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  1. I'm learning both vue.js and greensock and looking to understand how to use these two wonderful tools in tandem. The position: as I understand it, the point of using vue.js is that you don't need to manually update the dom. Instead, you bind data properties and vue then handles dom updates for you. All you do is change the data property. I have explored using TweenLite and passing in as the first argument something from the reactive data properties of a vue component, e.g. <template> <svg width="20rem" height="20rem" viewBox="0 0 100 100"> <rect :x="rect1.x" :y="rect1.y" :width="rect1.w" :height="rect1.h" :fill="rect1.f" /> <circle id="circle1" class="fill-dark-blue" cx="60" cy="60" r="10" /> </svg> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { // below are not dom elements, but are bound to dom elements by vue rect1: { x: 14.696, y: 13.414, w: 47.574, h: 30.602, f: '#ebebeb' }, // ... }, }, // } // e.g. in mounted(): TweenLite.to(this.rect1, 1.0, { w: 10, h: 50, f: '#ffd700', ease:Power4.easeOut }); What this is doing is tweening the data property which vue then reactively updates each time the data property is changed by TweenLite. i.e. we're tweening a vue data property, which is then reactively updated on each change. It all works fine, which is very cool. However, I cannot use, e.g. { className: 'light-yellow' } in the TweenLite vars, the reason being that to accomplish that animation, gsap will attempt to do it by first sniffing the css properties, then adding a style tag (as seen in action on the excellent intro to greensock short video on this site). That does not work because (my guess) the selector passed to gsap is not actually a dom selector but the vue data property. Hence, gsap doesn't seem to be able to get the dom hook so can't apply the style tag. At least, that's my diagnosis of why it is not working. In contrast, I can get the className animation working by doing this: TweenLite.to('#circle1', 1.0, { className: 'fill-light-blue' }); What the above is doing is going into the dom directly via an id tag and so bypassing vue's data binding. The problem is that in this case, if I have a complex svg, I can no longer benefit from vue's ability to bind into anywhere in the dom simply by updating a data property. I'll have to get into dom navigation. This seems wrong. What does all this mean? Does it mean quite simply that if I want to tween vue data properties (for the benefit of not having to navigate the dom) that the feature set I am going to have available to me from gsap is going to be necessarily limited? I'm not entirely sure at this point how much of TweenLite & Max's power is going to be curtailed by this pattern, as I'm still learning. At this point I really want to grab a couple of good patterns for vue & gsap and get plenty of practice. Just need to settle on a limited set of patterns to practice with. The goal I have in mind here is, say, making a fairly complex svg and animating its component parts with greensock, via vue. Am I doing this right ? Thank you very much for discussion.
  2. Hi, is there a way to use the gsap Draggable in Nuxt.js? I get the error "navigator is not defined" in file "node_modules\gsap\Draggable.js" line 391 _isIE10orBelow = (((/MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/).exec(navigator.userAgent) || (/Trident\/.*rv:([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/).exec(navigator.userAgent)) && parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ) < 11), //Ideally we'd avoid user agent sniffing, but there doesn't seem to be a way to feature-detect and sense a border-related bug that only affects IE10 and IE9. I am referencing gsap and Draggable inside my .vue file by: import TweenMax from 'gsap' import Draggable from 'gsap/Draggable' I am guessing this is due to Nuxt doing a server side render and not having a window/navigator object?
  3. GS Community, I am in the process of rebuilding a GSAP website into a Vue.js project. I am in the very early stages of learning Vue, here is a good, free, video series and here is a very good (but it cost 10 dollars) Udemy course. My hope for this thread is to build out a full GSAP & Vue App. I will break out each component as I go and place it in a codepen (I have quite a few things done already, it will take me some time to go back and break things out). This will be a work in progress and the codepens will be updated in phases: Phase 1: will be to get just get things wired the Vue way. Phase 2: will be to use GSAP for the animations and transitions etc. Phase 3: Build everything as dynamic/reusable components. If all goes well this will turn into a Vue/GSAP component library of sorts for everyone to reference. Blake, one of the GreenSock Moderators, has graciously offered to help guide me (Thank you Blake). Goals for the thread/project: Navigation Button Component Section Content Component Section Hero Image Component Section Thumbnail/Modal Button Component Modal Component Password Modal Component Vertical Slideshow Component (I will also to help others build out a Horizontal Version). Slide-up Tab Component Radial Button/Checkbox Form Filtering based on a sector/classname (with persistence via local storage or a Vue method, if it exists - learning as I go ) All of the above is built in a non-Vue way here http://hainis.net/dev/ Note: that only the print/advil, print/amex, print/bayer slideshow content is sorted, all the other thumbnails will load a blank modal. This site has performance issues and at times the javascript, loaded via a Djax call, for the thumbnail buttons to launch the slideshow content is not binding properly. These issues and some prodding by Blake have made me venture down the Vue.js path. Side note: I'm learning, not there yet, to do things a DRY way; hopefully under Blake's guidance I will finally get this under control and tighten up the spaghetti code that I currently have. Okay, so that's the setup. Next post will be some useful links and a current state/NOT simplified codepen of the current Vue app.
  4. I've been using Vue.js a lot lately, and working with the webpack template. Importing GSAP after `npm install -s gsap` works correctly, but the ScrollToPlugin has some oddities. In one of my Vue components, I have this: import "gsap"; import ModifiersPlugin from "../../../node_modules/gsap/src/uncompressed/plugins/ModifiersPlugin.js"; And ModifiersPlugin works great. But when I try to do the same for ScrollToPlugin... import ScrollToPlugin from '../../../node_modules/gsap/src/uncompressed/plugins/ScrollToPlugin.js'; I get this error in Vue/Webpack ./~/gsap/src/uncompressed/plugins/ScrollToPlugin.js Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'TweenLite' in /Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/gsap/src/uncompressed/plugins resolve module TweenLite in /Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/gsap/src/uncompressed/plugins looking for modules in /Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules /Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite doesn't exist (module as directory) resolve 'file' TweenLite in /Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules resolve file /Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite doesn't exist /Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite.js doesn't exist /Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite.vue doesn't exist looking for modules in /Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules /Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite doesn't exist (module as directory) resolve 'file' TweenLite in /Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules resolve file /Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite doesn't exist /Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite.js doesn't exist /Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite.vue doesn't exist [/Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite] [/Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite] [/Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite] [/Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite] [/Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite.js] [/Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite.js] [/Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite.vue] [/Users/shaw/Sites/green-mountain/node_modules/TweenLite.vue] @ ./~/gsap/src/uncompressed/plugins/ScrollToPlugin.js 181:2-34 Looking at ScrollToPlugin.js, it seems to be triggered by this section of code at the very end, starting at line 174, which ModifiersPlugin does not have. //export to AMD/RequireJS and CommonJS/Node (precursor to full modular build system coming at a later date) (function(name) { "use strict"; var getGlobal = function() { return (_gsScope.GreenSockGlobals || _gsScope)[name]; }; if (typeof(define) === "function" && define.amd) { //AMD define(["TweenLite"], getGlobal); } else if (typeof(module) !== "undefined" && module.exports) { //node require("../TweenLite.js"); module.exports = getGlobal(); } }("ScrollToPlugin")); Looks like the `require` on line 183 is triggering the error. If I remove that block of code, the ScrollToPlugin works as expected. I haven't tested all the other plugins, but I would assume if they have that block, they will produce a similar error. Any idea what's going on?
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