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  1. You can see the issue on http://devmr.benoitbarberot.fr/dematerialisation/ if you navigate between the pages "dématérialisation", "chargé de production" and "chargé de casting", you'll see that when the page is loaded normally, scrolltrigger works as a charm, then if you go to another page, it will not work until you resize your window. I think so, as I said I use barba.js to manage ajax transition, and with barba you can use differents hooks to call some Javascript. I use the hookafter which, as they say, launch after everything : https://barba.js.org/docs/advanced/hooks/ ( you can see it on the table on top of the website) I don't know if there is any JS way to make it happen later..
  2. Hi again! I've uploaded it to github at https://github.com/StudioProjects/barba also to Stackblitz at https://stackblitz.com/edit/web-platform-n7jjbk?file=index.html A huge thanks again for your valuable time in helping me with this! It's about time that I started using github, I've got a couple of hundred small projects and websites from when I was a Flash Dev 15 years ago...I've just returned to coding after an 11 year break and pretty much had to start from scratch over the last 12 months! My 57 year old brain is a bit overwhelmed, but I've made good progress Andy
  3. Hi TheHaus! Thanks so much for your super quick response! I've changed to the new minified core, but the same problem applies, although its now changing to the projects.html page rather than the about.html page! I've uploaded it to https://www.frontenddevelopment.com.au/barba - you should now see a working css hamburger menu, rather than the white box, if not, please clear your cache. Andy
  4. I have a background of outer space that is made of js particles with general divs of content on top of it (logo,h1,h2) When a button is click and or scroll is initiated, I want the background to quickly move into warp speed (like this) and blur the content and move and load the next page. I plan on using https://barba.js.org/ for the page transition but am new to GSAP and not sure how to achieve this otherwise. Should I recreate the stars background using GSAP and then animate the warp speed or can I use existing particle js? I really am not sure how to go about this so any suggestions or guide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance and please let me know if you need anything to help answer.
  5. Am I getting you right, you already have the Warp stuff (no gsap as far as I can see) and you plan on using barba for the page transition, so the only thing you are missing now is blurring the headline(s)? A little CSS filter should do that trick, as great as GSAP is, I don't see why you would add it in this case, if all you need from it is a blur. But maybe I'm misunderstanding you.
  6. Let's work together to clarify a few things... I don't think anyone is faulting you, @joxd, for pointing out that the user-created demo isn't fully responsive. Resizing screens appears to cause it to render oddly. Perhaps we haven't acknowledged that adequately and you didn't feel heard. We are not Three.js experts here. Most (if not all) of the issues here are related to rendering, so it's really not in our wheelhouse. We're not in a position to dig in, learn Three.js and fix some else's demo for them to make it fully responsive. But we're happy to answer any GSAP-specific questions. It may not be obvious to you from your experience in this particular thread, but this community bends over backwards to help users around here and we spend hours and hours every day trying to keep up with the constant stream of posts. It can be overwhelming, especially when so many of them end up having very little to do with GSAP. Quite a few people basically expect us to provide free general consulting services and do their development work for them or solve logic issues in their code...and they often won't even bother to provide a clear minimal demo. These forums cost thousands of dollars every month to operate, so we have to draw boundaries somewhere. We get questions that are specific to Three.js, React, Vue, Angular, Next, Nuxt, Barba, Pixi, Swiper, LocomotiveScroll, ASScroll, ScrollBar, WordPress, Elementor, and Svelte, just to name a few. We simply cannot learn all of those tools and provide full support. I'm sorry if my initial boundary-setting post came off as rude or unwelcoming. I definitely didn't mean it that way. Though you probably didn't mean it this way, your responses have come across as very disrespectful and insulting. It sounds like you felt similarly about some responses you got. So everyone got a little offended and salty here. Let's just put an end to that and give each other the benefit of the doubt. Thanks for being a customer back in 2017. We sure appreciate that. We couldn't do what we do without the support of Club GreenSock members. As a company, we place a HUGE amount of value on earning trust and treating customers with respect. One of the biggest ways we try to be there for our users is via these forums. We hear over and over again about how special this place is, how it is warm and welcoming, etc. It has taken years of very intentional effort to cultivate that. We don't have big marketing budgets or corporate sponsors - we simply focus our efforts on creating the best tools we can and supporting them well, trusting that the market will reward the efforts. Again, I'm sorry if your experience didn't reflect that. Let us know what it'd take to right the ship in your eyes. If you still think there's a GSAP problem at play here, how about if you create a minimal demo that doesn't use Three.js and only focuses on the animation-related challenge instead? I'd be glad to look at that and provide advice.
