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  1. Hi there, I am trying to use ThrowPropsPlugin, I'm using canvas, so I can't use Draggable. I want to give my x and y 'end' property an array of end positions to throw to, but these positions are not arranged in a grid.. they are at different regions of the page. Because I want to be able to throw to various offset regions on the page,,, snapping to a grid using the 'topNotches' and 'leftNotches' arrays in the example isn't good for me. You mention that we can provide a function instead, but I can only give the function the x or y value as the parameter.. so the function in x's 'end' only knows about x, and the y only knows about y., I need to define non-grid like regions, do you think this is possible?
  2. Hi guys, I was running a little test site in v11 and it was working fine except Draggable wasn't supporting IE11 touch events. No worries, I knew that. So then v12 came out, and I grabbed it and overwrote my .js files - but there's no ThrowPropsPlugin in the v12 package. I tried using the old one from v11 and got some unexpected behaviour - Draggable only fires on every second click or touch.
  3. Hello i'm working with Draggable and the ThrowPropsPlugin - they are fantastic! However I have a problem. How can I get the final x, y position of the dragged object? When dragEnd is outside the boundery, ThrowProps will move the object back inside the boundery (very nice!) but where does it stopp? I'm working on a kind of mouse-follower, where one object follows the draggable one.
  4. Note: This page was created for GSAP version 2. We have since released GSAP 3 with many improvements. While it is backward compatible with most GSAP 2 features, some parts may need to be updated to work properly. Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details. Making a DOM element draggable isn't terribly difficult - there are jQuery plugins and even some native HTML5 capabilities in newer browsers. But generic dragging is kinda boring. What about smooth, natural momentum-based continuation after the user releases the mouse (or touch on mobile devices)? What about imposing bounds and edge resistance and silky-smooth redirection to certain landing values that you provide? Or flick/drag scrolling with bounce-back that doesn't look awkward? Or instead of dragging to change the position of an element, what if you want to spin it? Maybe you even want to track the momentum and let it come to rest naturally or rig it to glide to a stop at a certain value, Wheel-of-Fortune style? Yeah, that's a lot more complex. In fact, it can be a real drag to build (sorry, the pun was irresistible). Draggable makes it remarkably simple. More importantly, it delivers a very fluid user experience on both mobile devices and desktop browsers. Instead of explaining what makes Draggable so special, we built an interactive demo that showcases some of its talents. There are even code samples that update as you change the options. Go play around and have some fun. View Demo
  5. i need to control my background scrollview with strict rectangle , i don't need the ease effect to let the background scroll out of rectangle . i need easing just inside the rectangle , i mean i need start point and end point to my background .
  6. I have an instructions screen that I would like to be able to just flick off the screen. I was thinking about trying to implement the ThrowPropsPlugin into starling, but figured I would ask here first to see if anyone has successfully done this, as I know you can't use MouseEvents with starling, so it would have to be changed to the starling touchEvent. Thanks!
  7. Hi I would like to kill the ThrowPropsPlugin when the user click on a button. Couldn't find in the API document http://www.greensock.com/as/docs/tween/com/greensock/plugins/ThrowPropsPlugin.html Just wondering is there a way you work it around? Thanks
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