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Found 6 results

  1. Hello lovely people on the GSAP forum! I have something that I need your help with. I'm a starting Webflow developer and I've wanted to dive into GSAP for quite some time, but never had a project that required it... Until now I have a client that really likes the https://madebyshape.co.uk/ website, especially the hover animation on the button of the hero (only visible in Chrome and Safari). I have delved into the code behind it, but can't seem to figure out how they did it. I suspect they might've done it with GSAP. My question is: is this something that would be possible with the use of GSAP in Webflow and where should I start? I would love to see your ideas on this! Wish you all a wonderful day or night
  2. Hi guys, I'm trying to implement a horizontally scrolling gallery on my website in Webflow. I want it to be sticky until the gallery reaches the end, and then the page to resume regular scrolling. There are a number of youtube tutorials that I tried, but none worked. I have to admit, although I have a tiny little bit of experience in simple coding, I am by no means a pro. In fact, quite the opposite. After having tried to make this work for the last 5 hours, I think I can justify asking you guys Youtube-Turorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LWinkSulwU The website I'm trying to build: https://tobias-kopp-fotografie.webflow.io/home-new-copy-scrolltrigger2 Would be so awesome if you could help. I bet it's some stupid minor detail that makes it not work at all. I tried to find that error so hard, whithout success ... Cheers, Tobi
  3. Hello GSAP Community, as a freelance-based Webflow web designer and developer. I'm looking to enhance my Webflow projects with GSAP animations and have several queries, especially regarding the use of my GSAP Premium membership and its implementation in live projects. As I understand, GSAP Club Files are not supposed to be hosted publicly. How can I best achive hosting these files so that only accesses from my clients' domains are possible? Is there a method to limit access to the GSAP files so that only requests from specific client domains are allowed, ensuring both security and cost-efficiency? I would greatly appreciate any general recommendations and best practices for integrating GSAP into Webflow projects in a freelance setting. Any tips or shared experiences are welcome.
  4. Happy to share this with you and hear from experts and fellow enthusiasts in the field. Visit Website
  5. For some reason whenever I try to use GSAP animations on my site it does not work. I felt like I checked everything. I double checked it on a new fresh Webflow site too. I am following the steps provided in the youtube link below. I have deleted and rechecked multiple times. I've tried putting the code in the project setting tab where you can insert code and also the embed feature that Webflow has. I made sure to put code in the "before</body> tag". Code I used is below. Any help is supppppper appreciated thank you so much! Code used: <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/3.8.0/gsap.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/3.8.0/ScrollTrigger.min.js"></script> <script> gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); ScrollTrigger.defaults({ markers: false }); // Animate From $(".section_home_intro").each(function (index) { let triggerElement = $(this); let targetElement = $(".nav_logo"); let tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: triggerElement, // trigger element - viewport start: "top top", end: "bottom top", scrub: 1 } }); tl.from(targetElement, { width: "100%", y: "90%" duration: 1 }); }); </script> Webflow site-link: https://ratunuman-com.webflow.io Youtube Tutorial I'm following: https://youtu.be/x-BVEhyYW50 Please let me know if there is any other details I could provide. Thank you again!
  6. Hello! I'm very new to GSAP and Scrollmagic, but I'm wondering about how to do something specific. I will provide a link below, but basically what I'm wanting to know how to do is have an element tween to a specific point on scroll, then pause, then complete, the tween. Here is the code I'm using currently to make this happen: // Hockey Player Slide var tween = TweenMax.staggerFromTo(".hockey-boy", 1, {left: -600, opacity: 0}, {left: 800, opacity: 1, ease: Linear.ease}, .15); // build scene var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: "#hockey-player", triggerHook: 0, duration: 2000, }) .setTween(tween) .setPin("#hockey-player") .addIndicators({ name: "Hockey Player", }) .addTo(controller); http://empowerplay.webflow.io/ I greatly appreciate anyone shedding some light on this for me! Take care!
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