  7. Hey clickdeproduto, your site looks nice! That's quite a broad statement. The issue with page transitions in WordPress using something like Barba is that Barba assumes that you have all of the HTML of the next page already. So since WordPress doesn't have set .html pages, I can see it being difficult if not impossible to use something like Barba to transition between pages in WordPress. Maybe there's a WordPress plugin that can help with full page transitions similar to Barba? I don't know ?‍♂️ In any case, this is a bit unrelated to GreenSock so I don't know how much help you'll be able to receive on this forum.
  8. That's expected behaviour and indeed is related to Barba.js. When you first load a page, everything is there for ScrollTrigger to pick up. Meaning the DOM does have the elements you pass to ScrollTrigger. When you navigate to a page using Barba.js, the DOM changes (the old container is removed and the new is added) and ScrollTrigger (or any other script), can't 'listen' the events of these newly added elements. You have to destroy the previous instance of ScrollTrigger and reinitialise it, passing it the new elements. Barba gives you several hooks to work with (i believe the one you need is beforeEnter) so on that hook, you could use the next object, to find the new elements you want to pass to ScrollTrigger. Something like this: beforeEnter: ({ next }) => { const items = next.container.querySelectorAll('whatever you want') }, You can check the docs, they mention how to work with third party scripts. You need a similar logic with this. Regarding your second question, i believe you don't need ScrollTrigger at all (or either headroom.js). You can use your own function to detect if the user scrolls up or down and then use gsap for the animation of the header. Be sure to hook your function in requestAnimationFrame or gsap.ticker for better performance on scroll.
  9. Oh wait - just saw the sentence below the bolded one. Can you pop together a minimal demo for us? Don't worry about barba and all the rest - just a simple codepen with some coloured boxes, toggling a class and playing a flip animation. Thanks!
  10. Hello GSAP Heroes, I'm facing an issues with scrolling. I've a navbar with multiple links. Index page is scrolling fine without issues, but when I clicked on navbar item it redirects to the page but that page doesn't scroll until I refresh it. I don't know what to do. I've used gsap, locomotive scroll and barba js.
  11. Hi, I have developed a new film site, https://vineethachari.cloudvent.net/test/work1.html that incorporates all these plugins (Barba.js/Locomotive/GSAP/ScrollTrigger). The ScrollTrigger JS at the above mentioned URL is commented out as of now. Because, enabling ScrollTriggerJS does not achieve the following section effects. Could someone please help me find a solution to this, as I still have facing some issues with plugins.
  12. Hello @Jloafs Many have had their issues with barba resolved - for example those, that I linked to above. And as also mentioned above: You will [(likely)] have to kill off the old ScrollTriggers in a barba hook when transitioning to another page, and create all neccessary ScrollTriggers for the next page from scratch after transitioning. You will find examples on how to do that and some more explanation on the why in the threads [linked to].
