitle, .5, {css:{alpha:0, left:"50px"}, ease:Back.easeOut}, -.3) logoTL.from(logoNumber, .5, {css:{alpha:0, marginTop:"20px"}, ease:Back.easeOut}, -.3) logoTL.from(nav1, .5, {css:{alpha:0, marginLeft:"-60px"}, ease:Back.easeOut}, -.3) logoTL.from(nav2, .5, {css:{alpha:0, marginLeft:"-60px"}, ease:Back.easeOut}, -.4) logoTL.from(nav3, .5, {css:{alpha:0, marginLeft:"-60px"}, ease:Back.easeOut}, -.4) logoTL.from(nav4, .5, {css:{alpha:0, marginLeft:"-60px"}, ease:Back.easeOut}, -.4) logoTL.from(nav5, .5, {css:{alpha:0, marginLeft:"-60px"}, ease:Back.easeOut}, -.4) logoTL.to(mainInfo, 1, {css:{alpha:0}}) <div id="mainInfo">This is the text I have</div>
  5. Hello, I have difficulty using the TransformManager.SCALE_WIDTH_AND_HEIGHT feature. Perhaps I have not understood the documentation or this is not the mission of this feature. What I want is to scale an object containing text that the text does not scale, eg import com.greensock.transform.TransformManager; import com.greensock.transform.TransformItem; import com.greensock.events.TransformEvent; var _manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager({hasSelectableTex:true}); var item:TransformItem = _manager.addItem(textBox,TransformManager.SCALE_WIDTH_AND_HEIGHT,true);//textBox is a movieClip that contains a text field item.addEventListener (TransformEvent.SCALE, onUpdateItem); function onUpdateItem (event:TransformEvent):void { trace (textBox.width,textBox.height,textBox.scaleX,textBox.scaleY); } I appreciate your help I attach a basic example of what I try to do. [Deleted example because it contained TransformManager files, thus granting free access to anyone in the forums]
  6. Hi all, I've been watching a few tutorials around tweening with the new GSAP for javascript but I'm still wondering how I would go about tweening text. I see that Carl has animated text in his video here: http://www.snorkl.tv...red-javascript/ so I'm wondering if those are just images or css text elements? Text animation in Flash through GS was a breeze which makes me think I'm not approaching the same goal (but in javascript) the right way. Essentially, I have a banner with graphic and text elements that I'd like to animate in a sequence. Are there any tutorials out there for this now? Carl, I know you're probably working on one so if you have time for some insight, I'd appreciate it! thanks!
  7. I tested out the loaderMax software but I wasn't able to continue using it because input text on the loaded swf couldn't seem to get focus. Everything else seemed to work as expected. Is this a bug or am I missing something? Apoligies if this was asked before but I couldn't find it while searching. Thank you
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