  13. I'm having the same problem with Barba and scrolltrigger but don't want to abandon Barba. Has anyone had that same problem and found a solution? I'm new to gsap and javascript too btw so not an advanced user by any stretch of the imagination
  14. Hey gang. I've been trying to get a simple page transition working using GSAP 3 and Barba.js V2 for some time now but not having any luck. All the docs and examples out there haven't seemed to help me with the latest versions. I'm not a great developer but it's become my life long goal to one day solve this I've tried 2 methods below (onComplete and .then) but no dice. I'd appreciate any help I can get! Thank you! See the full code on codesandbox.io function leaveAnimation(e) { var done = this.async(); gsap.to(e, 1, { opacity: 0, onComplete: done }); } function enterAnimation(e) { return new Promise(resolve => { gsap.to(e, 2, { opacity: 1 }).then(resolve()); }); } barba.use(barbaPrefetch); barba.init({ debug: true, transitions: [ { name: "one-pager-transition", to: { namespace: ["one-pager"] }, sync: true, leave: data => leaveAnimation(data.current.container), enter: ({ next }) => enterAnimation(next.container) } ] });
  15. Hello I am using this function to start ScrollSmoother (it's fantatsic BTW!) function scrollSmootherCreate(){ ScrollSmoother.create({ smooth: 1, effects: true, ignoreMobileResize: true, normalizeScroll: true }); }; Also added this cleanGSAP function: function cleanGSAP(){ ScrollTrigger.getAll().forEach(t => t.kill(false)); ScrollTrigger.refresh(); window.dispatchEvent(new Event("resize")); }; And use BarbaJS code below for page trantions all works fine on first load. But if i navigate to an other page and then back to home (index), the ScrollSmoother functionality does not work and any JS later fails. (if I remove scrollSmootherCreate(); from the code bewlo all works fine as expected) How can I 'reset' ScrollSmoother before entering back to home? barba.init({ transitions: [ { name: 'index', once() { siteFirstLoad(); scrollSmootherCreate(); contentAnimation(); }, async leave(data) { gsap.to(data.current.container, { opacity: 0, }); }, async beforeEnter() { cleanGSAP(); }, async enter(data) { gsap.from(data.next.container, { opacity: 0, }); }, async afterEnter() { scrollSmootherCreate(); contentAnimation(); }, to: { namespace: [ 'index' ] }, }, { name: 'default', once() { siteFirstLoad(); contentAnimation(); }, async leave(data) { gsap.to(data.current.container, { opacity: 0, }); }, async beforeEnter() { cleanGSAP(); }, async enter(data) { gsap.from(data.next.container, { opacity: 0, }); }, async afterEnter() { contentAnimation(); }, } ] })
  16. Hey there! CodeSandbox is usually a better bet for project type setups https://codesandbox.io/dashboard/home?workspace=fec44104-55b3-427e-9b38-1fba4c888d7a There are also quite a few threads in these forums from people who have asked the same question about handling Barba page transitions. This thread lists out a lot of them and gives some advice. Good luck.
  17. Sorry, I'm not familiar with barba.js but you can call ScrollTrigger.refresh() to force it to re-calculate the start/end positions of all the ScrollTriggers. If you're recreating things on the new page, make sure you .kill() the old ones that you don't need anymore. You can kill all the ScrollTriggers with: ScrollTrigger.getAll().forEach(t => t.kill()); If you still need some help, please make sure you provide a minimal demo with only the essential code necessary to illustrate the problem. Please don't include your whole project - just a few colored <div> elements would be fine. Glad to hear you're enjoying ScrollSmoother! Thanks for being a Club GreenSock member. ?
  18. @akapowlAhhhh lovely stuff. Thank you! P.S. After following your advice and getting stuck into all the docs and supporting how-tos, I've FINALLY managed to get my head around barba.js transitions. ScrollSmoother certainly made it a lot simpler, but it was a bit like learning to wheelie on my bike when I was 10... one day, it just clicks Thanks again for nudging me along with that stuff ?
  19. Ah, that's what you mean. Yes, that's just animating one element that covers the whole page The steps to create that are: Create a morph SVG animation that covers the whole screen. Create a morph SVG animation that uncovers the whole screen. When a link is clicked, prevent the default behavior and run the animation created in step 1 (potentially also start preloading the content from the new page). When that animation has finished, switch out the old page's content with the new page's content. Once the new content has been loaded, run the animation created in step 2. Does that make sense? This thread has more information on animating blobs (including one going to full screen at the very bottom of Mikel's demo): There's a handy library called barba.js that you can pair with GSAP to load the next page's content and help run your animations. In fact, the site you linked to uses barba.js and GSAP on their website (as does the barba.js site)!
  20. two days later I did it. I wonder what it didn’t work .... maybe I made a mistake somewhere before! I've already seen such a solution on the forum. but can anyone come in handy barba.hooks.beforeLeave(() => { ScrollTrigger.getAll().forEach(trigger => trigger.kill()) }); barba.hooks.after(() => { initScrolling(); });
  21. @mdelp Looking good. One thing I can tell you is, that the reason, why you do not need to reinit your scripts in this setup, is beacause the only script that you use (except for the barba setup) is applied to the navigation module, which is outside of the <main data-barba="container"> . This means that it does not get removed and reapplied on every transition, but stays where it is and thus does not need to be re-initiated. You will only need to re-initiate scripts that aim at elements, that are inside of the <main data-barba="container"> and thus get removed and/or replaced.
  22. Unfortunately this doesn't really solve my problems, when I need to play a rather complex timeline at somepoint after a barba-transition. I also found that when I put the timeline as well as the command to play that timeline into the same function like this... function fireThisAfterTransition() { var scrollIndicationAnimation = gsap.timeline({ paused: true, reversed: true, force3D:true }); scrollIndicationAnimation .set('.scroll-indicator-main', { transformOrigin: "50% 0%" }) .to('.scroll-indicator-main', { duration: 1.5, scaleY: 1, ease: "expo.inOut" }) .set('.scroll-indicator-main', { transformOrigin: "50% 100%" }) .to('.scroll-indicator-main', { duration: 1.5, scaleY: 0, ease: "expo.inOut", onComplete:function(){ console.log ('Look, this is being executed...') } }) .set('.scroll-indicator-main', { transformOrigin: "50% 0%" }) ; scrollIndicationAnimation.play(); } ... and call that function after the barba-transition has ended, it works and the timeline will be animated. But this lacks the possibility to really control the timeline when I need to. Is it possible that the way barba works at this point, it is not compliant with the way GSAP's timelines are made up?
  23. FLIP is pretty new for tutorials, only a few months old. Could be some, but I still don't know about them. As for barba.js you can check out ihatetomatoes. He also have some other nice courses on gsap. https://ihatetomatoes.net/get-barba-101/
  24. Hi there! I'm trying to build a WordPress website which has a effect like this: https://artemsemkin.com/rhye/wp/slider-8-circle-covers-v/ If you click on "explore project" the image will expand so that there is a seamless animation into the new portfolio page. After using GSAP from time to time, I came across the Flip Plugin and it looks like that you can achieve a similar effect using this plugin (GSAP Demo Pen below). Since I am using the non-headless WordPress the DOM will change completely switching the pages. So I guess I need the portfolio detail page to be dynamically loaded with for example AJAX in order to make it work with the Flip Plugin, is that correct? I've also read a lot about Barba JS which could help me to achieve it, too (it looks like the author from the WordPress-Theme is using this as well). Is there anyone who build something like this on his own or can tell me briefly what steps need to be taken in order to achieve the animation? Would the Flip Plugin be a good choice here? It looks like my question may not be directly related to GSAP, so I hope you don't mind me asking. Thanks in advance!
  25. Hello @Maddy - welcome to the GreenSock forums. I'm not familiar with Angular at all, but it sounds like you are in an SPA-environment, and the fact that you are seeing the markers multiple times is a sign for you probably having to kill all the old ScrollTriggers when leaving a page and then create them from scratch when you enter the new page. This is from an article on the most common ScrollTrigger mistakes: If you have a single-page application (SPA; i.e. a framework such as React or Vue, a page-transition library like Highway.js, Swup, or Barba.js, or something similar) and you use ScrollTrigger you might run into some issues when you navigate back to a page that you've visited already. Usually this is because SPAs don't automatically destroy and re-create your ScrollTriggers so you need to do that yourself when navigating between pages or components. To do that, you should kill off any relevant ScrollTriggers in whatever tool you're using's unmount or equivalent callback. Then make sure to re-create any necessary ScrollTriggers in the new component/page's mount or equivalent callback. In some cases when the targets and such still exist but the measurements are incorrect you might just need to call ScrollTrigger.refresh(). If you need help in your particular situation, please make a minimal demo and then create a new thread in our forums along with the demo and an explanation of what's going wrong. For how to kill them, have a look at this answer... ... and maybe this thread can help when it comes to specifics of Angular.
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